yaze 0.2.2
Link to the Past ROM Editor
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NyazeMain namespace for the application
 NcliNamespace for the command line interface
 NeditorEditors are the view controllers for the application
 NemuSNES Emulation and debugging tools
 NgfxContains classes for handling graphical data
 NguiGraphical User Interface (GUI) components for the application
 Nzelda3Zelda 3 specific classes and functions
 CProjectRepresents a project in the application
 CRendererRenderer for the Yaze application
 CRomUsed to load, save, and modify Rom data
 CSharedRomA class to hold a shared pointer to a Rom object
 CSDL_DeleterDeleter for SDL_Window and SDL_Renderer
 Csnes_colorPrimitive of 16-bit RGB SNES color
 Csnes_palettePrimitive of a SNES color palette
 Cyaze_extensionExtension interface for Yaze
 Czelda3_overworldPrimitive of the overworld
 Czelda3_overworld_mapPrimitive of an overworld map
 Czelda3_version_pointersPointers for each version of the game