yaze 0.2.2
Link to the Past ROM Editor
No Matches
snes_palette.h File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "app/gfx/snes_color.h"
#include "imgui/imgui.h"
#include "util/macro.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  yaze::gfx::SnesPalette
 Represents a palette of colors for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). More...
struct  yaze::gfx::PaletteGroup
 Represents a group of palettes. More...
struct  yaze::gfx::PaletteGroupMap
 Represents a mapping of palette groups. More...
struct  yaze::gfx::Paletteset
 Represents a set of palettes used in a SNES graphics system. More...
class  yaze::gfx::GfxContext
 Shared graphical context across editors. More...


namespace  yaze
 Main namespace for the application.
namespace  yaze::gfx
 Contains classes for handling graphical data.


enum  yaze::gfx::PaletteCategory {
  yaze::gfx::kSword , yaze::gfx::kShield , yaze::gfx::kClothes , yaze::gfx::kWorldColors ,
  yaze::gfx::kAreaColors , yaze::gfx::kGlobalSprites , yaze::gfx::kSpritesAux1 , yaze::gfx::kSpritesAux2 ,
  yaze::gfx::kSpritesAux3 , yaze::gfx::kDungeons , yaze::gfx::kWorldMap , yaze::gfx::kDungeonMap ,
  yaze::gfx::kTriforce , yaze::gfx::kCrystal


uint32_t yaze::gfx::GetPaletteAddress (const std::string &group_name, size_t palette_index, size_t color_index)
SnesPalette yaze::gfx::ReadPaletteFromRom (int offset, int num_colors, const uint8_t *rom)
std::array< float, 4 > yaze::gfx::ToFloatArray (const SnesColor &color)
absl::StatusOr< PaletteGroupyaze::gfx::CreatePaletteGroupFromColFile (std::vector< SnesColor > &palette_rows)
absl::StatusOr< PaletteGroupyaze::gfx::CreatePaletteGroupFromLargePalette (SnesPalette &palette, int num_colors=8)
 Take a SNESPalette, divide it into palettes of 8 colors.
absl::Status yaze::gfx::LoadAllPalettes (const std::vector< uint8_t > &rom_data, PaletteGroupMap &groups)
 Loads all the palettes for the game.


constexpr int yaze::gfx::kNumPalettes = 14
constexpr const char * yaze::gfx::kPaletteGroupAddressesKeys []
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kOverworldPaletteMain = 0xDE6C8
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kOverworldPaletteAux = 0xDE86C
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kOverworldPaletteAnimated = 0xDE604
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kGlobalSpritesLW = 0xDD218
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kGlobalSpritePalettesDW = 0xDD290
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kArmorPalettes = 0xDD308
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kSpritesPalettesAux1 = 0xDD39E
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kSpritesPalettesAux2 = 0xDD446
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kSpritesPalettesAux3 = 0xDD4E0
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kSwordPalettes = 0xDD630
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kShieldPalettes = 0xDD648
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kHudPalettes = 0xDD660
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kDungeonMapPalettes = 0xDD70A
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kDungeonMainPalettes = 0xDD734
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kDungeonMapBgPalettes = 0xDE544
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kHardcodedGrassLW = 0x5FEA9
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kHardcodedGrassDW = 0x05FEB3
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kHardcodedGrassSpecial = 0x75640
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kOverworldMiniMapPalettes = 0x55B27
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kTriforcePalette = 0x64425
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kCrystalPalette = 0xF4CD3
constexpr int yaze::gfx::CustomAreaSpecificBGPalette = 0x140000
constexpr int yaze::gfx::CustomAreaSpecificBGASM = 0x140150
constexpr int yaze::gfx::kCustomAreaSpecificBGEnabled = 0x140140