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icons.h File Reference

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#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_MD   "MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_MD   0xe000
#define ICON_MAX_MD   0x10fffd
#define ICON_MD_10K   "\xee\xa5\x91"
#define ICON_MD_10MP   "\xee\xa5\x92"
#define ICON_MD_11MP   "\xee\xa5\x93"
#define ICON_MD_123   "\xee\xae\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_12MP   "\xee\xa5\x94"
#define ICON_MD_13MP   "\xee\xa5\x95"
#define ICON_MD_14MP   "\xee\xa5\x96"
#define ICON_MD_15MP   "\xee\xa5\x97"
#define ICON_MD_16MP   "\xee\xa5\x98"
#define ICON_MD_17MP   "\xee\xa5\x99"
#define ICON_MD_18_UP_RATING   "\xef\xa3\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_18MP   "\xee\xa5\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_19MP   "\xee\xa5\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_1K   "\xee\xa5\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_1K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_1X_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_20MP   "\xee\xa5\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_21MP   "\xee\xa5\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_22MP   "\xee\xa5\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_23MP   "\xee\xa5\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_24MP   "\xee\xa5\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_2K   "\xee\xa5\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_2K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_2MP   "\xee\xa5\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_30FPS   "\xee\xbf\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_30FPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_360   "\xee\x95\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_3D_ROTATION   "\xee\xa1\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_3G_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x90"
#define ICON_MD_3K   "\xee\xa5\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_3K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_3MP   "\xee\xa5\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_3P   "\xee\xbf\x91"
#define ICON_MD_4G_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x92"
#define ICON_MD_4G_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x93"
#define ICON_MD_4K   "\xee\x81\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_4K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_4MP   "\xee\xa5\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_5G   "\xee\xbc\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_5K   "\xee\xa5\xab"
#define ICON_MD_5K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xac"
#define ICON_MD_5MP   "\xee\xa5\xad"
#define ICON_MD_60FPS   "\xee\xbf\x94"
#define ICON_MD_60FPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x95"
#define ICON_MD_6_FT_APART   "\xef\x88\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_6K   "\xee\xa5\xae"
#define ICON_MD_6K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_6MP   "\xee\xa5\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_7K   "\xee\xa5\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_7K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_7MP   "\xee\xa5\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_8K   "\xee\xa5\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_8K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_8MP   "\xee\xa5\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_9K   "\xee\xa5\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_9K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_9MP   "\xee\xa5\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_ABC   "\xee\xae\x94"
#define ICON_MD_AC_UNIT   "\xee\xac\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_ALARM   "\xee\x86\x90"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_ALARMS   "\xee\x86\x91"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_TIME   "\xee\x86\x92"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_TIME_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\x96"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBILITY   "\xee\xa1\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBILITY_NEW   "\xee\xa4\xac"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBLE   "\xee\xa4\x94"
#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBLE_FORWARD   "\xee\xa4\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BALANCE   "\xee\xa1\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_WALLET   "\xee\xa1\x90"
#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BOX   "\xee\xa1\x91"
#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa1\x93"
#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_TREE   "\xee\xa5\xba"
#define ICON_MD_AD_UNITS   "\xee\xbc\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_ADB   "\xee\x98\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_ADD   "\xee\x85\x85"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_A_PHOTO   "\xee\x90\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_ALARM   "\xee\x86\x93"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_ALERT   "\xee\x80\x83"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_BOX   "\xee\x85\x86"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_BUSINESS   "\xee\x9c\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_CALL   "\xee\x83\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_CARD   "\xee\xae\x86"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_CHART   "\xee\xa5\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x85\x87"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x85\x88"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_IC_CALL   "\xee\xa5\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_LINK   "\xee\x85\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_LOCATION_ALT   "\xee\xbc\xba"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_MODERATOR   "\xee\xa5\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_PHOTO_ALTERNATE   "\xee\x90\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_REACTION   "\xee\x87\x93"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_ROAD   "\xee\xbc\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa1\x94"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_TASK   "\xef\x88\xba"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_DRIVE   "\xee\x99\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_HOME_SCREEN   "\xee\x87\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_PHOTOS   "\xee\x8e\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_QUEUE   "\xee\x81\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ADDCHART   "\xee\xbc\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_ADF_SCANNER   "\xee\xab\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_ADJUST   "\xee\x8e\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_ADMIN_PANEL_SETTINGS   "\xee\xbc\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_ADOBE   "\xee\xaa\x96"
#define ICON_MD_ADS_CLICK   "\xee\x9d\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_AGRICULTURE   "\xee\xa9\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_AIR   "\xee\xbf\x98"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_FLAT   "\xee\x98\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_FLAT_ANGLED   "\xee\x98\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_LEGROOM_EXTRA   "\xee\x98\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_LEGROOM_NORMAL   "\xee\x98\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_RECLINE_EXTRA   "\xee\x98\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_RECLINE_NORMAL   "\xee\x98\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_STOPS   "\xee\x9f\x90"
#define ICON_MD_AIRLINES   "\xee\x9f\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANE_TICKET   "\xee\xbf\x99"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_ACTIVE   "\xee\x86\x95"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_INACTIVE   "\xee\x86\x94"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_OFF   "\xee\x86\x94"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_ON   "\xee\x86\x95"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPLAY   "\xee\x81\x95"
#define ICON_MD_AIRPORT_SHUTTLE   "\xee\xac\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_ALARM   "\xee\xa1\x95"
#define ICON_MD_ALARM_ADD   "\xee\xa1\x96"
#define ICON_MD_ALARM_OFF   "\xee\xa1\x97"
#define ICON_MD_ALARM_ON   "\xee\xa1\x98"
#define ICON_MD_ALBUM   "\xee\x80\x99"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER   "\xee\x80\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_LEFT   "\xee\x80\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT   "\xee\x80\x90"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_BOTTOM   "\xee\x80\x95"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER   "\xee\x80\x91"
#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_TOP   "\xee\x80\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_ALL_INBOX   "\xee\xa5\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_ALL_INCLUSIVE   "\xee\xac\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_ALL_OUT   "\xee\xa4\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_ALT_ROUTE   "\xef\x86\x84"
#define ICON_MD_ALTERNATE_EMAIL   "\xee\x83\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_AMP_STORIES   "\xee\xa8\x93"
#define ICON_MD_ANALYTICS   "\xee\xbc\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_ANCHOR   "\xef\x87\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_ANDROID   "\xee\xa1\x99"
#define ICON_MD_ANIMATION   "\xee\x9c\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ANNOUNCEMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_AOD   "\xee\xbf\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_APARTMENT   "\xee\xa9\x80"
#define ICON_MD_API   "\xef\x86\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_APP_BLOCKING   "\xee\xbc\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_APP_REGISTRATION   "\xee\xbd\x80"
#define ICON_MD_APP_SETTINGS_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x81"
#define ICON_MD_APP_SHORTCUT   "\xee\xab\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_APPLE   "\xee\xaa\x80"
#define ICON_MD_APPROVAL   "\xee\xa6\x82"
#define ICON_MD_APPS   "\xee\x97\x83"
#define ICON_MD_APPS_OUTAGE   "\xee\x9f\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_ARCHITECTURE   "\xee\xa8\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_ARCHIVE   "\xee\x85\x89"
#define ICON_MD_AREA_CHART   "\xee\x9d\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK   "\xee\x97\x84"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK_IOS   "\xee\x97\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK_IOS_NEW   "\xee\x8b\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN   "\xef\x86\x81"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT   "\xee\xaa\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT   "\xee\xaa\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP   "\xef\x86\x82"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DOWNWARD   "\xee\x97\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_DOWN   "\xee\x97\x85"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_DOWN_CIRCLE   "\xee\x97\x86"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_UP   "\xee\x97\x87"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_FORWARD   "\xee\x97\x88"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_FORWARD_IOS   "\xee\x97\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_RIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xa5\x81"
#define ICON_MD_ARROW_UPWARD   "\xee\x97\x98"
#define ICON_MD_ART_TRACK   "\xee\x81\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_ARTICLE   "\xee\xbd\x82"
#define ICON_MD_ASPECT_RATIO   "\xee\xa1\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_ASSESSMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_IND   "\xee\xa1\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_LATE   "\xee\xa1\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_RETURN   "\xee\xa1\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_RETURNED   "\xee\xa1\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_TURNED_IN   "\xee\xa1\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT   "\xee\x8e\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_DIRECTION   "\xee\xa6\x88"
#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_NAVIGATION   "\xee\xa6\x89"
#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_PHOTO   "\xee\x8e\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_ASSURED_WORKLOAD   "\xee\xad\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_ATM   "\xee\x95\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_EMAIL   "\xee\xa9\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_FILE   "\xee\x88\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_MONEY   "\xee\x88\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_ATTACHMENT   "\xee\x8a\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_ATTRACTIONS   "\xee\xa9\x92"
#define ICON_MD_ATTRIBUTION   "\xee\xbf\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_AUDIO_FILE   "\xee\xae\x82"
#define ICON_MD_AUDIOTRACK   "\xee\x8e\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME   "\xee\x99\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME_MOSAIC   "\xee\x99\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME_MOTION   "\xee\x99\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_DELETE   "\xee\xa9\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_HIGH   "\xee\x99\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_NORMAL   "\xee\x99\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_OFF   "\xee\x99\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_GRAPH   "\xee\x93\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_MODE   "\xee\xb0\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_AUTO_STORIES   "\xee\x99\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_AUTOFPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_AUTORENEW   "\xee\xa1\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_AV_TIMER   "\xee\x80\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_BABY_CHANGING_STATION   "\xef\x86\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_BACK_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_BACKPACK   "\xef\x86\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_BACKSPACE   "\xee\x85\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_BACKUP   "\xee\xa1\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_BACKUP_TABLE   "\xee\xbd\x83"
#define ICON_MD_BADGE   "\xee\xa9\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BAKERY_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x93"
#define ICON_MD_BALANCE   "\xee\xab\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_BALCONY   "\xee\x96\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_BALLOT   "\xee\x85\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_BAR_CHART   "\xee\x89\xab"
#define ICON_MD_BATCH_PREDICTION   "\xef\x83\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_BATHROOM   "\xee\xbf\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_BATHTUB   "\xee\xa9\x81"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_0_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x99"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_3_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_4_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_5_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x94"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_6_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x92"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_ALERT   "\xee\x86\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_CHARGING_FULL   "\xee\x86\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_FULL   "\xee\x86\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_SAVER   "\xee\xbf\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_STD   "\xee\x86\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_UNKNOWN   "\xee\x86\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_BEACH_ACCESS   "\xee\xac\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_BED   "\xee\xbf\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_BABY   "\xee\xbf\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_CHILD   "\xee\xbf\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_PARENT   "\xee\xbf\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_BEDTIME   "\xee\xbd\x84"
#define ICON_MD_BEDTIME_OFF   "\xee\xad\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_BEENHERE   "\xee\x94\xad"
#define ICON_MD_BENTO   "\xef\x87\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_BIKE_SCOOTER   "\xee\xbd\x85"
#define ICON_MD_BIOTECH   "\xee\xa8\xba"
#define ICON_MD_BLENDER   "\xee\xbf\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_BLINDS   "\xee\x8a\x86"
#define ICON_MD_BLINDS_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_BLOCK   "\xee\x85\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_BLOCK_FLIPPED   "\xee\xbd\x86"
#define ICON_MD_BLOODTYPE   "\xee\xbf\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH   "\xee\x86\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO   "\xee\x98\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED   "\xee\x86\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_DISABLED   "\xee\x86\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_DRIVE   "\xee\xbf\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_SEARCHING   "\xee\x86\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_BLUR_CIRCULAR   "\xee\x8e\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_BLUR_LINEAR   "\xee\x8e\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_BLUR_OFF   "\xee\x8e\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_BLUR_ON   "\xee\x8e\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_BOLT   "\xee\xa8\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_BOOK   "\xee\xa1\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_BOOK_ONLINE   "\xef\x88\x97"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK   "\xee\xa1\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_ADD   "\xee\x96\x98"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_ADDED   "\xee\x96\x99"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_BORDER   "\xee\xa1\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa1\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_REMOVE   "\xee\x96\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARKS   "\xee\xa6\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_ALL   "\xee\x88\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_BOTTOM   "\xee\x88\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_CLEAR   "\xee\x88\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_COLOR   "\xee\x88\xab"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_HORIZONTAL   "\xee\x88\xac"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_INNER   "\xee\x88\xad"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_LEFT   "\xee\x88\xae"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_OUTER   "\xee\x88\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_RIGHT   "\xee\x88\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_STYLE   "\xee\x88\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_TOP   "\xee\x88\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_BORDER_VERTICAL   "\xee\x88\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_BOY   "\xee\xad\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BRANDING_WATERMARK   "\xee\x81\xab"
#define ICON_MD_BREAKFAST_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x94"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_1   "\xee\x8e\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_2   "\xee\x8e\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_3   "\xee\x8e\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_4   "\xee\x8e\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_5   "\xee\x8e\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_6   "\xee\x8e\xab"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_7   "\xee\x8e\xac"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO   "\xee\x86\xab"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_HIGH   "\xee\x86\xac"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_LOW   "\xee\x86\xad"
#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_MEDIUM   "\xee\x86\xae"
#define ICON_MD_BROADCAST_ON_HOME   "\xef\xa3\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_BROADCAST_ON_PERSONAL   "\xef\xa3\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_BROKEN_IMAGE   "\xee\x8e\xad"
#define ICON_MD_BROWSE_GALLERY   "\xee\xaf\x91"
#define ICON_MD_BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED   "\xee\xbd\x87"
#define ICON_MD_BROWSER_UPDATED   "\xee\x9f\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_BRUNCH_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_BRUSH   "\xee\x8e\xae"
#define ICON_MD_BUBBLE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_BUG_REPORT   "\xee\xa1\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_BUILD   "\xee\xa1\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_BUILD_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\x88"
#define ICON_MD_BUNGALOW   "\xee\x96\x91"
#define ICON_MD_BURST_MODE   "\xee\x90\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_BUS_ALERT   "\xee\xa6\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_BUSINESS   "\xee\x82\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_BUSINESS_CENTER   "\xee\xac\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_CABIN   "\xee\x96\x89"
#define ICON_MD_CABLE   "\xee\xbf\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_CACHED   "\xee\xa1\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_CAKE   "\xee\x9f\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_CALCULATE   "\xee\xa9\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_MONTH   "\xee\xaf\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_TODAY   "\xee\xa4\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_DAY   "\xee\xa4\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_MONTH   "\xee\xbf\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_WEEK   "\xee\xbf\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_CALL   "\xee\x82\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_END   "\xee\x82\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_MADE   "\xee\x82\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_MERGE   "\xee\x82\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_MISSED   "\xee\x82\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_MISSED_OUTGOING   "\xee\x83\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_RECEIVED   "\xee\x82\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_SPLIT   "\xee\x82\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_CALL_TO_ACTION   "\xee\x81\xac"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA   "\xee\x8e\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ALT   "\xee\x8e\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ENHANCE   "\xee\xa3\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xee\x8e\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_INDOOR   "\xee\xbf\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_OUTDOOR   "\xee\xbf\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_REAR   "\xee\x8e\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ROLL   "\xee\x8e\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_CAMERASWITCH   "\xee\xbf\xab"
#define ICON_MD_CAMPAIGN   "\xee\xbd\x89"
#define ICON_MD_CANCEL   "\xee\x97\x89"
#define ICON_MD_CANCEL_PRESENTATION   "\xee\x83\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_CANCEL_SCHEDULE_SEND   "\xee\xa8\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_CANDLESTICK_CHART   "\xee\xab\x94"
#define ICON_MD_CAR_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_CAR_RENTAL   "\xee\xa9\x95"
#define ICON_MD_CAR_REPAIR   "\xee\xa9\x96"
#define ICON_MD_CARD_GIFTCARD   "\xee\xa3\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_CARD_MEMBERSHIP   "\xee\xa3\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CARD_TRAVEL   "\xee\xa3\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CARPENTER   "\xef\x87\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CASES   "\xee\xa6\x92"
#define ICON_MD_CASINO   "\xee\xad\x80"
#define ICON_MD_CAST   "\xee\x8c\x87"
#define ICON_MD_CAST_CONNECTED   "\xee\x8c\x88"
#define ICON_MD_CAST_FOR_EDUCATION   "\xee\xbf\xac"
#define ICON_MD_CASTLE   "\xee\xaa\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CATCHING_POKEMON   "\xee\x94\x88"
#define ICON_MD_CATEGORY   "\xee\x95\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CELEBRATION   "\xee\xa9\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_CELL_TOWER   "\xee\xae\xba"
#define ICON_MD_CELL_WIFI   "\xee\x83\xac"
#define ICON_MD_CENTER_FOCUS_STRONG   "\xee\x8e\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CENTER_FOCUS_WEAK   "\xee\x8e\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_CHAIR   "\xee\xbf\xad"
#define ICON_MD_CHAIR_ALT   "\xee\xbf\xae"
#define ICON_MD_CHALET   "\xee\x96\x85"
#define ICON_MD_CHANGE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x8b\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_CHANGE_HISTORY   "\xee\xa1\xab"
#define ICON_MD_CHARGING_STATION   "\xef\x86\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_CHAT   "\xee\x82\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CHAT_BUBBLE   "\xee\x83\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_CHAT_BUBBLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_CHECK   "\xee\x97\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX   "\xee\xa0\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX_OUTLINE_BLANK   "\xee\xa0\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_CHECK_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa1\xac"
#define ICON_MD_CHECK_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xad"
#define ICON_MD_CHECKLIST   "\xee\x9a\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CHECKLIST_RTL   "\xee\x9a\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_CHECKROOM   "\xef\x86\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_CHEVRON_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_CHEVRON_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CHILD_CARE   "\xee\xad\x81"
#define ICON_MD_CHILD_FRIENDLY   "\xee\xad\x82"
#define ICON_MD_CHROME_READER_MODE   "\xee\xa1\xad"
#define ICON_MD_CHURCH   "\xee\xaa\xae"
#define ICON_MD_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_CIRCLE_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\xa6\x94"
#define ICON_MD_CLASS   "\xee\xa1\xae"
#define ICON_MD_CLEAN_HANDS   "\xef\x88\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_CLEANING_SERVICES   "\xef\x83\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_CLEAR   "\xee\x85\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CLEAR_ALL   "\xee\x82\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CLOSE   "\xee\x97\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_CLOSE_FULLSCREEN   "\xef\x87\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION   "\xee\x80\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION_DISABLED   "\xef\x87\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION_OFF   "\xee\xa6\x96"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD   "\xee\x8a\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x8a\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_DONE   "\xee\x8a\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x80"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_OFF   "\xee\x8b\x81"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_QUEUE   "\xee\x8b\x82"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_SYNC   "\xee\xad\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_UPLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x83"
#define ICON_MD_CLOUDY_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x90"
#define ICON_MD_CO2   "\xee\x9e\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CO_PRESENT   "\xee\xab\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CODE   "\xee\xa1\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_CODE_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_COFFEE   "\xee\xbf\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_COFFEE_MAKER   "\xee\xbf\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_COLLECTIONS   "\xee\x8e\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_COLLECTIONS_BOOKMARK   "\xee\x90\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_COLOR_LENS   "\xee\x8e\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_COLORIZE   "\xee\x8e\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_COMMENT   "\xee\x82\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_COMMENT_BANK   "\xee\xa9\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_COMMENTS_DISABLED   "\xee\x9e\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_COMMIT   "\xee\xab\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_COMMUTE   "\xee\xa5\x80"
#define ICON_MD_COMPARE   "\xee\x8e\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_COMPARE_ARROWS   "\xee\xa4\x95"
#define ICON_MD_COMPASS_CALIBRATION   "\xee\x95\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_COMPOST   "\xee\x9d\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_COMPRESS   "\xee\xa5\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_COMPUTER   "\xee\x8c\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_CONFIRMATION_NUM   "\xee\x98\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CONFIRMATION_NUMBER   "\xee\x98\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CONNECT_WITHOUT_CONTACT   "\xef\x88\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_CONNECTED_TV   "\xee\xa6\x98"
#define ICON_MD_CONNECTING_AIRPORTS   "\xee\x9f\x89"
#define ICON_MD_CONSTRUCTION   "\xee\xa8\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_MAIL   "\xee\x83\x90"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_PAGE   "\xef\x88\xae"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_SUPPORT   "\xee\xa5\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACTLESS   "\xee\xa9\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CONTACTS   "\xee\x82\xba"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_COPY   "\xee\x85\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_CUT   "\xee\x85\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE   "\xee\x85\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_GO   "\xee\xaa\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_SEARCH   "\xee\xaa\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_CONTRAST   "\xee\xac\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_CAMERA   "\xee\x81\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_POINT   "\xee\x8e\xba"
#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_POINT_DUPLICATE   "\xee\x8e\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_COOKIE   "\xee\xaa\xac"
#define ICON_MD_COPY_ALL   "\xee\x8b\xac"
#define ICON_MD_COPYRIGHT   "\xee\xa4\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CORONAVIRUS   "\xef\x88\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_CORPORATE_FARE   "\xef\x87\x90"
#define ICON_MD_COTTAGE   "\xee\x96\x87"
#define ICON_MD_COUNTERTOPS   "\xef\x87\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CREATE   "\xee\x85\x90"
#define ICON_MD_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER   "\xee\x8b\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_CARD   "\xee\xa1\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_CARD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_SCORE   "\xee\xbf\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CRIB   "\xee\x96\x88"
#define ICON_MD_CRISIS_ALERT   "\xee\xaf\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_CROP   "\xee\x8e\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_16_9   "\xee\x8e\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_3_2   "\xee\x8e\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_5_4   "\xee\x8e\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_7_5   "\xee\x8f\x80"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_DIN   "\xee\x8f\x81"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_FREE   "\xee\x8f\x82"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x8f\x83"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_ORIGINAL   "\xee\x8f\x84"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x8f\x85"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_ROTATE   "\xee\x90\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CROP_SQUARE   "\xee\x8f\x86"
#define ICON_MD_CRUELTY_FREE   "\xee\x9e\x99"
#define ICON_MD_CSS   "\xee\xae\x93"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_BITCOIN   "\xee\xaf\x85"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_EXCHANGE   "\xee\xad\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_FRANC   "\xee\xab\xba"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_LIRA   "\xee\xab\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_POUND   "\xee\xab\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_RUBLE   "\xee\xab\xac"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_RUPEE   "\xee\xab\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_YEN   "\xee\xab\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_YUAN   "\xee\xab\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_CURTAINS   "\xee\xb0\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_CURTAINS_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_CYCLONE   "\xee\xaf\x95"
#define ICON_MD_DANGEROUS   "\xee\xa6\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_DARK_MODE   "\xee\x94\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_DASHBOARD   "\xee\xa1\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_DASHBOARD_CUSTOMIZE   "\xee\xa6\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_ARRAY   "\xee\xab\x91"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_EXPLORATION   "\xee\x9d\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_OBJECT   "\xee\xab\x93"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_SAVER_OFF   "\xee\xbf\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_SAVER_ON   "\xee\xbf\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_THRESHOLDING   "\xee\xae\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_DATA_USAGE   "\xee\x86\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_DATE_RANGE   "\xee\xa4\x96"
#define ICON_MD_DEBLUR   "\xee\xad\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_DECK   "\xee\xa9\x82"
#define ICON_MD_DEHAZE   "\xee\x8f\x87"
#define ICON_MD_DELETE   "\xee\xa1\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DELETE_FOREVER   "\xee\xa4\xab"
#define ICON_MD_DELETE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xae"
#define ICON_MD_DELETE_SWEEP   "\xee\x85\xac"
#define ICON_MD_DELIVERY_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_LARGE   "\xee\xae\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_MEDIUM   "\xee\xae\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_SMALL   "\xee\xae\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_DEPARTURE_BOARD   "\xee\x95\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_DESCRIPTION   "\xee\xa1\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_DESELECT   "\xee\xae\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_DESIGN_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_DESK   "\xef\xa3\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_ACCESS_DISABLED   "\xee\xa6\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_MAC   "\xee\x8c\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_WINDOWS   "\xee\x8c\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_DETAILS   "\xee\x8f\x88"
#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_BOARD   "\xee\x8c\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_BOARD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_MODE   "\xee\x86\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_HUB   "\xee\x8c\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_THERMOSTAT   "\xee\x87\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_UNKNOWN   "\xee\x8c\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICES   "\xee\x86\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICES_FOLD   "\xee\xaf\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_DEVICES_OTHER   "\xee\x8c\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_DIALER_SIP   "\xee\x82\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_DIALPAD   "\xee\x82\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_DIAMOND   "\xee\xab\x95"
#define ICON_MD_DIFFERENCE   "\xee\xad\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_DINING   "\xee\xbf\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_DINNER_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x97"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS   "\xee\x94\xae"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BIKE   "\xee\x94\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BOAT   "\xee\x94\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BOAT_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BUS   "\xee\x94\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BUS_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_CAR   "\xee\x94\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_CAR_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_FERRY   "\xee\x94\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_OFF   "\xef\x84\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RAILWAY   "\xee\x94\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RAILWAY_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RUN   "\xee\x95\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_SUBWAY   "\xee\x94\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_SUBWAY_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRAIN   "\xee\x94\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRANSIT   "\xee\x94\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRANSIT_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xba"
#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_WALK   "\xee\x94\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_DIRTY_LENS   "\xee\xbd\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT   "\xef\x88\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_DISABLED_VISIBLE   "\xee\x9d\xae"
#define ICON_MD_DISC_FULL   "\xee\x98\x90"
#define ICON_MD_DISCORD   "\xee\xa9\xac"
#define ICON_MD_DISCOUNT   "\xee\xaf\x89"
#define ICON_MD_DISPLAY_SETTINGS   "\xee\xae\x97"
#define ICON_MD_DND_FORWARDSLASH   "\xee\x98\x91"
#define ICON_MD_DNS   "\xee\xa1\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB   "\xef\x82\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_ALT   "\xef\x82\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_OFF   "\xef\x82\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_ON   "\xef\x82\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB   "\xee\x98\x92"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ALT   "\xee\x98\x91"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_OFF   "\xee\x99\x83"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ON   "\xee\x99\x84"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ON_TOTAL_SILENCE   "\xee\xbf\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_STEP   "\xef\x86\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_TOUCH   "\xef\x86\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_DOCK   "\xee\x8c\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_DOCUMENT_SCANNER   "\xee\x97\xba"
#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN   "\xee\x9f\xae"
#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_ADD   "\xee\xad\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_DISABLED   "\xee\x83\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION   "\xee\xbd\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_DONE   "\xee\xa1\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_DONE_ALL   "\xee\xa1\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_DONE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_DONUT_LARGE   "\xee\xa4\x97"
#define ICON_MD_DONUT_SMALL   "\xee\xa4\x98"
#define ICON_MD_DOOR_BACK   "\xee\xbf\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_DOOR_FRONT   "\xee\xbf\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_DOOR_SLIDING   "\xee\xbf\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_DOORBELL   "\xee\xbf\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_DOUBLE_ARROW   "\xee\xa9\x90"
#define ICON_MD_DOWNHILL_SKIING   "\xee\x94\x89"
#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD   "\xef\x82\x90"
#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD_DONE   "\xef\x82\x91"
#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD_FOR_OFFLINE   "\xef\x80\x80"
#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOADING   "\xef\x80\x81"
#define ICON_MD_DRAFTS   "\xee\x85\x91"
#define ICON_MD_DRAG_HANDLE   "\xee\x89\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_DRAG_INDICATOR   "\xee\xa5\x85"
#define ICON_MD_DRAW   "\xee\x9d\x86"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_ETA   "\xee\x98\x93"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE   "\xee\x99\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa6\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE_RTL   "\xee\x9d\xad"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_RENAME_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa6\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FOLDER_UPLOAD   "\xee\xa6\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_DRY   "\xef\x86\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_DRY_CLEANING   "\xee\xa9\x98"
#define ICON_MD_DUO   "\xee\xa6\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_DVR   "\xee\x86\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_DYNAMIC_FEED   "\xee\xa8\x94"
#define ICON_MD_DYNAMIC_FORM   "\xef\x86\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_E_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x82"
#define ICON_MD_EARBUDS   "\xef\x80\x83"
#define ICON_MD_EARBUDS_BATTERY   "\xef\x80\x84"
#define ICON_MD_EAST   "\xef\x87\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ECO   "\xee\xa8\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_EDGESENSOR_HIGH   "\xef\x80\x85"
#define ICON_MD_EDGESENSOR_LOW   "\xef\x80\x86"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT   "\xee\x8f\x89"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_ATTRIBUTES   "\xee\x95\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_CALENDAR   "\xee\x9d\x82"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_LOCATION_ALT   "\xee\x87\x85"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_NOTE   "\xee\x9d\x85"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\x94\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x90"
#define ICON_MD_EDIT_ROAD   "\xee\xbd\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_EGG   "\xee\xab\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_EGG_ALT   "\xee\xab\x88"
#define ICON_MD_EJECT   "\xee\xa3\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_ELDERLY   "\xef\x88\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_ELDERLY_WOMAN   "\xee\xad\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_BIKE   "\xee\xac\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_BOLT   "\xee\xb0\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_CAR   "\xee\xac\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_METER   "\xee\xb0\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_MOPED   "\xee\xac\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_RICKSHAW   "\xee\xac\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_SCOOTER   "\xee\xac\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ELECTRICAL_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x82"
#define ICON_MD_ELEVATOR   "\xef\x86\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_EMAIL   "\xee\x82\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY   "\xee\x87\xab"
#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY_RECORDING   "\xee\xaf\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY_SHARE   "\xee\xaf\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_EMOTIONS   "\xee\xa8\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_EVENTS   "\xee\xa8\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_FLAGS   "\xee\xa8\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_FOOD_BEVERAGE   "\xee\xa8\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_NATURE   "\xee\xa8\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_OBJECTS   "\xee\xa8\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_PEOPLE   "\xee\xa8\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_SYMBOLS   "\xee\xa8\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_TRANSPORTATION   "\xee\xa8\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_ENERGY_SAVINGS_LEAF   "\xee\xb0\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_ENGINEERING   "\xee\xa8\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_ENHANCE_PHOTO_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa3\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_ENHANCED_ENCRYPTION   "\xee\x98\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_EQUALIZER   "\xee\x80\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_ERROR   "\xee\x80\x80"
#define ICON_MD_ERROR_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\x81"
#define ICON_MD_ESCALATOR   "\xef\x86\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_ESCALATOR_WARNING   "\xef\x86\xac"
#define ICON_MD_EURO   "\xee\xa8\x95"
#define ICON_MD_EURO_SYMBOL   "\xee\xa4\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_EV_STATION   "\xee\x95\xad"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT   "\xee\xa1\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT_AVAILABLE   "\xee\x98\x94"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT_BUSY   "\xee\x98\x95"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT_NOTE   "\xee\x98\x96"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT_REPEAT   "\xee\xad\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_EVENT_SEAT   "\xee\xa4\x83"
#define ICON_MD_EXIT_TO_APP   "\xee\xa1\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_EXPAND   "\xee\xa5\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_CIRCLE_DOWN   "\xee\x9f\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_LESS   "\xee\x97\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_MORE   "\xee\x97\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_EXPLICIT   "\xee\x80\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_EXPLORE   "\xee\xa1\xba"
#define ICON_MD_EXPLORE_OFF   "\xee\xa6\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE   "\xee\x8f\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_MINUS_1   "\xee\x8f\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_MINUS_2   "\xee\x8f\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_NEG_1   "\xee\x8f\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_NEG_2   "\xee\x8f\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_PLUS_1   "\xee\x8f\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_PLUS_2   "\xee\x8f\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_ZERO   "\xee\x8f\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_EXTENSION   "\xee\xa1\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_EXTENSION_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_FACE   "\xee\xa1\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_FACE_RETOUCHING_NATURAL   "\xee\xbd\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_FACE_RETOUCHING_OFF   "\xef\x80\x87"
#define ICON_MD_FACEBOOK   "\xef\x88\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_FACT_CHECK   "\xef\x83\x85"
#define ICON_MD_FACTORY   "\xee\xae\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_FAMILY_RESTROOM   "\xef\x86\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_FAST_FORWARD   "\xee\x80\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_FAST_REWIND   "\xee\x80\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_FASTFOOD   "\xee\x95\xba"
#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE   "\xee\xa1\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE_BORDER   "\xee\xa1\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa1\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_FAX   "\xee\xab\x98"
#define ICON_MD_FEATURED_PLAY_LIST   "\xee\x81\xad"
#define ICON_MD_FEATURED_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xae"
#define ICON_MD_FEED   "\xef\x80\x89"
#define ICON_MD_FEEDBACK   "\xee\xa1\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_FEMALE   "\xee\x96\x90"
#define ICON_MD_FENCE   "\xef\x87\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_FESTIVAL   "\xee\xa9\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_FIBER_DVR   "\xee\x81\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_FIBER_MANUAL_RECORD   "\xee\x81\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_FIBER_NEW   "\xee\x81\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_FIBER_PIN   "\xee\x81\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_FIBER_SMART_RECORD   "\xee\x81\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_COPY   "\xee\x85\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x84"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD_DONE   "\xee\xa6\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_OPEN   "\xee\xab\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_PRESENT   "\xee\xa8\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_FILE_UPLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x86"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER   "\xee\x8f\x93"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_1   "\xee\x8f\x90"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_2   "\xee\x8f\x91"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_3   "\xee\x8f\x92"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_4   "\xee\x8f\x94"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_5   "\xee\x8f\x95"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_6   "\xee\x8f\x96"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_7   "\xee\x8f\x97"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_8   "\xee\x8f\x98"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_9   "\xee\x8f\x99"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_9_PLUS   "\xee\x8f\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_ALT_OFF   "\xee\xac\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_B_AND_W   "\xee\x8f\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_CENTER_FOCUS   "\xee\x8f\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_DRAMA   "\xee\x8f\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_FRAMES   "\xee\x8f\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_HDR   "\xee\x8f\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST   "\xee\x85\x92"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST_ALT   "\xee\xa5\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST_OFF   "\xee\xad\x97"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_NONE   "\xee\x8f\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_TILT_SHIFT   "\xee\x8f\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_FILTER_VINTAGE   "\xee\x8f\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_FIND_IN_PAGE   "\xee\xa2\x80"
#define ICON_MD_FIND_REPLACE   "\xee\xa2\x81"
#define ICON_MD_FINGERPRINT   "\xee\xa4\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER   "\xef\x87\x98"
#define ICON_MD_FIRE_HYDRANT   "\xef\x86\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_FIREPLACE   "\xee\xa9\x83"
#define ICON_MD_FIRST_PAGE   "\xee\x97\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_FIT_SCREEN   "\xee\xa8\x90"
#define ICON_MD_FITBIT   "\xee\xa0\xab"
#define ICON_MD_FITNESS_CENTER   "\xee\xad\x83"
#define ICON_MD_FLAG   "\xee\x85\x93"
#define ICON_MD_FLAG_CIRCLE   "\xee\xab\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_FLAKY   "\xee\xbd\x90"
#define ICON_MD_FLARE   "\xee\x8f\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_FLASH_AUTO   "\xee\x8f\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_FLASH_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_FLASH_ON   "\xee\x8f\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_FLASHLIGHT_OFF   "\xef\x80\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_FLASHLIGHT_ON   "\xef\x80\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_FLATWARE   "\xef\x80\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT   "\xee\x94\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_CLASS   "\xee\x9f\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_LAND   "\xee\xa4\x84"
#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_TAKEOFF   "\xee\xa4\x85"
#define ICON_MD_FLIP   "\xee\x8f\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_FLIP_CAMERA_ANDROID   "\xee\xa8\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_FLIP_CAMERA_IOS   "\xee\xa8\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_FLIP_TO_BACK   "\xee\xa2\x82"
#define ICON_MD_FLIP_TO_FRONT   "\xee\xa2\x83"
#define ICON_MD_FLOOD   "\xee\xaf\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_FLOURESCENT   "\xef\x80\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_FLUTTER_DASH   "\xee\x80\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_FMD_BAD   "\xef\x80\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_FMD_GOOD   "\xef\x80\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_FOGGY   "\xee\xa0\x98"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER   "\xee\x8b\x87"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_COPY   "\xee\xae\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_DELETE   "\xee\xac\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_OFF   "\xee\xae\x83"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_OPEN   "\xee\x8b\x88"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_SHARED   "\xee\x8b\x89"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_SPECIAL   "\xee\x98\x97"
#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_ZIP   "\xee\xac\xac"
#define ICON_MD_FOLLOW_THE_SIGNS   "\xef\x88\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_FONT_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x85\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_FONT_DOWNLOAD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_FOOD_BANK   "\xef\x87\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_FOREST   "\xee\xaa\x99"
#define ICON_MD_FORK_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_FORK_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xac"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_CENTER   "\xee\x88\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY   "\xee\x88\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_LEFT   "\xee\x88\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_RIGHT   "\xee\x88\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_BOLD   "\xee\x88\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_CLEAR   "\xee\x88\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_FILL   "\xee\x88\xba"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_RESET   "\xee\x88\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_TEXT   "\xee\x88\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_INDENT_DECREASE   "\xee\x88\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_INDENT_INCREASE   "\xee\x88\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ITALIC   "\xee\x88\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LINE_SPACING   "\xee\x89\x80"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_BULLETED   "\xee\x89\x81"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_NUMBERED   "\xee\x89\x82"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_NUMBERED_RTL   "\xee\x89\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_OVERLINE   "\xee\xad\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_PAINT   "\xee\x89\x83"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_QUOTE   "\xee\x89\x84"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_SHAPES   "\xee\x89\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_SIZE   "\xee\x89\x85"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_STRIKETHROUGH   "\xee\x89\x86"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_TEXTDIRECTION_L_TO_R   "\xee\x89\x87"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_TEXTDIRECTION_R_TO_L   "\xee\x89\x88"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_UNDERLINE   "\xee\x89\x89"
#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_UNDERLINED   "\xee\x89\x89"
#define ICON_MD_FORT   "\xee\xaa\xad"
#define ICON_MD_FORUM   "\xee\x82\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_FORWARD   "\xee\x85\x94"
#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_10   "\xee\x81\x96"
#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_30   "\xee\x81\x97"
#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_5   "\xee\x81\x98"
#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_TO_INBOX   "\xef\x86\x87"
#define ICON_MD_FOUNDATION   "\xef\x88\x80"
#define ICON_MD_FREE_BREAKFAST   "\xee\xad\x84"
#define ICON_MD_FREE_CANCELLATION   "\xee\x9d\x88"
#define ICON_MD_FRONT_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_FULLSCREEN   "\xee\x97\x90"
#define ICON_MD_FULLSCREEN_EXIT   "\xee\x97\x91"
#define ICON_MD_FUNCTIONS   "\xee\x89\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_G_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x90"
#define ICON_MD_G_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa4\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_GAMEPAD   "\xee\x8c\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_GAMES   "\xee\x80\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_GARAGE   "\xef\x80\x91"
#define ICON_MD_GAS_METER   "\xee\xb0\x99"
#define ICON_MD_GAVEL   "\xee\xa4\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_GENERATING_TOKENS   "\xee\x9d\x89"
#define ICON_MD_GESTURE   "\xee\x85\x95"
#define ICON_MD_GET_APP   "\xee\xa2\x84"
#define ICON_MD_GIF   "\xee\xa4\x88"
#define ICON_MD_GIF_BOX   "\xee\x9e\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_GIRL   "\xee\xad\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_GITE   "\xee\x96\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_GOLF_COURSE   "\xee\xad\x85"
#define ICON_MD_GPP_BAD   "\xef\x80\x92"
#define ICON_MD_GPP_GOOD   "\xef\x80\x93"
#define ICON_MD_GPP_MAYBE   "\xef\x80\x94"
#define ICON_MD_GPS_FIXED   "\xee\x86\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_GPS_NOT_FIXED   "\xee\x86\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_GPS_OFF   "\xee\x86\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_GRADE   "\xee\xa2\x85"
#define ICON_MD_GRADIENT   "\xee\x8f\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_GRADING   "\xee\xa9\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_GRAIN   "\xee\x8f\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_GRAPHIC_EQ   "\xee\x86\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_GRASS   "\xef\x88\x85"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_3X3   "\xef\x80\x95"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_4X4   "\xef\x80\x96"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_GOLDENRATIO   "\xef\x80\x97"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xab"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_ON   "\xee\x8f\xac"
#define ICON_MD_GRID_VIEW   "\xee\xa6\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_GROUP   "\xee\x9f\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_GROUP_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_GROUP_OFF   "\xee\x9d\x87"
#define ICON_MD_GROUP_REMOVE   "\xee\x9e\xad"
#define ICON_MD_GROUP_WORK   "\xee\xa2\x86"
#define ICON_MD_GROUPS   "\xef\x88\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_H_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x98"
#define ICON_MD_H_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x99"
#define ICON_MD_HAIL   "\xee\xa6\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_HANDSHAKE   "\xee\xaf\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_HANDYMAN   "\xef\x84\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_HARDWARE   "\xee\xa9\x99"
#define ICON_MD_HD   "\xee\x81\x92"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_AUTO   "\xef\x80\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_AUTO_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_ENHANCED_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\x91"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xad"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_OFF_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_ON   "\xee\x8f\xae"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_ON_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_PLUS   "\xef\x80\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_STRONG   "\xee\x8f\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_HDR_WEAK   "\xee\x8f\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_HEADPHONES   "\xef\x80\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_HEADPHONES_BATTERY   "\xef\x80\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_HEADSET   "\xee\x8c\x90"
#define ICON_MD_HEADSET_MIC   "\xee\x8c\x91"
#define ICON_MD_HEADSET_OFF   "\xee\x8c\xba"
#define ICON_MD_HEALING   "\xee\x8f\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY   "\xee\x87\x95"
#define ICON_MD_HEARING   "\xee\x80\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_HEARING_DISABLED   "\xef\x84\x84"
#define ICON_MD_HEART_BROKEN   "\xee\xab\x82"
#define ICON_MD_HEAT_PUMP   "\xee\xb0\x98"
#define ICON_MD_HEIGHT   "\xee\xa8\x96"
#define ICON_MD_HELP   "\xee\xa2\x87"
#define ICON_MD_HELP_CENTER   "\xef\x87\x80"
#define ICON_MD_HELP_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa3\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_HEVC   "\xef\x80\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_HEXAGON   "\xee\xac\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_HIDE_IMAGE   "\xef\x80\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_HIDE_SOURCE   "\xef\x80\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_HIGH_QUALITY   "\xee\x80\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT   "\xee\x89\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x92"
#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_OFF   "\xee\xa2\x88"
#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_REMOVE   "\xee\xa2\x88"
#define ICON_MD_HIKING   "\xee\x94\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_HISTORY   "\xee\xa2\x89"
#define ICON_MD_HISTORY_EDU   "\xee\xa8\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_HISTORY_TOGGLE_OFF   "\xef\x85\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_HIVE   "\xee\xaa\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_HLS   "\xee\xae\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_HLS_OFF   "\xee\xae\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_HOLIDAY_VILLAGE   "\xee\x96\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_HOME   "\xee\xa2\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_HOME_FILLED   "\xee\xa6\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_HOME_MAX   "\xef\x80\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_HOME_MINI   "\xef\x80\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_HOME_REPAIR_SERVICE   "\xef\x84\x80"
#define ICON_MD_HOME_WORK   "\xee\xa8\x89"
#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_DISTRIBUTE   "\xee\x80\x94"
#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_RULE   "\xef\x84\x88"
#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT   "\xee\xa5\x87"
#define ICON_MD_HOT_TUB   "\xee\xad\x86"
#define ICON_MD_HOTEL   "\xee\x94\xba"
#define ICON_MD_HOTEL_CLASS   "\xee\x9d\x83"
#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_BOTTOM   "\xee\xa9\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_DISABLED   "\xee\xbd\x93"
#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_EMPTY   "\xee\xa2\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_FULL   "\xee\xa2\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_TOP   "\xee\xa9\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_HOUSE   "\xee\xa9\x84"
#define ICON_MD_HOUSE_SIDING   "\xef\x88\x82"
#define ICON_MD_HOUSEBOAT   "\xee\x96\x84"
#define ICON_MD_HOW_TO_REG   "\xee\x85\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_HOW_TO_VOTE   "\xee\x85\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_HTML   "\xee\xad\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_HTTP   "\xee\xa4\x82"
#define ICON_MD_HTTPS   "\xee\xa2\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_HUB   "\xee\xa7\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_HVAC   "\xef\x84\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_ICE_SKATING   "\xee\x94\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_ICECREAM   "\xee\xa9\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_IMAGE   "\xee\x8f\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO   "\xee\x8f\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED   "\xef\x84\x96"
#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_SEARCH   "\xee\x90\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_IMAGESEARCH_ROLLER   "\xee\xa6\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_IMPORT_CONTACTS   "\xee\x83\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_IMPORT_EXPORT   "\xee\x83\x83"
#define ICON_MD_IMPORTANT_DEVICES   "\xee\xa4\x92"
#define ICON_MD_INBOX   "\xee\x85\x96"
#define ICON_MD_INCOMPLETE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9e\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_INDETERMINATE_CHECK_BOX   "\xee\xa4\x89"
#define ICON_MD_INFO   "\xee\xa2\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_INFO_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_INPUT   "\xee\xa2\x90"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_CHART   "\xee\x89\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_CHART_OUTLINED   "\xee\x89\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_DRIVE_FILE   "\xee\x89\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_EMOTICON   "\xee\x89\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_INVITATION   "\xee\x89\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_LINK   "\xee\x89\x90"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_PAGE_BREAK   "\xee\xab\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_INSERT_PHOTO   "\xee\x89\x91"
#define ICON_MD_INSIGHTS   "\xef\x82\x92"
#define ICON_MD_INSTALL_DESKTOP   "\xee\xad\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_INSTALL_MOBILE   "\xee\xad\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_INTERESTS   "\xee\x9f\x88"
#define ICON_MD_INTERPRETER_MODE   "\xee\xa0\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_INVENTORY   "\xee\x85\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_INVENTORY_2   "\xee\x86\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS   "\xee\xa2\x91"
#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS_OFF   "\xee\x83\x84"
#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS_ON   "\xee\xa2\x91"
#define ICON_MD_IOS_SHARE   "\xee\x9a\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_IRON   "\xee\x96\x83"
#define ICON_MD_ISO   "\xee\x8f\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_JAVASCRIPT   "\xee\xad\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_JOIN_FULL   "\xee\xab\xab"
#define ICON_MD_JOIN_INNER   "\xee\xab\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_JOIN_LEFT   "\xee\xab\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_JOIN_RIGHT   "\xee\xab\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_KAYAKING   "\xee\x94\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_KEBAB_DINING   "\xee\xa1\x82"
#define ICON_MD_KEY   "\xee\x9c\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_KEY_OFF   "\xee\xae\x84"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD   "\xee\x8c\x92"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ALT   "\xef\x80\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_DOWN   "\xee\x8c\x93"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x8c\x94"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x8c\x95"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_UP   "\xee\x8c\x96"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_BACKSPACE   "\xee\x8c\x97"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK   "\xee\x8c\x98"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_COMMAND   "\xee\xab\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_COMMAND_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CONTROL   "\xee\x97\x93"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CONTROL_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_DOWN   "\xee\xab\x90"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\xab\x83"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\xab\x89"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_UP   "\xee\xab\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_HIDE   "\xee\x8c\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_OPTION   "\xee\xab\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_OPTION_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_RETURN   "\xee\x8c\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_TAB   "\xee\x8c\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_VOICE   "\xee\x8c\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_KING_BED   "\xee\xa9\x85"
#define ICON_MD_KITCHEN   "\xee\xad\x87"
#define ICON_MD_KITESURFING   "\xee\x94\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_LABEL   "\xee\xa2\x92"
#define ICON_MD_LABEL_IMPORTANT   "\xee\xa4\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_LABEL_IMPORTANT_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa5\x88"
#define ICON_MD_LABEL_OFF   "\xee\xa6\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_LABEL_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x93"
#define ICON_MD_LAN   "\xee\xac\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x8f\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_LANDSLIDE   "\xee\xaf\x97"
#define ICON_MD_LANGUAGE   "\xee\xa2\x94"
#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP   "\xee\x8c\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_CHROMEBOOK   "\xee\x8c\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_MAC   "\xee\x8c\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_WINDOWS   "\xee\x8c\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_LAST_PAGE   "\xee\x97\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_LAUNCH   "\xee\xa2\x95"
#define ICON_MD_LAYERS   "\xee\x94\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_LAYERS_CLEAR   "\xee\x94\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_LEADERBOARD   "\xef\x88\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_LEAK_ADD   "\xee\x8f\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_LEAK_REMOVE   "\xee\x8f\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_LEAVE_BAGS_AT_HOME   "\xef\x88\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_LEGEND_TOGGLE   "\xef\x84\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_LENS   "\xee\x8f\xba"
#define ICON_MD_LENS_BLUR   "\xef\x80\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_ADD   "\xee\x80\xae"
#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_ADD_CHECK   "\xee\xa6\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_BOOKS   "\xee\x80\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_LIGHT   "\xef\x80\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_LIGHT_MODE   "\xee\x94\x98"
#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB   "\xee\x83\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB_CIRCLE   "\xee\xaf\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_LINE_AXIS   "\xee\xaa\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_LINE_STYLE   "\xee\xa4\x99"
#define ICON_MD_LINE_WEIGHT   "\xee\xa4\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_LINEAR_SCALE   "\xee\x89\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_LINK   "\xee\x85\x97"
#define ICON_MD_LINK_OFF   "\xee\x85\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_LINKED_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_LIQUOR   "\xee\xa9\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_LIST   "\xee\xa2\x96"
#define ICON_MD_LIST_ALT   "\xee\x83\xae"
#define ICON_MD_LIVE_HELP   "\xee\x83\x86"
#define ICON_MD_LIVE_TV   "\xee\x98\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_LIVING   "\xef\x80\xab"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ACTIVITY   "\xee\x94\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_AIRPORT   "\xee\x94\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ATM   "\xee\x94\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ATTRACTION   "\xee\x94\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_BAR   "\xee\x95\x80"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CAFE   "\xee\x95\x81"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CAR_WASH   "\xee\x95\x82"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CONVENIENCE_STORE   "\xee\x95\x83"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_DINING   "\xee\x95\x96"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_DRINK   "\xee\x95\x84"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_FIRE_DEPARTMENT   "\xee\xbd\x95"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_FLORIST   "\xee\x95\x85"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_GAS_STATION   "\xee\x95\x86"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_GROCERY_STORE   "\xee\x95\x87"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_HOSPITAL   "\xee\x95\x88"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_HOTEL   "\xee\x95\x89"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_LAUNDRY_SERVICE   "\xee\x95\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_LIBRARY   "\xee\x95\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_MALL   "\xee\x95\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_MOVIES   "\xee\x95\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_OFFER   "\xee\x95\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PARKING   "\xee\x95\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PHARMACY   "\xee\x95\x90"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PHONE   "\xee\x95\x91"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PIZZA   "\xee\x95\x92"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PLAY   "\xee\x95\x93"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_POLICE   "\xee\xbd\x96"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_POST_OFFICE   "\xee\x95\x94"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PRINT_SHOP   "\xee\x95\x95"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PRINTSHOP   "\xee\x95\x95"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_RESTAURANT   "\xee\x95\x96"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_SEE   "\xee\x95\x97"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_SHIPPING   "\xee\x95\x98"
#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_TAXI   "\xee\x95\x99"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_CITY   "\xee\x9f\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_DISABLED   "\xee\x86\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_HISTORY   "\xee\x95\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_OFF   "\xee\x83\x87"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_ON   "\xee\x83\x88"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_PIN   "\xef\x87\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_SEARCHING   "\xee\x86\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK   "\xee\xa2\x97"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK_CLOCK   "\xee\xbd\x97"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK_OPEN   "\xee\xa2\x98"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x99"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK_PERSON   "\xef\xa3\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_LOCK_RESET   "\xee\xab\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_LOGIN   "\xee\xa9\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_LOGO_DEV   "\xee\xab\x96"
#define ICON_MD_LOGOUT   "\xee\xa6\xba"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS   "\xee\x8f\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_3   "\xee\x8f\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_4   "\xee\x8f\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_5   "\xee\x8f\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_6   "\xee\x8f\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_ONE   "\xee\x90\x80"
#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_TWO   "\xee\x90\x81"
#define ICON_MD_LOOP   "\xee\x80\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_LOUPE   "\xee\x90\x82"
#define ICON_MD_LOW_PRIORITY   "\xee\x85\xad"
#define ICON_MD_LOYALTY   "\xee\xa2\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_LTE_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\xac"
#define ICON_MD_LTE_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\xad"
#define ICON_MD_LUGGAGE   "\xef\x88\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_LUNCH_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_LYRICS   "\xee\xb0\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_MAIL   "\xee\x85\x98"
#define ICON_MD_MAIL_LOCK   "\xee\xb0\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_MAIL_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_MALE   "\xee\x96\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_MAN   "\xee\x93\xab"
#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_ACCOUNTS   "\xef\x80\xae"
#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_HISTORY   "\xee\xaf\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_SEARCH   "\xef\x80\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_MAP   "\xee\x95\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_MAPS_HOME_WORK   "\xef\x80\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_MAPS_UGC   "\xee\xbd\x98"
#define ICON_MD_MARGIN   "\xee\xa6\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_AS_UNREAD   "\xee\xa6\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_CHAT_READ   "\xef\x86\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_CHAT_UNREAD   "\xef\x86\x89"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_EMAIL_READ   "\xef\x86\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_EMAIL_UNREAD   "\xef\x86\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_MARK_UNREAD_CHAT_ALT   "\xee\xae\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_MARKUNREAD   "\xee\x85\x99"
#define ICON_MD_MARKUNREAD_MAILBOX   "\xee\xa2\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_MASKS   "\xef\x88\x98"
#define ICON_MD_MAXIMIZE   "\xee\xa4\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_MEDIA_BLUETOOTH_OFF   "\xef\x80\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_MEDIA_BLUETOOTH_ON   "\xef\x80\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_MEDIATION   "\xee\xbe\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_MEDICAL_INFORMATION   "\xee\xaf\xad"
#define ICON_MD_MEDICAL_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x89"
#define ICON_MD_MEDICATION   "\xef\x80\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_MEDICATION_LIQUID   "\xee\xaa\x87"
#define ICON_MD_MEETING_ROOM   "\xee\xad\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_MEMORY   "\xee\x8c\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_MENU   "\xee\x97\x92"
#define ICON_MD_MENU_BOOK   "\xee\xa8\x99"
#define ICON_MD_MENU_OPEN   "\xee\xa6\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_MERGE   "\xee\xae\x98"
#define ICON_MD_MERGE_TYPE   "\xee\x89\x92"
#define ICON_MD_MESSAGE   "\xee\x83\x89"
#define ICON_MD_MESSENGER   "\xee\x83\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_MESSENGER_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_MIC   "\xee\x80\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_MIC_EXTERNAL_OFF   "\xee\xbd\x99"
#define ICON_MD_MIC_EXTERNAL_ON   "\xee\xbd\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_MIC_NONE   "\xee\x80\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_MIC_OFF   "\xee\x80\xab"
#define ICON_MD_MICROWAVE   "\xef\x88\x84"
#define ICON_MD_MILITARY_TECH   "\xee\xa8\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_MINIMIZE   "\xee\xa4\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_MINOR_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_MISCELLANEOUS_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_MISSED_VIDEO_CALL   "\xee\x81\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_MMS   "\xee\x98\x98"
#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_FRIENDLY   "\xee\x88\x80"
#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_OFF   "\xee\x88\x81"
#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_MOBILEDATA_OFF   "\xef\x80\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_MODE   "\xef\x82\x97"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\x93"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_EDIT   "\xee\x89\x94"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_EDIT_OUTLINE   "\xef\x80\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_FAN_OFF   "\xee\xb0\x97"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_NIGHT   "\xef\x80\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_OF_TRAVEL   "\xee\x9f\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_MODE_STANDBY   "\xef\x80\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_MODEL_TRAINING   "\xef\x83\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_MONETIZATION_ON   "\xee\x89\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_MONEY   "\xee\x95\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_MONEY_OFF   "\xee\x89\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_MONEY_OFF_CSRED   "\xef\x80\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_MONITOR   "\xee\xbd\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_MONITOR_HEART   "\xee\xaa\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_MONITOR_WEIGHT   "\xef\x80\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_MONOCHROME_PHOTOS   "\xee\x90\x83"
#define ICON_MD_MOOD   "\xee\x9f\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_MOOD_BAD   "\xee\x9f\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_MOPED   "\xee\xac\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_MORE   "\xee\x98\x99"
#define ICON_MD_MORE_HORIZ   "\xee\x97\x93"
#define ICON_MD_MORE_TIME   "\xee\xa9\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_MORE_VERT   "\xee\x97\x94"
#define ICON_MD_MOSQUE   "\xee\xaa\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_AUTO   "\xef\x80\xba"
#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_OFF   "\xee\xa7\x80"
#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_ON   "\xee\xa7\x81"
#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_PAUSE   "\xef\x88\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_PAUSED   "\xee\xa7\x82"
#define ICON_MD_MOTORCYCLE   "\xee\xa4\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_MOUSE   "\xee\x8c\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_MOVE_DOWN   "\xee\xad\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_MOVE_TO_INBOX   "\xee\x85\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_MOVE_UP   "\xee\xad\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_MOVIE   "\xee\x80\xac"
#define ICON_MD_MOVIE_CREATION   "\xee\x90\x84"
#define ICON_MD_MOVIE_FILTER   "\xee\x90\xba"
#define ICON_MD_MOVING   "\xee\x94\x81"
#define ICON_MD_MP   "\xee\xa7\x83"
#define ICON_MD_MULTILINE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_MULTIPLE_STOP   "\xef\x86\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_MULTITRACK_AUDIO   "\xee\x86\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_MUSEUM   "\xee\xa8\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_NOTE   "\xee\x90\x85"
#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_OFF   "\xee\x91\x80"
#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_ADD   "\xee\x80\xae"
#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_BOOKS   "\xee\x80\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_MY_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_NAT   "\xee\xbd\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_NATURE   "\xee\x90\x86"
#define ICON_MD_NATURE_PEOPLE   "\xee\x90\x87"
#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATE_BEFORE   "\xee\x90\x88"
#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATE_NEXT   "\xee\x90\x89"
#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATION   "\xee\x95\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_NEAR_ME   "\xee\x95\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_NEAR_ME_DISABLED   "\xef\x87\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_NEARBY_ERROR   "\xef\x80\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_NEARBY_OFF   "\xef\x80\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_NEST_CAM_WIRED_STAND   "\xee\xb0\x96"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_CELL   "\xee\x86\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_CHECK   "\xee\x99\x80"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_LOCKED   "\xee\x98\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_PING   "\xee\xaf\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI   "\xee\x86\xba"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x96"
#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_3_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_NEW_LABEL   "\xee\x98\x89"
#define ICON_MD_NEW_RELEASES   "\xee\x80\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_NEWSPAPER   "\xee\xae\x81"
#define ICON_MD_NEXT_PLAN   "\xee\xbd\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_NEXT_WEEK   "\xee\x85\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_NFC   "\xee\x86\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_NIGHT_SHELTER   "\xef\x87\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIFE   "\xee\xa9\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIGHT   "\xef\x80\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIGHT_ROUND   "\xee\xbd\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_NIGHTS_STAY   "\xee\xa9\x86"
#define ICON_MD_NO_ACCOUNTS   "\xef\x80\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_NO_ADULT_CONTENT   "\xef\xa3\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_NO_BACKPACK   "\xef\x88\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_NO_CELL   "\xef\x86\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_NO_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_NO_DRINKS   "\xef\x86\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_NO_ENCRYPTION   "\xee\x99\x81"
#define ICON_MD_NO_FLASH   "\xef\x86\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_NO_FOOD   "\xef\x86\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_NO_LUGGAGE   "\xef\x88\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_NO_MEALS   "\xef\x87\x96"
#define ICON_MD_NO_MEALS_OULINE   "\xef\x88\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_NO_MEETING_ROOM   "\xee\xad\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_NO_PHOTOGRAPHY   "\xef\x86\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_NO_SIM   "\xee\x83\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_NO_STROLLER   "\xef\x86\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_NO_TRANSFER   "\xef\x87\x95"
#define ICON_MD_NOISE_AWARE   "\xee\xaf\xac"
#define ICON_MD_NOISE_CONTROL_OFF   "\xee\xaf\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_NORDIC_WALKING   "\xee\x94\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_NORTH   "\xef\x87\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_NORTH_EAST   "\xef\x87\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_NORTH_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE   "\xef\x83\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_NOT_INTERESTED   "\xee\x80\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_NOT_LISTED_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_NOT_STARTED   "\xef\x83\x91"
#define ICON_MD_NOTE   "\xee\x81\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_NOTE_ADD   "\xee\xa2\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_NOTE_ALT   "\xef\x81\x80"
#define ICON_MD_NOTES   "\xee\x89\xac"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATION_ADD   "\xee\x8e\x99"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATION_IMPORTANT   "\xee\x80\x84"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\x9f\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE   "\xee\x9f\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_NONE   "\xee\x9f\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF   "\xee\x9f\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_ON   "\xee\x9f\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_PAUSED   "\xee\x9f\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_NOW_WALLPAPER   "\xee\x86\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_NOW_WIDGETS   "\xee\x86\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_NUMBERS   "\xee\xab\x87"
#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_BOLT   "\xee\xa4\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_PIN   "\xee\xa4\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_SHARE   "\xee\xa7\x85"
#define ICON_MD_OIL_BARREL   "\xee\xb0\x95"
#define ICON_MD_ON_DEVICE_TRAINING   "\xee\xaf\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_ONDEMAND_VIDEO   "\xee\x98\xba"
#define ICON_MD_ONLINE_PREDICTION   "\xef\x83\xab"
#define ICON_MD_OPACITY   "\xee\xa4\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_BROWSER   "\xee\xa2\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_FULL   "\xef\x87\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_NEW   "\xee\xa2\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_NEW_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_OPEN_WITH   "\xee\xa2\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_OTHER_HOUSES   "\xee\x96\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_OUTBOND   "\xef\x88\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_OUTBOUND   "\xee\x87\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_OUTBOX   "\xee\xbd\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_OUTDOOR_GRILL   "\xee\xa9\x87"
#define ICON_MD_OUTGOING_MAIL   "\xef\x83\x92"
#define ICON_MD_OUTLET   "\xef\x87\x94"
#define ICON_MD_OUTLINED_FLAG   "\xee\x85\xae"
#define ICON_MD_OUTPUT   "\xee\xae\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_PADDING   "\xee\xa7\x88"
#define ICON_MD_PAGES   "\xee\x9f\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_PAGEVIEW   "\xee\xa2\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_PAID   "\xef\x81\x81"
#define ICON_MD_PALETTE   "\xee\x90\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_PAN_TOOL   "\xee\xa4\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PAN_TOOL_ALT   "\xee\xae\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA   "\xee\x90\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_FISH_EYE   "\xee\x90\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_FISHEYE   "\xee\x90\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_HORIZONTAL   "\xee\x90\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_PHOTOSPHERE   "\xee\xa7\x89"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_VERTICAL   "\xee\x90\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_VERTICAL_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_WIDE_ANGLE   "\xee\x90\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_WIDE_ANGLE_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_PARAGLIDING   "\xee\x94\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_PARK   "\xee\xa9\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PARTY_MODE   "\xee\x9f\xba"
#define ICON_MD_PASSWORD   "\xef\x81\x82"
#define ICON_MD_PATTERN   "\xef\x81\x83"
#define ICON_MD_PAUSE   "\xee\x80\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x86\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\x80\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_PRESENTATION   "\xee\x83\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_PAYMENT   "\xee\xa2\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_PAYMENTS   "\xee\xbd\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PAYPAL   "\xee\xaa\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_PEDAL_BIKE   "\xee\xac\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_PENDING   "\xee\xbd\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_PENDING_ACTIONS   "\xef\x86\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_PENTAGON   "\xee\xad\x90"
#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE   "\xee\x9f\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE_ALT   "\xee\xa8\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x9f\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_PERCENT   "\xee\xad\x98"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_CAMERA_MIC   "\xee\xa2\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_CONTACT_CAL   "\xee\xa2\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_CONTACT_CALENDAR   "\xee\xa2\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_DATA_SETTING   "\xee\xa2\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_DEVICE_INFO   "\xee\xa2\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_DEVICE_INFORMATION   "\xee\xa2\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_IDENTITY   "\xee\xa2\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_MEDIA   "\xee\xa2\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_PHONE_MSG   "\xee\xa2\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_PERM_SCAN_WIFI   "\xee\xa2\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON   "\xee\x9f\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_ALT   "\xee\xa9\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_ALT_1   "\xee\xbd\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_OFF   "\xee\x94\x90"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_OUTLINE   "\xee\x9f\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_PIN   "\xee\x95\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_PIN_CIRCLE   "\xee\x95\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_REMOVE   "\xee\xbd\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_REMOVE_ALT_1   "\xee\xbd\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_PERSON_SEARCH   "\xef\x84\x86"
#define ICON_MD_PERSONAL_INJURY   "\xee\x9b\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_PERSONAL_VIDEO   "\xee\x98\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_PEST_CONTROL   "\xef\x83\xba"
#define ICON_MD_PEST_CONTROL_RODENT   "\xef\x83\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_PETS   "\xee\xa4\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_PHISHING   "\xee\xab\x97"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_ANDROID   "\xee\x8c\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_BLUETOOTH_SPEAKER   "\xee\x98\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_CALLBACK   "\xee\x99\x89"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_ENABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_FORWARDED   "\xee\x98\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_IN_TALK   "\xee\x98\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_IPHONE   "\xee\x8c\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_LOCKED   "\xee\x98\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_MISSED   "\xee\x98\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_PHONE_PAUSED   "\xee\x98\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK   "\xee\x8c\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_ERASE   "\xee\x83\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_LOCK   "\xee\x83\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_OFF   "\xee\x8c\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_RING   "\xee\x83\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_SETUP   "\xee\x83\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO   "\xee\x90\x90"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_ALBUM   "\xee\x90\x91"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\x92"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA_BACK   "\xee\xbd\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xee\xbd\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_FILTER   "\xee\x90\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_LIBRARY   "\xee\x90\x93"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_ACTUAL   "\xee\x90\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_LARGE   "\xee\x90\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_SMALL   "\xee\x90\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_PHP   "\xee\xae\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_PIANO   "\xee\x94\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_PIANO_OFF   "\xee\x94\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_AS_PDF   "\xee\x90\x95"
#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE   "\xee\xa2\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_ALT   "\xee\xa4\x91"
#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x84"
#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART_OUTLINE   "\xef\x81\x84"
#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART_OUTLINED   "\xee\x9b\x85"
#define ICON_MD_PIN   "\xef\x81\x85"
#define ICON_MD_PIN_DROP   "\xee\x95\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_PIN_END   "\xee\x9d\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_PIN_INVOKE   "\xee\x9d\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PINCH   "\xee\xac\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_PIVOT_TABLE_CHART   "\xee\xa7\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_PIX   "\xee\xaa\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_PLACE   "\xee\x95\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_PLAGIARISM   "\xee\xa9\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_ARROW   "\xee\x80\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE   "\xee\x87\x84"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_FILL   "\xee\x80\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\x80\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_DISABLED   "\xee\xbd\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_FOR_WORK   "\xee\xa4\x86"
#define ICON_MD_PLAY_LESSON   "\xef\x81\x87"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD   "\xee\x80\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CHECK   "\xee\x81\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CHECK_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9f\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9f\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_PLAY   "\xee\x81\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_REMOVE   "\xee\xae\x80"
#define ICON_MD_PLUMBING   "\xef\x84\x87"
#define ICON_MD_PLUS_ONE   "\xee\xa0\x80"
#define ICON_MD_PODCASTS   "\xef\x81\x88"
#define ICON_MD_POINT_OF_SALE   "\xef\x85\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_POLICY   "\xee\xa8\x97"
#define ICON_MD_POLL   "\xee\xa0\x81"
#define ICON_MD_POLYLINE   "\xee\xae\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_POLYMER   "\xee\xa2\xab"
#define ICON_MD_POOL   "\xee\xad\x88"
#define ICON_MD_PORTABLE_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x83\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x90\x96"
#define ICON_MD_POST_ADD   "\xee\xa8\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_POWER   "\xee\x98\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_POWER_INPUT   "\xee\x8c\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_POWER_OFF   "\xee\x99\x86"
#define ICON_MD_POWER_SETTINGS_NEW   "\xee\xa2\xac"
#define ICON_MD_PRECISION_MANUFACTURING   "\xef\x81\x89"
#define ICON_MD_PREGNANT_WOMAN   "\xee\xa4\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_PRESENT_TO_ALL   "\xee\x83\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_PREVIEW   "\xef\x87\x85"
#define ICON_MD_PRICE_CHANGE   "\xef\x81\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_PRICE_CHECK   "\xef\x81\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_PRINT   "\xee\xa2\xad"
#define ICON_MD_PRINT_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_PRIORITY_HIGH   "\xee\x99\x85"
#define ICON_MD_PRIVACY_TIP   "\xef\x83\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_PRIVATE_CONNECTIVITY   "\xee\x9d\x84"
#define ICON_MD_PROPANE   "\xee\xb0\x94"
#define ICON_MD_PROPANE_TANK   "\xee\xb0\x93"
#define ICON_MD_PSYCHOLOGY   "\xee\xa9\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_PUBLIC   "\xee\xa0\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_PUBLIC_OFF   "\xef\x87\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_PUBLISH   "\xee\x89\x95"
#define ICON_MD_PUBLISHED_WITH_CHANGES   "\xef\x88\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_PUNCH_CLOCK   "\xee\xaa\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_PUSH_PIN   "\xef\x84\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE   "\xee\xbd\xab"
#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE_2   "\xee\x80\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE_SCANNER   "\xef\x88\x86"
#define ICON_MD_QUERY_BUILDER   "\xee\xa2\xae"
#define ICON_MD_QUERY_STATS   "\xee\x93\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_QUESTION_ANSWER   "\xee\xa2\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_QUESTION_MARK   "\xee\xae\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_QUEUE   "\xee\x80\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_QUEUE_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_QUEUE_PLAY_NEXT   "\xee\x81\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_QUICK_CONTACTS_DIALER   "\xee\x83\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_QUICK_CONTACTS_MAIL   "\xee\x83\x90"
#define ICON_MD_QUICKREPLY   "\xee\xbd\xac"
#define ICON_MD_QUIZ   "\xef\x81\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_QUORA   "\xee\xaa\x98"
#define ICON_MD_R_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x81\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_RADAR   "\xef\x81\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_RADIO   "\xee\x80\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_CHECKED   "\xee\xa0\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_OFF   "\xee\xa0\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_ON   "\xee\xa0\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_UNCHECKED   "\xee\xa0\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_RAILWAY_ALERT   "\xee\xa7\x91"
#define ICON_MD_RAMEN_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_RAMP_LEFT   "\xee\xae\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_RAMP_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\x96"
#define ICON_MD_RATE_REVIEW   "\xee\x95\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_RAW_OFF   "\xef\x81\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_RAW_ON   "\xef\x81\x90"
#define ICON_MD_READ_MORE   "\xee\xbd\xad"
#define ICON_MD_REAL_ESTATE_AGENT   "\xee\x9c\xba"
#define ICON_MD_RECEIPT   "\xee\xa2\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_RECEIPT_LONG   "\xee\xbd\xae"
#define ICON_MD_RECENT_ACTORS   "\xee\x80\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_RECOMMEND   "\xee\xa7\x92"
#define ICON_MD_RECORD_VOICE_OVER   "\xee\xa4\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_RECTANGLE   "\xee\xad\x94"
#define ICON_MD_RECYCLING   "\xee\x9d\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_REDDIT   "\xee\xaa\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_REDEEM   "\xee\xa2\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_REDO   "\xee\x85\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_REDUCE_CAPACITY   "\xef\x88\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_REFRESH   "\xee\x97\x95"
#define ICON_MD_REMEMBER_ME   "\xef\x81\x91"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE   "\xee\x85\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x85\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x85\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_DONE   "\xee\xa7\x93"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE   "\xee\x81\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_MODERATOR   "\xee\xa7\x94"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_RED_EYE   "\xee\x90\x97"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_ROAD   "\xee\xaf\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa4\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_REORDER   "\xee\xa3\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_REPEAT   "\xee\x81\x80"
#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ON   "\xee\xa7\x96"
#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ONE   "\xee\x81\x81"
#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ONE_ON   "\xee\xa7\x97"
#define ICON_MD_REPLAY   "\xee\x81\x82"
#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_10   "\xee\x81\x99"
#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_30   "\xee\x81\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_5   "\xee\x81\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\xa7\x98"
#define ICON_MD_REPLY   "\xee\x85\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_REPLY_ALL   "\xee\x85\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_REPORT   "\xee\x85\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_REPORT_GMAILERRORRED   "\xef\x81\x92"
#define ICON_MD_REPORT_OFF   "\xee\x85\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_REPORT_PROBLEM   "\xee\xa2\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_REQUEST_PAGE   "\xef\x88\xac"
#define ICON_MD_REQUEST_QUOTE   "\xef\x86\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_RESET_TV   "\xee\xa7\x99"
#define ICON_MD_RESTART_ALT   "\xef\x81\x93"
#define ICON_MD_RESTAURANT   "\xee\x95\xac"
#define ICON_MD_RESTAURANT_MENU   "\xee\x95\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_RESTORE   "\xee\xa2\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_RESTORE_FROM_TRASH   "\xee\xa4\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_RESTORE_PAGE   "\xee\xa4\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_REVIEWS   "\xef\x81\x94"
#define ICON_MD_RICE_BOWL   "\xef\x87\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_RING_VOLUME   "\xee\x83\x91"
#define ICON_MD_ROCKET   "\xee\xae\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_ROCKET_LAUNCH   "\xee\xae\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SHADES   "\xee\xb0\x92"
#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SHADES_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x91"
#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SKATING   "\xee\xaf\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_ROOFING   "\xef\x88\x81"
#define ICON_MD_ROOM   "\xee\xa2\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_ROOM_PREFERENCES   "\xef\x86\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_ROOM_SERVICE   "\xee\xad\x89"
#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_90_DEGREES_CCW   "\xee\x90\x98"
#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_90_DEGREES_CW   "\xee\xaa\xab"
#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_LEFT   "\xee\x90\x99"
#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_RIGHT   "\xee\x90\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_ROUNDABOUT_LEFT   "\xee\xae\x99"
#define ICON_MD_ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_ROUNDED_CORNER   "\xee\xa4\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_ROUTE   "\xee\xab\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_ROUTER   "\xee\x8c\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_ROWING   "\xee\xa4\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_RSS_FEED   "\xee\x83\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_RSVP   "\xef\x81\x95"
#define ICON_MD_RTT   "\xee\xa6\xad"
#define ICON_MD_RULE   "\xef\x87\x82"
#define ICON_MD_RULE_FOLDER   "\xef\x87\x89"
#define ICON_MD_RUN_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_RUNNING_WITH_ERRORS   "\xee\x94\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_RV_HOOKUP   "\xee\x99\x82"
#define ICON_MD_SAFETY_CHECK   "\xee\xaf\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_SAFETY_DIVIDER   "\xee\x87\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SAILING   "\xee\x94\x82"
#define ICON_MD_SANITIZER   "\xef\x88\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_SATELLITE   "\xee\x95\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SATELLITE_ALT   "\xee\xac\xba"
#define ICON_MD_SAVE   "\xee\x85\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SAVE_ALT   "\xee\x85\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_SAVE_AS   "\xee\xad\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_SAVED_SEARCH   "\xee\xa8\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SAVINGS   "\xee\x8b\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SCALE   "\xee\xad\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_SCANNER   "\xee\x8c\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SCATTER_PLOT   "\xee\x89\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SCHEDULE   "\xee\xa2\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_SCHEDULE_SEND   "\xee\xa8\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_SCHEMA   "\xee\x93\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_SCHOOL   "\xee\xa0\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SCIENCE   "\xee\xa9\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_SCORE   "\xee\x89\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SCOREBOARD   "\xee\xaf\x90"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x86\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x86\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_ROTATION   "\xee\x87\x80"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_ROTATION   "\xee\x87\x81"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_ROTATION_ALT   "\xee\xaf\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_SEARCH_DESKTOP   "\xee\xbd\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SCREENSHOT   "\xef\x81\x96"
#define ICON_MD_SCREENSHOT_MONITOR   "\xee\xb0\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SCUBA_DIVING   "\xee\xaf\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_SD   "\xee\xa7\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_SD_CARD   "\xee\x98\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_SD_CARD_ALERT   "\xef\x81\x97"
#define ICON_MD_SD_STORAGE   "\xee\x87\x82"
#define ICON_MD_SEARCH   "\xee\xa2\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_SEARCH_OFF   "\xee\xa9\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_SECURITY   "\xee\x8c\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE   "\xef\x81\x98"
#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE_GOOD   "\xef\x81\x99"
#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE_WARNING   "\xef\x81\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_SEGMENT   "\xee\xa5\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_SELECT_ALL   "\xee\x85\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SELF_IMPROVEMENT   "\xee\xa9\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_SELL   "\xef\x81\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_SEND   "\xee\x85\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_SEND_AND_ARCHIVE   "\xee\xa8\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SEND_TIME_EXTENSION   "\xee\xab\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_SEND_TO_MOBILE   "\xef\x81\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_DOOR   "\xef\x86\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_OCCUPIED   "\xee\xb0\x90"
#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_WINDOW   "\xef\x86\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_SENSORS   "\xee\x94\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_SENSORS_OFF   "\xee\x94\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_DISSATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_NEUTRAL   "\xee\xa0\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_SATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_SATISFIED_ALT   "\xee\x83\xad"
#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_VERY_SATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x95"
#define ICON_MD_SET_MEAL   "\xef\x87\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS   "\xee\xa2\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY   "\xef\x81\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_APPLICATIONS   "\xee\xa2\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BACKUP_RESTORE   "\xee\xa2\xba"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH   "\xee\xa2\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS   "\xee\xa2\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_CELL   "\xee\xa2\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_DISPLAY   "\xee\xa2\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_ETHERNET   "\xee\xa2\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_ANTENNA   "\xee\xa2\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_COMPONENT   "\xee\xa3\x80"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_COMPOSITE   "\xee\xa3\x81"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_HDMI   "\xee\xa3\x82"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_SVIDEO   "\xee\xa3\x83"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_OVERSCAN   "\xee\xa3\x84"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_PHONE   "\xee\xa3\x85"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_POWER   "\xee\xa3\x86"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_REMOTE   "\xee\xa3\x87"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_SUGGEST   "\xef\x81\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_SYSTEM_DAYDREAM   "\xee\x87\x83"
#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_VOICE   "\xee\xa3\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SEVERE_COLD   "\xee\xaf\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SHARE   "\xee\xa0\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_SHARE_ARRIVAL_TIME   "\xee\x94\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SHARE_LOCATION   "\xef\x81\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_SHIELD   "\xee\xa7\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_SHIELD_MOON   "\xee\xaa\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SHOP   "\xee\xa3\x89"
#define ICON_MD_SHOP_2   "\xee\x86\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_SHOP_TWO   "\xee\xa3\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_SHOPIFY   "\xee\xaa\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_BAG   "\xef\x87\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_BASKET   "\xee\xa3\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa3\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_CART_CHECKOUT   "\xee\xae\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SHORT_TEXT   "\xee\x89\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SHORTCUT   "\xef\x81\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_SHOW_CHART   "\xee\x9b\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SHOWER   "\xef\x81\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SHUFFLE   "\xee\x81\x83"
#define ICON_MD_SHUFFLE_ON   "\xee\xa7\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SHUTTER_SPEED   "\xee\x90\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_SICK   "\xef\x88\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_SIGN_LANGUAGE   "\xee\xaf\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_0_BAR   "\xef\x82\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_4_BAR   "\xee\x87\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT   "\xee\x88\x82"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NO_SIM   "\xee\x87\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NODATA   "\xef\x81\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NULL   "\xee\x87\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_OFF   "\xee\x87\x90"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_0_BAR   "\xef\x82\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_4_BAR   "\xee\x87\x98"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_4_BAR_LOCK   "\xee\x87\x99"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_BAD   "\xef\x81\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x87\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_STATUSBAR_4_BAR   "\xef\x81\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_STATUSBAR_NULL   "\xef\x81\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_SIGNPOST   "\xee\xae\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD   "\xee\x8c\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD_ALERT   "\xee\x98\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD_DOWNLOAD   "\xef\x81\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SINGLE_BED   "\xee\xa9\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SIP   "\xef\x81\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SKATEBOARDING   "\xee\x94\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SKIP_NEXT   "\xee\x81\x84"
#define ICON_MD_SKIP_PREVIOUS   "\xee\x81\x85"
#define ICON_MD_SLEDDING   "\xee\x94\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SLIDESHOW   "\xee\x90\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_SLOW_MOTION_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SMART_BUTTON   "\xef\x87\x81"
#define ICON_MD_SMART_DISPLAY   "\xef\x81\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SMART_SCREEN   "\xef\x81\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SMART_TOY   "\xef\x81\xac"
#define ICON_MD_SMARTPHONE   "\xee\x8c\xac"
#define ICON_MD_SMOKE_FREE   "\xee\xad\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_SMOKING_ROOMS   "\xee\xad\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_SMS   "\xee\x98\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_SMS_FAILED   "\xee\x98\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_SNAPCHAT   "\xee\xa9\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SNIPPET_FOLDER   "\xef\x87\x87"
#define ICON_MD_SNOOZE   "\xee\x81\x86"
#define ICON_MD_SNOWBOARDING   "\xee\x94\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_SNOWMOBILE   "\xee\x94\x83"
#define ICON_MD_SNOWSHOEING   "\xee\x94\x94"
#define ICON_MD_SOAP   "\xef\x86\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_SOCIAL_DISTANCE   "\xee\x87\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_SOLAR_POWER   "\xee\xb0\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_SORT   "\xee\x85\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SORT_BY_ALPHA   "\xee\x81\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SOS   "\xee\xaf\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_SOUP_KITCHEN   "\xee\x9f\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SOURCE   "\xef\x87\x84"
#define ICON_MD_SOUTH   "\xef\x87\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_AMERICA   "\xee\x9f\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_EAST   "\xef\x87\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_SPA   "\xee\xad\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_SPACE_BAR   "\xee\x89\x96"
#define ICON_MD_SPACE_DASHBOARD   "\xee\x99\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_AUDIO   "\xee\xaf\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_AUDIO_OFF   "\xee\xaf\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_TRACKING   "\xee\xaf\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER   "\xee\x8c\xad"
#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_GROUP   "\xee\x8c\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_NOTES   "\xee\xa3\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_NOTES_OFF   "\xee\xa4\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SPEED   "\xee\xa7\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SPELLCHECK   "\xee\xa3\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_SPLITSCREEN   "\xef\x81\xad"
#define ICON_MD_SPOKE   "\xee\xa6\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BAR   "\xef\x87\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BASEBALL   "\xee\xa9\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BASKETBALL   "\xee\xa8\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_CRICKET   "\xee\xa8\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_ESPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_FOOTBALL   "\xee\xa8\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_GOLF   "\xee\xa8\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_GYMNASTICS   "\xee\xaf\x84"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_HANDBALL   "\xee\xa8\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_HOCKEY   "\xee\xa8\xab"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_KABADDI   "\xee\xa8\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MARTIAL_ARTS   "\xee\xab\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MMA   "\xee\xa8\xac"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MOTORSPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xad"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_RUGBY   "\xee\xa8\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_SCORE   "\xef\x81\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_SOCCER   "\xee\xa8\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_TENNIS   "\xee\xa8\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_VOLLEYBALL   "\xee\xa8\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_SQUARE   "\xee\xac\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_SQUARE_FOOT   "\xee\xa9\x89"
#define ICON_MD_SSID_CHART   "\xee\xad\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_STACKED_BAR_CHART   "\xee\xa7\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_STACKED_LINE_CHART   "\xef\x88\xab"
#define ICON_MD_STADIUM   "\xee\xae\x90"
#define ICON_MD_STAIRS   "\xef\x86\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_STAR   "\xee\xa0\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_BORDER   "\xee\xa0\xba"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_BORDER_PURPLE500   "\xef\x82\x99"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_HALF   "\xee\xa0\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_OUTLINE   "\xef\x81\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_PURPLE500   "\xef\x82\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_STAR_RATE   "\xef\x83\xac"
#define ICON_MD_STARS   "\xee\xa3\x90"
#define ICON_MD_START   "\xee\x82\x89"
#define ICON_MD_STAY_CURRENT_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x83\x93"
#define ICON_MD_STAY_CURRENT_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x83\x94"
#define ICON_MD_STAY_PRIMARY_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x83\x95"
#define ICON_MD_STAY_PRIMARY_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x83\x96"
#define ICON_MD_STICKY_NOTE_2   "\xef\x87\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_STOP   "\xee\x81\x87"
#define ICON_MD_STOP_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_STOP_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_STORAGE   "\xee\x87\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_STORE   "\xee\xa3\x91"
#define ICON_MD_STORE_MALL_DIRECTORY   "\xee\x95\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_STOREFRONT   "\xee\xa8\x92"
#define ICON_MD_STORM   "\xef\x81\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_STRAIGHT   "\xee\xae\x95"
#define ICON_MD_STRAIGHTEN   "\xee\x90\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_STREAM   "\xee\xa7\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_STREETVIEW   "\xee\x95\xae"
#define ICON_MD_STRIKETHROUGH_S   "\xee\x89\x97"
#define ICON_MD_STROLLER   "\xef\x86\xae"
#define ICON_MD_STYLE   "\xee\x90\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_SUBDIRECTORY_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x99"
#define ICON_MD_SUBDIRECTORY_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_SUBJECT   "\xee\xa3\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SUBSCRIPT   "\xef\x84\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SUBSCRIPTIONS   "\xee\x81\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_SUBTITLES   "\xee\x81\x88"
#define ICON_MD_SUBTITLES_OFF   "\xee\xbd\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_SUBWAY   "\xee\x95\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_SUMMARIZE   "\xef\x81\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_SUNNY   "\xee\xa0\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_SUNNY_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x99"
#define ICON_MD_SUPERSCRIPT   "\xef\x84\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SUPERVISED_USER_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa4\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_SUPERVISOR_ACCOUNT   "\xee\xa3\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SUPPORT   "\xee\xbd\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SUPPORT_AGENT   "\xef\x83\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SURFING   "\xee\x94\x95"
#define ICON_MD_SURROUND_SOUND   "\xee\x81\x89"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_CALLS   "\xee\x83\x97"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_HORIZ   "\xee\xa3\x94"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_HORIZONTAL_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa4\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERT   "\xee\xa3\x95"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERT_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa3\x96"
#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERTICAL_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa3\x96"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE   "\xee\xa7\xac"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_DOWN   "\xee\xad\x93"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_LEFT   "\xee\xad\x99"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_LEFT_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_RIGHT   "\xee\xad\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_RIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xad\x96"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_UP   "\xee\xac\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_UP_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_VERTICAL   "\xee\xad\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCESS_SHORTCUT   "\xee\x9f\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCESS_SHORTCUT_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCOUNT   "\xee\xa7\xad"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_LEFT   "\xef\x87\x91"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_RIGHT   "\xef\x87\x92"
#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_VIDEO   "\xee\x90\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_SYNAGOGUE   "\xee\xaa\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_SYNC   "\xee\x98\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_SYNC_ALT   "\xee\xa8\x98"
#define ICON_MD_SYNC_DISABLED   "\xee\x98\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_SYNC_LOCK   "\xee\xab\xae"
#define ICON_MD_SYNC_PROBLEM   "\xee\x98\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_SECURITY_UPDATE   "\xef\x81\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_SECURITY_UPDATE_GOOD   "\xef\x81\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE   "\xee\x98\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE_ALT   "\xee\xa3\x97"
#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE_TV   "\xee\xa3\x97"
#define ICON_MD_TAB   "\xee\xa3\x98"
#define ICON_MD_TAB_UNSELECTED   "\xee\xa3\x99"
#define ICON_MD_TABLE_BAR   "\xee\xab\x92"
#define ICON_MD_TABLE_CHART   "\xee\x89\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TABLE_RESTAURANT   "\xee\xab\x86"
#define ICON_MD_TABLE_ROWS   "\xef\x84\x81"
#define ICON_MD_TABLE_VIEW   "\xef\x86\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_TABLET   "\xee\x8c\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_TABLET_ANDROID   "\xee\x8c\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_TABLET_MAC   "\xee\x8c\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_TAG   "\xee\xa7\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_TAG_FACES   "\xee\x90\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_TAKEOUT_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_TAP_AND_PLAY   "\xee\x98\xab"
#define ICON_MD_TAPAS   "\xef\x87\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_TASK   "\xef\x81\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_TASK_ALT   "\xee\x8b\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_TAXI_ALERT   "\xee\xbd\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_TELEGRAM   "\xee\xa9\xab"
#define ICON_MD_TEMPLE_BUDDHIST   "\xee\xaa\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_TEMPLE_HINDU   "\xee\xaa\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_TERMINAL   "\xee\xae\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_TERRAIN   "\xee\x95\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_DECREASE   "\xee\xab\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_FIELDS   "\xee\x89\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_FORMAT   "\xee\x85\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_INCREASE   "\xee\xab\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATE_UP   "\xee\xa4\xba"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATE_VERTICAL   "\xee\xa4\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_ANGLEDOWN   "\xee\xa4\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_ANGLEUP   "\xee\xa4\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_DOWN   "\xee\xa4\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_NONE   "\xee\xa4\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_TEXT_SNIPPET   "\xef\x87\x86"
#define ICON_MD_TEXTSMS   "\xee\x83\x98"
#define ICON_MD_TEXTURE   "\xee\x90\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_THEATER_COMEDY   "\xee\xa9\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_THEATERS   "\xee\xa3\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_THERMOSTAT   "\xef\x81\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_THERMOSTAT_AUTO   "\xef\x81\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\xa0\x96"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN_OFF_ALT   "\xee\xa7\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP   "\xee\xa3\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP_ALT   "\xee\xa0\x97"
#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP_OFF_ALT   "\xee\xa7\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_THUMBS_UP_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\x9d"
#define ICON_MD_THUNDERSTORM   "\xee\xaf\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_TIKTOK   "\xee\xa9\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_TIME_TO_LEAVE   "\xee\x98\xac"
#define ICON_MD_TIMELAPSE   "\xee\x90\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_TIMELINE   "\xee\xa4\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER   "\xee\x90\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER_10   "\xee\x90\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER_10_SELECT   "\xef\x81\xba"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER_3   "\xee\x90\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER_3_SELECT   "\xef\x81\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_TIMER_OFF   "\xee\x90\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_TIPS_AND_UPDATES   "\xee\x9e\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_TIRE_REPAIR   "\xee\xaf\x88"
#define ICON_MD_TITLE   "\xee\x89\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TOC   "\xee\xa3\x9e"
#define ICON_MD_TODAY   "\xee\xa3\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_TOGGLE_OFF   "\xee\xa7\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_TOGGLE_ON   "\xee\xa7\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_TOKEN   "\xee\xa8\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TOLL   "\xee\xa3\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_TONALITY   "\xee\x90\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_TOPIC   "\xef\x87\x88"
#define ICON_MD_TORNADO   "\xee\x86\x99"
#define ICON_MD_TOUCH_APP   "\xee\xa4\x93"
#define ICON_MD_TOUR   "\xee\xbd\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_TOYS   "\xee\x8c\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_TRACK_CHANGES   "\xee\xa3\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_TRAFFIC   "\xee\x95\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TRAIN   "\xee\x95\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_TRAM   "\xee\x95\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_TRANSFER_WITHIN_A_STATION   "\xee\x95\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_TRANSFORM   "\xee\x90\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_TRANSGENDER   "\xee\x96\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_TRANSIT_ENTEREXIT   "\xee\x95\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa3\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_TRAVEL_EXPLORE   "\xee\x8b\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_FLAT   "\xee\xa3\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_NEUTRAL   "\xee\xa3\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_UP   "\xee\xa3\xa5"
#define ICON_MD_TRIP_ORIGIN   "\xee\x95\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_TROUBLESHOOT   "\xee\x87\x92"
#define ICON_MD_TRY   "\xef\x81\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_TSUNAMI   "\xee\xaf\x98"
#define ICON_MD_TTY   "\xef\x86\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_TUNE   "\xee\x90\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_TUNGSTEN   "\xef\x81\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xab"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_SHARP_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_SHARP_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_SLIGHT_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_TURN_SLIGHT_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_TURNED_IN   "\xee\xa3\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_TURNED_IN_NOT   "\xee\xa3\xa7"
#define ICON_MD_TV   "\xee\x8c\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_TV_OFF   "\xee\x99\x87"
#define ICON_MD_TWO_WHEELER   "\xee\xa7\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_U_TURN_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_U_TURN_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_UMBRELLA   "\xef\x86\xad"
#define ICON_MD_UNARCHIVE   "\xee\x85\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_UNDO   "\xee\x85\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_UNFOLD_LESS   "\xee\x97\x96"
#define ICON_MD_UNFOLD_MORE   "\xee\x97\x97"
#define ICON_MD_UNPUBLISHED   "\xef\x88\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_UNSUBSCRIBE   "\xee\x83\xab"
#define ICON_MD_UPCOMING   "\xef\x81\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_UPDATE   "\xee\xa4\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_UPDATE_DISABLED   "\xee\x81\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_UPGRADE   "\xef\x83\xbb"
#define ICON_MD_UPLOAD   "\xef\x82\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_UPLOAD_FILE   "\xee\xa7\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_USB   "\xee\x87\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_USB_OFF   "\xee\x93\xba"
#define ICON_MD_VACCINES   "\xee\x84\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_VAPE_FREE   "\xee\xaf\x86"
#define ICON_MD_VAPING_ROOMS   "\xee\xaf\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_VERIFIED   "\xee\xbd\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_VERIFIED_USER   "\xee\xa3\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM   "\xee\x89\x98"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER   "\xee\x89\x99"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP   "\xee\x89\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_DISTRIBUTE   "\xee\x81\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SHADES   "\xee\xb0\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SHADES_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SPLIT   "\xee\xa5\x89"
#define ICON_MD_VIBRATION   "\xee\x98\xad"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CALL   "\xee\x81\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CAMERA_BACK   "\xef\x81\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xef\x82\x80"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_COLLECTION   "\xee\x81\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_FILE   "\xee\xae\x87"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_LABEL   "\xee\x81\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_LIBRARY   "\xee\x81\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_SETTINGS   "\xee\xa9\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_STABLE   "\xef\x82\x81"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM   "\xee\x81\x8b"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM_OFF   "\xee\x81\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET   "\xee\x8c\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET_OFF   "\xee\x94\x80"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_AGENDA   "\xee\xa3\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_ARRAY   "\xee\xa3\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_CAROUSEL   "\xee\xa3\xab"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COLUMN   "\xee\xa3\xac"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFORTABLE   "\xee\x90\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFY   "\xee\x90\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFY_ALT   "\xee\xad\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMPACT   "\xee\x90\xab"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMPACT_ALT   "\xee\xad\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COZY   "\xee\xad\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_DAY   "\xee\xa3\xad"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_HEADLINE   "\xee\xa3\xae"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_IN_AR   "\xee\xa7\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_KANBAN   "\xee\xad\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_LIST   "\xee\xa3\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_MODULE   "\xee\xa3\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_QUILT   "\xee\xa3\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_SIDEBAR   "\xef\x84\x94"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_STREAM   "\xee\xa3\xb2"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_TIMELINE   "\xee\xae\x85"
#define ICON_MD_VIEW_WEEK   "\xee\xa3\xb3"
#define ICON_MD_VIGNETTE   "\xee\x90\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_VILLA   "\xee\x96\x86"
#define ICON_MD_VISIBILITY   "\xee\xa3\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_VISIBILITY_OFF   "\xee\xa3\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_VOICE_CHAT   "\xee\x98\xae"
#define ICON_MD_VOICE_OVER_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_VOICEMAIL   "\xee\x83\x99"
#define ICON_MD_VOLCANO   "\xee\xaf\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_DOWN   "\xee\x81\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\x9e\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_MUTE   "\xee\x81\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_OFF   "\xee\x81\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_UP   "\xee\x81\x90"
#define ICON_MD_VOLUNTEER_ACTIVISM   "\xee\xa9\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_VPN_KEY   "\xee\x83\x9a"
#define ICON_MD_VPN_KEY_OFF   "\xee\xad\xba"
#define ICON_MD_VPN_LOCK   "\xee\x98\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_VRPANO   "\xef\x82\x82"
#define ICON_MD_WALLET   "\xef\xa3\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_WALLET_GIFTCARD   "\xee\xa3\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_WALLET_MEMBERSHIP   "\xee\xa3\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_WALLET_TRAVEL   "\xee\xa3\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_WALLPAPER   "\xee\x86\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_WAREHOUSE   "\xee\xae\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_WARNING   "\xee\x80\x82"
#define ICON_MD_WARNING_AMBER   "\xef\x82\x83"
#define ICON_MD_WASH   "\xef\x86\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_WATCH   "\xee\x8c\xb4"
#define ICON_MD_WATCH_LATER   "\xee\xa4\xa4"
#define ICON_MD_WATCH_OFF   "\xee\xab\xa3"
#define ICON_MD_WATER   "\xef\x82\x84"
#define ICON_MD_WATER_DAMAGE   "\xef\x88\x83"
#define ICON_MD_WATER_DROP   "\xee\x9e\x98"
#define ICON_MD_WATERFALL_CHART   "\xee\xa8\x80"
#define ICON_MD_WAVES   "\xee\x85\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_WAVING_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_WB_AUTO   "\xee\x90\xac"
#define ICON_MD_WB_CLOUDY   "\xee\x90\xad"
#define ICON_MD_WB_INCANDESCENT   "\xee\x90\xae"
#define ICON_MD_WB_IRIDESCENT   "\xee\x90\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_WB_SHADE   "\xee\xa8\x81"
#define ICON_MD_WB_SUNNY   "\xee\x90\xb0"
#define ICON_MD_WB_TWIGHLIGHT   "\xee\xa8\x82"
#define ICON_MD_WB_TWILIGHT   "\xee\x87\x86"
#define ICON_MD_WC   "\xee\x98\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_WEB   "\xee\x81\x91"
#define ICON_MD_WEB_ASSET   "\xee\x81\xa9"
#define ICON_MD_WEB_ASSET_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_WEB_STORIES   "\xee\x96\x95"
#define ICON_MD_WEBHOOK   "\xee\xae\x92"
#define ICON_MD_WECHAT   "\xee\xaa\x81"
#define ICON_MD_WEEKEND   "\xee\x85\xab"
#define ICON_MD_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa6"
#define ICON_MD_WHATSAPP   "\xee\xaa\x9c"
#define ICON_MD_WHATSHOT   "\xee\xa0\x8e"
#define ICON_MD_WHEELCHAIR_PICKUP   "\xef\x86\xab"
#define ICON_MD_WHERE_TO_VOTE   "\xee\x85\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_WIDGETS   "\xee\x86\xbd"
#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_FULL   "\xef\xa3\xb5"
#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_NORMAL   "\xef\xa3\xb6"
#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_WIDE   "\xef\xa3\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI   "\xee\x98\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_1_BAR   "\xee\x93\x8a"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_2_BAR   "\xee\x93\x99"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CALLING   "\xee\xbd\xb7"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CALLING_3   "\xef\x82\x85"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CHANNEL   "\xee\xad\xaa"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_FIND   "\xee\xac\xb1"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_LOCK   "\xee\x87\xa1"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x99\x88"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_PASSWORD   "\xee\xad\xab"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_PROTECTED_SETUP   "\xef\x83\xbc"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING   "\xee\x87\xa2"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING_ERROR   "\xee\xab\x99"
#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING_OFF   "\xef\x82\x87"
#define ICON_MD_WIND_POWER   "\xee\xb0\x8c"
#define ICON_MD_WINDOW   "\xef\x82\x88"
#define ICON_MD_WINE_BAR   "\xef\x87\xa8"
#define ICON_MD_WOMAN   "\xee\x84\xbe"
#define ICON_MD_WOO_COMMERCE   "\xee\xa9\xad"
#define ICON_MD_WORDPRESS   "\xee\xaa\x9f"
#define ICON_MD_WORK   "\xee\xa3\xb9"
#define ICON_MD_WORK_HISTORY   "\xee\xb0\x89"
#define ICON_MD_WORK_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x82"
#define ICON_MD_WORK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa5\x83"
#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACE_PREMIUM   "\xee\x9e\xaf"
#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES   "\xee\x86\xa0"
#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES_FILLED   "\xee\xa8\x8d"
#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa8\x8f"
#define ICON_MD_WRAP_TEXT   "\xee\x89\x9b"
#define ICON_MD_WRONG_LOCATION   "\xee\xbd\xb8"
#define ICON_MD_WYSIWYG   "\xef\x87\x83"
#define ICON_MD_YARD   "\xef\x82\x89"
#define ICON_MD_YOUTUBE_SEARCHED_FOR   "\xee\xa3\xba"
#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_IN   "\xee\xa3\xbf"
#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_IN_MAP   "\xee\xac\xad"
#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_OUT   "\xee\xa4\x80"
#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_OUT_MAP   "\xee\x95\xab"

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_MD   "MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf"

Definition at line 6 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::core::anonymous_namespace{font_loader.cc}::AddIconFont().


#define ICON_MIN_MD   0xe000

Definition at line 8 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::core::anonymous_namespace{font_loader.cc}::AddIconFont().


#define ICON_MAX_MD   0x10fffd

Definition at line 9 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_10K   "\xee\xa5\x91"

Definition at line 10 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_10MP   "\xee\xa5\x92"

Definition at line 11 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_11MP   "\xee\xa5\x93"

Definition at line 12 of file icons.h.

◆ ICON_MD_123

#define ICON_MD_123   "\xee\xae\x8d"

Definition at line 13 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_12MP   "\xee\xa5\x94"

Definition at line 14 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_13MP   "\xee\xa5\x95"

Definition at line 15 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_14MP   "\xee\xa5\x96"

Definition at line 16 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_15MP   "\xee\xa5\x97"

Definition at line 17 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_16MP   "\xee\xa5\x98"

Definition at line 18 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_17MP   "\xee\xa5\x99"

Definition at line 19 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_18_UP_RATING   "\xef\xa3\xbd"

Definition at line 20 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_18MP   "\xee\xa5\x9a"

Definition at line 21 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_19MP   "\xee\xa5\x9b"

Definition at line 22 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_1K   "\xee\xa5\x9c"

Definition at line 23 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_1K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\x9d"

Definition at line 24 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_1X_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x8d"

Definition at line 25 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_20MP   "\xee\xa5\x9e"

Definition at line 26 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_21MP   "\xee\xa5\x9f"

Definition at line 27 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_22MP   "\xee\xa5\xa0"

Definition at line 28 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_23MP   "\xee\xa5\xa1"

Definition at line 29 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_24MP   "\xee\xa5\xa2"

Definition at line 30 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_2K   "\xee\xa5\xa3"

Definition at line 31 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_2K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa4"

Definition at line 32 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_2MP   "\xee\xa5\xa5"

Definition at line 33 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_30FPS   "\xee\xbf\x8e"

Definition at line 34 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_30FPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x8f"

Definition at line 35 of file icons.h.

◆ ICON_MD_360

#define ICON_MD_360   "\xee\x95\xb7"

Definition at line 36 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3D_ROTATION   "\xee\xa1\x8d"

Definition at line 37 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3G_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x90"

Definition at line 38 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3K   "\xee\xa5\xa6"

Definition at line 39 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa7"

Definition at line 40 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3MP   "\xee\xa5\xa8"

Definition at line 41 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_3P   "\xee\xbf\x91"

Definition at line 42 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_4G_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x92"

Definition at line 43 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_4G_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xee\xbf\x93"

Definition at line 44 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_4K   "\xee\x81\xb2"

Definition at line 45 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_4K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xa9"

Definition at line 46 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_4MP   "\xee\xa5\xaa"

Definition at line 47 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_5G   "\xee\xbc\xb8"

Definition at line 48 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_5K   "\xee\xa5\xab"

Definition at line 49 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_5K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xac"

Definition at line 50 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_5MP   "\xee\xa5\xad"

Definition at line 51 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_60FPS   "\xee\xbf\x94"

Definition at line 52 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_60FPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x95"

Definition at line 53 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_6_FT_APART   "\xef\x88\x9e"

Definition at line 54 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_6K   "\xee\xa5\xae"

Definition at line 55 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_6K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xaf"

Definition at line 56 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_6MP   "\xee\xa5\xb0"

Definition at line 57 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_7K   "\xee\xa5\xb1"

Definition at line 58 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_7K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb2"

Definition at line 59 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_7MP   "\xee\xa5\xb3"

Definition at line 60 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_8K   "\xee\xa5\xb4"

Definition at line 61 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_8K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb5"

Definition at line 62 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_8MP   "\xee\xa5\xb6"

Definition at line 63 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_9K   "\xee\xa5\xb7"

Definition at line 64 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_9K_PLUS   "\xee\xa5\xb8"

Definition at line 65 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_9MP   "\xee\xa5\xb9"

Definition at line 66 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ABC   "\xee\xae\x94"

Definition at line 67 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AC_UNIT   "\xee\xac\xbb"

Definition at line 68 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_ALARM   "\xee\x86\x90"

Definition at line 69 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_ALARMS   "\xee\x86\x91"

Definition at line 70 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_TIME   "\xee\x86\x92"

Definition at line 71 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::MusicEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_ACCESS_TIME_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\x96"

Definition at line 72 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBILITY   "\xee\xa1\x8e"

Definition at line 73 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBILITY_NEW   "\xee\xa4\xac"

Definition at line 74 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBLE   "\xee\xa4\x94"

Definition at line 75 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCESSIBLE_FORWARD   "\xee\xa4\xb4"

Definition at line 76 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BALANCE   "\xee\xa1\x8f"

Definition at line 77 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_WALLET   "\xee\xa1\x90"

Definition at line 78 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_BOX   "\xee\xa1\x91"

Definition at line 79 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa1\x93"

Definition at line 80 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_TREE   "\xee\xa5\xba"

Definition at line 81 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AD_UNITS   "\xee\xbc\xb9"

Definition at line 82 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADB   "\xee\x98\x8e"

Definition at line 83 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_ADD_A_PHOTO   "\xee\x90\xb9"

Definition at line 85 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_ALARM   "\xee\x86\x93"

Definition at line 86 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_ALERT   "\xee\x80\x83"

Definition at line 87 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_BOX   "\xee\x85\x86"

Definition at line 88 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_BUSINESS   "\xee\x9c\xa9"

Definition at line 89 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_CALL   "\xee\x83\xa8"

Definition at line 90 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_CARD   "\xee\xae\x86"

Definition at line 91 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_CHART   "\xee\xa5\xbb"

Definition at line 92 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x85\x87"

Definition at line 93 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x85\x88"

Definition at line 94 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\xa6"

Definition at line 95 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_IC_CALL   "\xee\xa5\xbc"

Definition at line 96 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_LINK   "\xee\x85\xb8"

Definition at line 97 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xa7"

Definition at line 98 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_ADD_LOCATION_ALT   "\xee\xbc\xba"

Definition at line 99 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_MODERATOR   "\xee\xa5\xbd"

Definition at line 100 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_PHOTO_ALTERNATE   "\xee\x90\xbe"

Definition at line 101 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_REACTION   "\xee\x87\x93"

Definition at line 102 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_ROAD   "\xee\xbc\xbb"

Definition at line 103 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa1\x94"

Definition at line 104 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_TASK   "\xef\x88\xba"

Definition at line 105 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_DRIVE   "\xee\x99\x9c"

Definition at line 106 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_HOME_SCREEN   "\xee\x87\xbe"

Definition at line 107 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_PHOTOS   "\xee\x8e\x9d"

Definition at line 108 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADD_TO_QUEUE   "\xee\x81\x9c"

Definition at line 109 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADDCHART   "\xee\xbc\xbc"

Definition at line 110 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADF_SCANNER   "\xee\xab\x9a"

Definition at line 111 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADJUST   "\xee\x8e\x9e"

Definition at line 112 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADMIN_PANEL_SETTINGS   "\xee\xbc\xbd"

Definition at line 113 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADOBE   "\xee\xaa\x96"

Definition at line 114 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ADS_CLICK   "\xee\x9d\xa2"

Definition at line 115 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AGRICULTURE   "\xee\xa9\xb9"

Definition at line 116 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIR   "\xee\xbf\x98"

Definition at line 117 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_FLAT   "\xee\x98\xb0"

Definition at line 118 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_FLAT_ANGLED   "\xee\x98\xb1"

Definition at line 119 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 120 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_LEGROOM_EXTRA   "\xee\x98\xb3"

Definition at line 121 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_LEGROOM_NORMAL   "\xee\x98\xb4"

Definition at line 122 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 123 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_RECLINE_EXTRA   "\xee\x98\xb6"

Definition at line 124 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_SEAT_RECLINE_NORMAL   "\xee\x98\xb7"

Definition at line 125 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINE_STOPS   "\xee\x9f\x90"

Definition at line 126 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRLINES   "\xee\x9f\x8a"

Definition at line 127 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANE_TICKET   "\xee\xbf\x99"

Definition at line 128 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_ACTIVE   "\xee\x86\x95"

Definition at line 129 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_INACTIVE   "\xee\x86\x94"

Definition at line 130 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_OFF   "\xee\x86\x94"

Definition at line 131 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLANEMODE_ON   "\xee\x86\x95"

Definition at line 132 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPLAY   "\xee\x81\x95"

Definition at line 133 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AIRPORT_SHUTTLE   "\xee\xac\xbc"

Definition at line 134 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALARM   "\xee\xa1\x95"

Definition at line 135 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALARM_ADD   "\xee\xa1\x96"

Definition at line 136 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALARM_OFF   "\xee\xa1\x97"

Definition at line 137 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALARM_ON   "\xee\xa1\x98"

Definition at line 138 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALBUM   "\xee\x80\x99"

Definition at line 139 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER   "\xee\x80\x8f"

Definition at line 140 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_LEFT   "\xee\x80\x8d"

Definition at line 141 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT   "\xee\x80\x90"

Definition at line 142 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_BOTTOM   "\xee\x80\x95"

Definition at line 143 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER   "\xee\x80\x91"

Definition at line 144 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALIGN_VERTICAL_TOP   "\xee\x80\x8c"

Definition at line 145 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALL_INBOX   "\xee\xa5\xbf"

Definition at line 146 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALL_INCLUSIVE   "\xee\xac\xbd"

Definition at line 147 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALL_OUT   "\xee\xa4\x8b"

Definition at line 148 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALT_ROUTE   "\xef\x86\x84"

Definition at line 149 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ALTERNATE_EMAIL   "\xee\x83\xa6"

Definition at line 150 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AMP_STORIES   "\xee\xa8\x93"

Definition at line 151 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ANALYTICS   "\xee\xbc\xbe"

Definition at line 152 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ANCHOR   "\xef\x87\x8d"

Definition at line 153 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ANDROID   "\xee\xa1\x99"

Definition at line 154 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ANIMATION   "\xee\x9c\x9c"

Definition at line 155 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ANNOUNCEMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9a"

Definition at line 156 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AOD   "\xee\xbf\x9a"

Definition at line 157 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APARTMENT   "\xee\xa9\x80"

Definition at line 158 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_API   "\xef\x86\xb7"

Definition at line 159 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APP_BLOCKING   "\xee\xbc\xbf"

Definition at line 160 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APP_REGISTRATION   "\xee\xbd\x80"

Definition at line 161 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APP_SETTINGS_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x81"

Definition at line 162 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APP_SHORTCUT   "\xee\xab\xa4"

Definition at line 163 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APPLE   "\xee\xaa\x80"

Definition at line 164 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APPROVAL   "\xee\xa6\x82"

Definition at line 165 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APPS   "\xee\x97\x83"

Definition at line 166 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_APPS_OUTAGE   "\xee\x9f\x8c"

Definition at line 167 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARCHITECTURE   "\xee\xa8\xbb"

Definition at line 168 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARCHIVE   "\xee\x85\x89"

Definition at line 169 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AREA_CHART   "\xee\x9d\xb0"

Definition at line 170 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK   "\xee\x97\x84"

Definition at line 171 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK_IOS   "\xee\x97\xa0"

Definition at line 172 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_BACK_IOS_NEW   "\xee\x8b\xaa"

Definition at line 173 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN   "\xef\x86\x81"

Definition at line 174 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT   "\xee\xaa\xa7"

Definition at line 175 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT   "\xee\xaa\xaa"

Definition at line 176 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP   "\xef\x86\x82"

Definition at line 177 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DOWNWARD   "\xee\x97\x9b"

Definition at line 178 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_DOWN   "\xee\x97\x85"

Definition at line 179 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_DOWN_CIRCLE   "\xee\x97\x86"

Definition at line 180 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_DROP_UP   "\xee\x97\x87"

Definition at line 181 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_FORWARD   "\xee\x97\x88"

Definition at line 182 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_FORWARD_IOS   "\xee\x97\xa1"

Definition at line 183 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x9e"

Definition at line 184 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x9f"

Definition at line 185 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_RIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xa5\x81"

Definition at line 186 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARROW_UPWARD   "\xee\x97\x98"

Definition at line 187 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ART_TRACK   "\xee\x81\xa0"

Definition at line 188 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ARTICLE   "\xee\xbd\x82"

Definition at line 189 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASPECT_RATIO   "\xee\xa1\x9b"

Definition at line 190 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSESSMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9c"

Definition at line 191 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT   "\xee\xa1\x9d"

Definition at line 192 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_IND   "\xee\xa1\x9e"

Definition at line 193 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_LATE   "\xee\xa1\x9f"

Definition at line 194 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_RETURN   "\xee\xa1\xa0"

Definition at line 195 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_RETURNED   "\xee\xa1\xa1"

Definition at line 196 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSIGNMENT_TURNED_IN   "\xee\xa1\xa2"

Definition at line 197 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT   "\xee\x8e\x9f"

Definition at line 198 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_DIRECTION   "\xee\xa6\x88"

Definition at line 199 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_NAVIGATION   "\xee\xa6\x89"

Definition at line 200 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSISTANT_PHOTO   "\xee\x8e\xa0"

Definition at line 201 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ASSURED_WORKLOAD   "\xee\xad\xaf"

Definition at line 202 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATM   "\xee\x95\xb3"

Definition at line 203 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_EMAIL   "\xee\xa9\x9e"

Definition at line 204 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_FILE   "\xee\x88\xa6"

Definition at line 205 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTACH_MONEY   "\xee\x88\xa7"

Definition at line 206 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTACHMENT   "\xee\x8a\xbc"

Definition at line 207 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTRACTIONS   "\xee\xa9\x92"

Definition at line 208 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ATTRIBUTION   "\xee\xbf\x9b"

Definition at line 209 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUDIO_FILE   "\xee\xae\x82"

Definition at line 210 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUDIOTRACK   "\xee\x8e\xa1"

Definition at line 211 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME   "\xee\x99\x9f"

Definition at line 212 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME_MOSAIC   "\xee\x99\xa0"

Definition at line 213 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_AWESOME_MOTION   "\xee\x99\xa1"

Definition at line 214 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_DELETE   "\xee\xa9\x8c"

Definition at line 215 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_HIGH   "\xee\x99\xa3"

Definition at line 216 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_NORMAL   "\xee\x99\xa4"

Definition at line 217 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_FIX_OFF   "\xee\x99\xa5"

Definition at line 218 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_GRAPH   "\xee\x93\xbb"

Definition at line 219 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_MODE   "\xee\xb0\xa0"

Definition at line 220 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTO_STORIES   "\xee\x99\xa6"

Definition at line 221 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTOFPS_SELECT   "\xee\xbf\x9c"

Definition at line 222 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AUTORENEW   "\xee\xa1\xa3"

Definition at line 223 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_AV_TIMER   "\xee\x80\x9b"

Definition at line 224 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BABY_CHANGING_STATION   "\xef\x86\x9b"

Definition at line 225 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BACK_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa4"

Definition at line 226 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BACKPACK   "\xef\x86\x9c"

Definition at line 227 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BACKSPACE   "\xee\x85\x8a"

Definition at line 228 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BACKUP   "\xee\xa1\xa4"

Definition at line 229 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BACKUP_TABLE   "\xee\xbd\x83"

Definition at line 230 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BADGE   "\xee\xa9\xa7"

Definition at line 231 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BAKERY_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x93"

Definition at line 232 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BALANCE   "\xee\xab\xb6"

Definition at line 233 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BALCONY   "\xee\x96\x8f"

Definition at line 234 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BALLOT   "\xee\x85\xb2"

Definition at line 235 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_BAR_CHART   "\xee\x89\xab"

Definition at line 236 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATCH_PREDICTION   "\xef\x83\xb5"

Definition at line 237 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATHROOM   "\xee\xbf\x9d"

Definition at line 238 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATHTUB   "\xee\xa9\x81"

Definition at line 239 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_0_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9c"

Definition at line 240 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x99"

Definition at line 241 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa0"

Definition at line 242 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_3_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9d"

Definition at line 243 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_4_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa2"

Definition at line 244 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_5_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x94"

Definition at line 245 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_6_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x92"

Definition at line 246 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_ALERT   "\xee\x86\x9c"

Definition at line 247 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_CHARGING_FULL   "\xee\x86\xa3"

Definition at line 248 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_FULL   "\xee\x86\xa4"

Definition at line 249 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_SAVER   "\xee\xbf\x9e"

Definition at line 250 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_STD   "\xee\x86\xa5"

Definition at line 251 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BATTERY_UNKNOWN   "\xee\x86\xa6"

Definition at line 252 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEACH_ACCESS   "\xee\xac\xbe"

Definition at line 253 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BED   "\xee\xbf\x9f"

Definition at line 254 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_BABY   "\xee\xbf\xa0"

Definition at line 255 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_CHILD   "\xee\xbf\xa1"

Definition at line 256 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEDROOM_PARENT   "\xee\xbf\xa2"

Definition at line 257 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEDTIME   "\xee\xbd\x84"

Definition at line 258 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEDTIME_OFF   "\xee\xad\xb6"

Definition at line 259 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BEENHERE   "\xee\x94\xad"

Definition at line 260 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BENTO   "\xef\x87\xb4"

Definition at line 261 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BIKE_SCOOTER   "\xee\xbd\x85"

Definition at line 262 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BIOTECH   "\xee\xa8\xba"

Definition at line 263 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLENDER   "\xee\xbf\xa3"

Definition at line 264 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLINDS   "\xee\x8a\x86"

Definition at line 265 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLINDS_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x9f"

Definition at line 266 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLOCK   "\xee\x85\x8b"

Definition at line 267 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLOCK_FLIPPED   "\xee\xbd\x86"

Definition at line 268 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLOODTYPE   "\xee\xbf\xa4"

Definition at line 269 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH   "\xee\x86\xa7"

Definition at line 270 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO   "\xee\x98\x8f"

Definition at line 271 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED   "\xee\x86\xa8"

Definition at line 272 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_DISABLED   "\xee\x86\xa9"

Definition at line 273 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_DRIVE   "\xee\xbf\xa5"

Definition at line 274 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUETOOTH_SEARCHING   "\xee\x86\xaa"

Definition at line 275 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUR_CIRCULAR   "\xee\x8e\xa2"

Definition at line 276 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUR_LINEAR   "\xee\x8e\xa3"

Definition at line 277 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUR_OFF   "\xee\x8e\xa4"

Definition at line 278 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BLUR_ON   "\xee\x8e\xa5"

Definition at line 279 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOLT   "\xee\xa8\x8b"

Definition at line 280 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOK   "\xee\xa1\xa5"

Definition at line 281 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOK_ONLINE   "\xef\x88\x97"

Definition at line 282 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK   "\xee\xa1\xa6"

Definition at line 283 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_ADD   "\xee\x96\x98"

Definition at line 284 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_ADDED   "\xee\x96\x99"

Definition at line 285 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_BORDER   "\xee\xa1\xa7"

Definition at line 286 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa1\xa7"

Definition at line 287 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARK_REMOVE   "\xee\x96\x9a"

Definition at line 288 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOOKMARKS   "\xee\xa6\x8b"

Definition at line 289 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_ALL   "\xee\x88\xa8"

Definition at line 290 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_BOTTOM   "\xee\x88\xa9"

Definition at line 291 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_CLEAR   "\xee\x88\xaa"

Definition at line 292 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_COLOR   "\xee\x88\xab"

Definition at line 293 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_HORIZONTAL   "\xee\x88\xac"

Definition at line 294 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_INNER   "\xee\x88\xad"

Definition at line 295 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_LEFT   "\xee\x88\xae"

Definition at line 296 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_OUTER   "\xee\x88\xaf"

Definition at line 297 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_RIGHT   "\xee\x88\xb0"

Definition at line 298 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_STYLE   "\xee\x88\xb1"

Definition at line 299 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_TOP   "\xee\x88\xb2"

Definition at line 300 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BORDER_VERTICAL   "\xee\x88\xb3"

Definition at line 301 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BOY   "\xee\xad\xa7"

Definition at line 302 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRANDING_WATERMARK   "\xee\x81\xab"

Definition at line 303 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BREAKFAST_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x94"

Definition at line 304 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_1   "\xee\x8e\xa6"

Definition at line 305 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_2   "\xee\x8e\xa7"

Definition at line 306 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_3   "\xee\x8e\xa8"

Definition at line 307 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_4   "\xee\x8e\xa9"

Definition at line 308 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_5   "\xee\x8e\xaa"

Definition at line 309 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_6   "\xee\x8e\xab"

Definition at line 310 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_7   "\xee\x8e\xac"

Definition at line 311 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_AUTO   "\xee\x86\xab"

Definition at line 312 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_HIGH   "\xee\x86\xac"

Definition at line 313 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_LOW   "\xee\x86\xad"

Definition at line 314 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRIGHTNESS_MEDIUM   "\xee\x86\xae"

Definition at line 315 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROADCAST_ON_HOME   "\xef\xa3\xb8"

Definition at line 316 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROADCAST_ON_PERSONAL   "\xef\xa3\xb9"

Definition at line 317 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROKEN_IMAGE   "\xee\x8e\xad"

Definition at line 318 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROWSE_GALLERY   "\xee\xaf\x91"

Definition at line 319 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED   "\xee\xbd\x87"

Definition at line 320 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BROWSER_UPDATED   "\xee\x9f\x8f"

Definition at line 321 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRUNCH_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb3"

Definition at line 322 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BRUSH   "\xee\x8e\xae"

Definition at line 323 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUBBLE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x9d"

Definition at line 324 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUG_REPORT   "\xee\xa1\xa8"

Definition at line 325 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUILD   "\xee\xa1\xa9"

Definition at line 326 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::ScreenEditor::DrawInventoryToolset().


#define ICON_MD_BUILD_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\x88"

Definition at line 327 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUNGALOW   "\xee\x96\x91"

Definition at line 328 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BURST_MODE   "\xee\x90\xbc"

Definition at line 329 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUS_ALERT   "\xee\xa6\x8f"

Definition at line 330 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUSINESS   "\xee\x82\xaf"

Definition at line 331 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_BUSINESS_CENTER   "\xee\xac\xbf"

Definition at line 332 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CABIN   "\xee\x96\x89"

Definition at line 333 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CABLE   "\xee\xbf\xa6"

Definition at line 334 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CACHED   "\xee\xa1\xaa"

Definition at line 335 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAKE   "\xee\x9f\xa9"

Definition at line 336 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALCULATE   "\xee\xa9\x9f"

Definition at line 337 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_MONTH   "\xee\xaf\x8c"

Definition at line 338 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_TODAY   "\xee\xa4\xb5"

Definition at line 339 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_DAY   "\xee\xa4\xb6"

Definition at line 340 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_MONTH   "\xee\xbf\xa7"

Definition at line 341 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALENDAR_VIEW_WEEK   "\xee\xbf\xa8"

Definition at line 342 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL   "\xee\x82\xb0"

Definition at line 343 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_END   "\xee\x82\xb1"

Definition at line 344 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_MADE   "\xee\x82\xb2"

Definition at line 345 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_MERGE   "\xee\x82\xb3"

Definition at line 346 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_MISSED   "\xee\x82\xb4"

Definition at line 347 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_MISSED_OUTGOING   "\xee\x83\xa4"

Definition at line 348 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_RECEIVED   "\xee\x82\xb5"

Definition at line 349 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_SPLIT   "\xee\x82\xb6"

Definition at line 350 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CALL_TO_ACTION   "\xee\x81\xac"

Definition at line 351 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA   "\xee\x8e\xaf"

Definition at line 352 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ALT   "\xee\x8e\xb0"

Definition at line 353 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ENHANCE   "\xee\xa3\xbc"

Definition at line 354 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xee\x8e\xb1"

Definition at line 355 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_INDOOR   "\xee\xbf\xa9"

Definition at line 356 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_OUTDOOR   "\xee\xbf\xaa"

Definition at line 357 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_REAR   "\xee\x8e\xb2"

Definition at line 358 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERA_ROLL   "\xee\x8e\xb3"

Definition at line 359 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMERASWITCH   "\xee\xbf\xab"

Definition at line 360 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAMPAIGN   "\xee\xbd\x89"

Definition at line 361 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_CANCEL_PRESENTATION   "\xee\x83\xa9"

Definition at line 363 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CANCEL_SCHEDULE_SEND   "\xee\xa8\xb9"

Definition at line 364 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CANDLESTICK_CHART   "\xee\xab\x94"

Definition at line 365 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAR_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb2"

Definition at line 366 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAR_RENTAL   "\xee\xa9\x95"

Definition at line 367 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAR_REPAIR   "\xee\xa9\x96"

Definition at line 368 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CARD_GIFTCARD   "\xee\xa3\xb6"

Definition at line 369 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CARD_MEMBERSHIP   "\xee\xa3\xb7"

Definition at line 370 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CARD_TRAVEL   "\xee\xa3\xb8"

Definition at line 371 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CARPENTER   "\xef\x87\xb8"

Definition at line 372 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CASES   "\xee\xa6\x92"

Definition at line 373 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CASINO   "\xee\xad\x80"

Definition at line 374 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAST   "\xee\x8c\x87"

Definition at line 375 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAST_CONNECTED   "\xee\x8c\x88"

Definition at line 376 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CAST_FOR_EDUCATION   "\xee\xbf\xac"

Definition at line 377 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CASTLE   "\xee\xaa\xb1"

Definition at line 378 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_CATCHING_POKEMON   "\xee\x94\x88"

Definition at line 379 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CATEGORY   "\xee\x95\xb4"

Definition at line 380 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CELEBRATION   "\xee\xa9\xa5"

Definition at line 381 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CELL_TOWER   "\xee\xae\xba"

Definition at line 382 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CELL_WIFI   "\xee\x83\xac"

Definition at line 383 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CENTER_FOCUS_STRONG   "\xee\x8e\xb4"

Definition at line 384 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CENTER_FOCUS_WEAK   "\xee\x8e\xb5"

Definition at line 385 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHAIR   "\xee\xbf\xad"

Definition at line 386 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHAIR_ALT   "\xee\xbf\xae"

Definition at line 387 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHALET   "\xee\x96\x85"

Definition at line 388 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHANGE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x8b\xa7"

Definition at line 389 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHANGE_HISTORY   "\xee\xa1\xab"

Definition at line 390 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHARGING_STATION   "\xef\x86\x9d"

Definition at line 391 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHAT   "\xee\x82\xb7"

Definition at line 392 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHAT_BUBBLE   "\xee\x83\x8a"

Definition at line 393 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHAT_BUBBLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\x8b"

Definition at line 394 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECK   "\xee\x97\x8a"

Definition at line 395 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX   "\xee\xa0\xb4"

Definition at line 396 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX_OUTLINE_BLANK   "\xee\xa0\xb5"

Definition at line 397 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECK_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa1\xac"

Definition at line 398 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECK_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xad"

Definition at line 399 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECKLIST   "\xee\x9a\xb1"

Definition at line 400 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECKLIST_RTL   "\xee\x9a\xb3"

Definition at line 401 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHECKROOM   "\xef\x86\x9e"

Definition at line 402 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHEVRON_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x8b"

Definition at line 403 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHEVRON_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x8c"

Definition at line 404 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHILD_CARE   "\xee\xad\x81"

Definition at line 405 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHILD_FRIENDLY   "\xee\xad\x82"

Definition at line 406 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHROME_READER_MODE   "\xee\xa1\xad"

Definition at line 407 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CHURCH   "\xee\xaa\xae"

Definition at line 408 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\x8a"

Definition at line 409 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CIRCLE_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\xa6\x94"

Definition at line 410 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLASS   "\xee\xa1\xae"

Definition at line 411 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLEAN_HANDS   "\xef\x88\x9f"

Definition at line 412 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLEANING_SERVICES   "\xef\x83\xbf"

Definition at line 413 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLEAR   "\xee\x85\x8c"

Definition at line 414 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLEAR_ALL   "\xee\x82\xb8"

Definition at line 415 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_CLOSE_FULLSCREEN   "\xef\x87\x8f"

Definition at line 417 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION   "\xee\x80\x9c"

Definition at line 418 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION_DISABLED   "\xef\x87\x9c"

Definition at line 419 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOSED_CAPTION_OFF   "\xee\xa6\x96"

Definition at line 420 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD   "\xee\x8a\xbd"

Definition at line 421 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x8a\xbe"

Definition at line 422 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_DONE   "\xee\x8a\xbf"

Definition at line 423 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x80"

Definition at line 424 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_OFF   "\xee\x8b\x81"

Definition at line 425 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_QUEUE   "\xee\x8b\x82"

Definition at line 426 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_SYNC   "\xee\xad\x9a"

Definition at line 427 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUD_UPLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x83"

Definition at line 428 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CLOUDY_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x90"

Definition at line 429 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CO2   "\xee\x9e\xb0"

Definition at line 430 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CO_PRESENT   "\xee\xab\xb0"

Definition at line 431 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CODE   "\xee\xa1\xaf"

Definition at line 432 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_CODE_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb3"

Definition at line 433 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COFFEE   "\xee\xbf\xaf"

Definition at line 434 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COFFEE_MAKER   "\xee\xbf\xb0"

Definition at line 435 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COLLECTIONS   "\xee\x8e\xb6"

Definition at line 436 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COLLECTIONS_BOOKMARK   "\xee\x90\xb1"

Definition at line 437 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COLOR_LENS   "\xee\x8e\xb7"

Definition at line 438 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COLORIZE   "\xee\x8e\xb8"

Definition at line 439 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMMENT   "\xee\x82\xb9"

Definition at line 440 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMMENT_BANK   "\xee\xa9\x8e"

Definition at line 441 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMMENTS_DISABLED   "\xee\x9e\xa2"

Definition at line 442 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMMIT   "\xee\xab\xb5"

Definition at line 443 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMMUTE   "\xee\xa5\x80"

Definition at line 444 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPARE   "\xee\x8e\xb9"

Definition at line 445 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPARE_ARROWS   "\xee\xa4\x95"

Definition at line 446 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPASS_CALIBRATION   "\xee\x95\xbc"

Definition at line 447 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPOST   "\xee\x9d\xa1"

Definition at line 448 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPRESS   "\xee\xa5\x8d"

Definition at line 449 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COMPUTER   "\xee\x8c\x8a"

Definition at line 450 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONFIRMATION_NUM   "\xee\x98\xb8"

Definition at line 451 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONFIRMATION_NUMBER   "\xee\x98\xb8"

Definition at line 452 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONNECT_WITHOUT_CONTACT   "\xef\x88\xa3"

Definition at line 453 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONNECTED_TV   "\xee\xa6\x98"

Definition at line 454 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONNECTING_AIRPORTS   "\xee\x9f\x89"

Definition at line 455 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONSTRUCTION   "\xee\xa8\xbc"

Definition at line 456 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_MAIL   "\xee\x83\x90"

Definition at line 457 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_PAGE   "\xef\x88\xae"

Definition at line 458 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x8f"

Definition at line 459 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACT_SUPPORT   "\xee\xa5\x8c"

Definition at line 460 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACTLESS   "\xee\xa9\xb1"

Definition at line 461 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTACTS   "\xee\x82\xba"

Definition at line 462 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_CUT   "\xee\x85\x8e"

Definition at line 464 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE   "\xee\x85\x8f"


#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_GO   "\xee\xaa\x8e"

Definition at line 466 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb8"

Definition at line 467 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTENT_PASTE_SEARCH   "\xee\xaa\x9b"

Definition at line 468 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTRAST   "\xee\xac\xb7"

Definition at line 469 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_CAMERA   "\xee\x81\xb4"

Definition at line 470 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_POINT   "\xee\x8e\xba"

Definition at line 471 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CONTROL_POINT_DUPLICATE   "\xee\x8e\xbb"

Definition at line 472 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COOKIE   "\xee\xaa\xac"

Definition at line 473 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COPY_ALL   "\xee\x8b\xac"

Definition at line 474 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COPYRIGHT   "\xee\xa4\x8c"

Definition at line 475 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CORONAVIRUS   "\xef\x88\xa1"

Definition at line 476 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CORPORATE_FARE   "\xef\x87\x90"

Definition at line 477 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COTTAGE   "\xee\x96\x87"

Definition at line 478 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_COUNTERTOPS   "\xef\x87\xb7"

Definition at line 479 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CREATE   "\xee\x85\x90"

Definition at line 480 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER   "\xee\x8b\x8c"

Definition at line 481 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_CARD   "\xee\xa1\xb0"

Definition at line 482 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_CARD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb4"

Definition at line 483 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CREDIT_SCORE   "\xee\xbf\xb1"

Definition at line 484 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CRIB   "\xee\x96\x88"

Definition at line 485 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CRISIS_ALERT   "\xee\xaf\xa9"

Definition at line 486 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP   "\xee\x8e\xbe"

Definition at line 487 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_16_9   "\xee\x8e\xbc"

Definition at line 488 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_3_2   "\xee\x8e\xbd"

Definition at line 489 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_5_4   "\xee\x8e\xbf"

Definition at line 490 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_7_5   "\xee\x8f\x80"

Definition at line 491 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_DIN   "\xee\x8f\x81"

Definition at line 492 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_FREE   "\xee\x8f\x82"

Definition at line 493 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x8f\x83"

Definition at line 494 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_ORIGINAL   "\xee\x8f\x84"

Definition at line 495 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x8f\x85"

Definition at line 496 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_ROTATE   "\xee\x90\xb7"

Definition at line 497 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CROP_SQUARE   "\xee\x8f\x86"

Definition at line 498 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CRUELTY_FREE   "\xee\x9e\x99"

Definition at line 499 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CSS   "\xee\xae\x93"

Definition at line 500 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_BITCOIN   "\xee\xaf\x85"

Definition at line 501 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_EXCHANGE   "\xee\xad\xb0"

Definition at line 502 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_FRANC   "\xee\xab\xba"

Definition at line 503 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_LIRA   "\xee\xab\xaf"

Definition at line 504 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_POUND   "\xee\xab\xb1"

Definition at line 505 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_RUBLE   "\xee\xab\xac"

Definition at line 506 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_RUPEE   "\xee\xab\xb7"

Definition at line 507 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_YEN   "\xee\xab\xbb"

Definition at line 508 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURRENCY_YUAN   "\xee\xab\xb9"

Definition at line 509 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURTAINS   "\xee\xb0\x9e"

Definition at line 510 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CURTAINS_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x9d"

Definition at line 511 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_CYCLONE   "\xee\xaf\x95"

Definition at line 512 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DANGEROUS   "\xee\xa6\x9a"

Definition at line 513 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DARK_MODE   "\xee\x94\x9c"

Definition at line 514 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DASHBOARD   "\xee\xa1\xb1"

Definition at line 515 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DASHBOARD_CUSTOMIZE   "\xee\xa6\x9b"

Definition at line 516 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_ARRAY   "\xee\xab\x91"

Definition at line 517 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_EXPLORATION   "\xee\x9d\xaf"

Definition at line 518 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_OBJECT   "\xee\xab\x93"

Definition at line 519 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_SAVER_OFF   "\xee\xbf\xb2"

Definition at line 520 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_SAVER_ON   "\xee\xbf\xb3"

Definition at line 521 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_THRESHOLDING   "\xee\xae\x9f"

Definition at line 522 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATA_USAGE   "\xee\x86\xaf"

Definition at line 523 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DATE_RANGE   "\xee\xa4\x96"

Definition at line 524 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEBLUR   "\xee\xad\xb7"

Definition at line 525 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DECK   "\xee\xa9\x82"

Definition at line 526 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEHAZE   "\xee\x8f\x87"

Definition at line 527 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_DELETE_FOREVER   "\xee\xa4\xab"

Definition at line 529 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DELETE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xae"

Definition at line 530 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DELETE_SWEEP   "\xee\x85\xac"

Definition at line 531 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DELIVERY_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb2"

Definition at line 532 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_LARGE   "\xee\xae\xa9"

Definition at line 533 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_MEDIUM   "\xee\xae\x9e"

Definition at line 534 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DENSITY_SMALL   "\xee\xae\xa8"

Definition at line 535 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEPARTURE_BOARD   "\xee\x95\xb6"

Definition at line 536 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESCRIPTION   "\xee\xa1\xb3"

Definition at line 537 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESELECT   "\xee\xae\xb6"

Definition at line 538 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESIGN_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x8a"

Definition at line 539 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESK   "\xef\xa3\xb4"

Definition at line 540 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_ACCESS_DISABLED   "\xee\xa6\x9d"

Definition at line 541 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_MAC   "\xee\x8c\x8b"

Definition at line 542 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DESKTOP_WINDOWS   "\xee\x8c\x8c"

Definition at line 543 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DETAILS   "\xee\x8f\x88"

Definition at line 544 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_BOARD   "\xee\x8c\x8d"

Definition at line 545 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_BOARD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xbf"

Definition at line 546 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVELOPER_MODE   "\xee\x86\xb0"

Definition at line 547 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_HUB   "\xee\x8c\xb5"

Definition at line 548 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_THERMOSTAT   "\xee\x87\xbf"

Definition at line 549 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICE_UNKNOWN   "\xee\x8c\xb9"

Definition at line 550 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICES   "\xee\x86\xb1"

Definition at line 551 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICES_FOLD   "\xee\xaf\x9e"

Definition at line 552 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DEVICES_OTHER   "\xee\x8c\xb7"

Definition at line 553 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIALER_SIP   "\xee\x82\xbb"

Definition at line 554 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIALPAD   "\xee\x82\xbc"

Definition at line 555 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIAMOND   "\xee\xab\x95"

Definition at line 556 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIFFERENCE   "\xee\xad\xbd"

Definition at line 557 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DINING   "\xee\xbf\xb4"

Definition at line 558 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DINNER_DINING   "\xee\xa9\x97"

Definition at line 559 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS   "\xee\x94\xae"

Definition at line 560 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BIKE   "\xee\x94\xaf"

Definition at line 561 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BOAT   "\xee\x94\xb2"

Definition at line 562 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BOAT_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb5"

Definition at line 563 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BUS   "\xee\x94\xb0"

Definition at line 564 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_BUS_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb6"

Definition at line 565 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_CAR   "\xee\x94\xb1"

Definition at line 566 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_CAR_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb7"

Definition at line 567 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_FERRY   "\xee\x94\xb2"

Definition at line 568 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_OFF   "\xef\x84\x8f"

Definition at line 569 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RAILWAY   "\xee\x94\xb4"

Definition at line 570 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RAILWAY_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb8"

Definition at line 571 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_RUN   "\xee\x95\xa6"

Definition at line 572 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_SUBWAY   "\xee\x94\xb3"

Definition at line 573 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_SUBWAY_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xb9"

Definition at line 574 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRAIN   "\xee\x94\xb4"

Definition at line 575 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRANSIT   "\xee\x94\xb5"

Definition at line 576 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_TRANSIT_FILLED   "\xee\xbf\xba"

Definition at line 577 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRECTIONS_WALK   "\xee\x94\xb6"

Definition at line 578 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DIRTY_LENS   "\xee\xbd\x8b"

Definition at line 579 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT   "\xef\x88\xb0"

Definition at line 580 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISABLED_VISIBLE   "\xee\x9d\xae"

Definition at line 581 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISC_FULL   "\xee\x98\x90"

Definition at line 582 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISCORD   "\xee\xa9\xac"

Definition at line 583 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISCOUNT   "\xee\xaf\x89"

Definition at line 584 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DISPLAY_SETTINGS   "\xee\xae\x97"

Definition at line 585 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::DrawMenuBar().


#define ICON_MD_DND_FORWARDSLASH   "\xee\x98\x91"

Definition at line 586 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DNS   "\xee\xa1\xb5"

Definition at line 587 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB   "\xef\x82\x8c"

Definition at line 588 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_ALT   "\xef\x82\x8d"

Definition at line 589 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_OFF   "\xef\x82\x8e"

Definition at line 590 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_DISTURB_ON   "\xef\x82\x8f"

Definition at line 591 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB   "\xee\x98\x92"

Definition at line 592 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ALT   "\xee\x98\x91"

Definition at line 593 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_OFF   "\xee\x99\x83"

Definition at line 594 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ON   "\xee\x99\x84"

Definition at line 595 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_DISTURB_ON_TOTAL_SILENCE   "\xee\xbf\xbb"

Definition at line 596 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_STEP   "\xef\x86\x9f"

Definition at line 597 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DO_NOT_TOUCH   "\xef\x86\xb0"

Definition at line 598 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOCK   "\xee\x8c\x8e"

Definition at line 599 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOCUMENT_SCANNER   "\xee\x97\xba"

Definition at line 600 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN   "\xee\x9f\xae"

Definition at line 601 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_ADD   "\xee\xad\xa2"

Definition at line 602 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_DISABLED   "\xee\x83\xaf"

Definition at line 603 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION   "\xee\xbd\x8c"

Definition at line 604 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_DONE_ALL   "\xee\xa1\xb7"

Definition at line 606 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DONE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\xaf"

Definition at line 607 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DONUT_LARGE   "\xee\xa4\x97"

Definition at line 608 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DONUT_SMALL   "\xee\xa4\x98"

Definition at line 609 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOOR_BACK   "\xee\xbf\xbc"

Definition at line 610 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_DOOR_FRONT   "\xee\xbf\xbd"

Definition at line 611 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_DOOR_SLIDING   "\xee\xbf\xbe"

Definition at line 612 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOORBELL   "\xee\xbf\xbf"

Definition at line 613 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOUBLE_ARROW   "\xee\xa9\x90"

Definition at line 614 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOWNHILL_SKIING   "\xee\x94\x89"

Definition at line 615 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD   "\xef\x82\x90"

Definition at line 616 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD_DONE   "\xef\x82\x91"

Definition at line 617 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOAD_FOR_OFFLINE   "\xef\x80\x80"

Definition at line 618 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DOWNLOADING   "\xef\x80\x81"

Definition at line 619 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRAFTS   "\xee\x85\x91"

Definition at line 620 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRAG_HANDLE   "\xee\x89\x9d"

Definition at line 621 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRAG_INDICATOR   "\xee\xa5\x85"

Definition at line 622 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_ETA   "\xee\x98\x93"

Definition at line 624 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE   "\xee\x99\xb5"

Definition at line 625 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa6\xa1"

Definition at line 626 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_MOVE_RTL   "\xee\x9d\xad"

Definition at line 627 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FILE_RENAME_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa6\xa2"

Definition at line 628 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRIVE_FOLDER_UPLOAD   "\xee\xa6\xa3"

Definition at line 629 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRY   "\xef\x86\xb3"

Definition at line 630 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DRY_CLEANING   "\xee\xa9\x98"

Definition at line 631 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DUO   "\xee\xa6\xa5"

Definition at line 632 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DVR   "\xee\x86\xb2"

Definition at line 633 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DYNAMIC_FEED   "\xee\xa8\x94"

Definition at line 634 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_DYNAMIC_FORM   "\xef\x86\xbf"

Definition at line 635 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_E_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x82"

Definition at line 636 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EARBUDS   "\xef\x80\x83"

Definition at line 637 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EARBUDS_BATTERY   "\xef\x80\x84"

Definition at line 638 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EAST   "\xef\x87\x9f"

Definition at line 639 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ECO   "\xee\xa8\xb5"

Definition at line 640 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDGESENSOR_HIGH   "\xef\x80\x85"

Definition at line 641 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDGESENSOR_LOW   "\xef\x80\x86"

Definition at line 642 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT   "\xee\x8f\x89"

Definition at line 643 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::ScreenEditor::DrawDungeonMapsEditor().


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_ATTRIBUTES   "\xee\x95\xb8"

Definition at line 644 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_CALENDAR   "\xee\x9d\x82"

Definition at line 645 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xa8"

Definition at line 646 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_LOCATION_ALT   "\xee\x87\x85"

Definition at line 647 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_NOTE   "\xee\x9d\x85"

Definition at line 648 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\x94\xa5"

Definition at line 649 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x90"

Definition at line 650 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EDIT_ROAD   "\xee\xbd\x8d"

Definition at line 651 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EGG   "\xee\xab\x8c"

Definition at line 652 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EGG_ALT   "\xee\xab\x88"

Definition at line 653 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EJECT   "\xee\xa3\xbb"

Definition at line 654 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELDERLY   "\xef\x88\x9a"

Definition at line 655 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELDERLY_WOMAN   "\xee\xad\xa9"

Definition at line 656 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_BIKE   "\xee\xac\x9b"

Definition at line 657 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_BOLT   "\xee\xb0\x9c"

Definition at line 658 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_CAR   "\xee\xac\x9c"

Definition at line 659 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_METER   "\xee\xb0\x9b"

Definition at line 660 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_MOPED   "\xee\xac\x9d"

Definition at line 661 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_RICKSHAW   "\xee\xac\x9e"

Definition at line 662 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRIC_SCOOTER   "\xee\xac\x9f"

Definition at line 663 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELECTRICAL_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x82"

Definition at line 664 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ELEVATOR   "\xef\x86\xa0"

Definition at line 665 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMAIL   "\xee\x82\xbe"

Definition at line 666 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY   "\xee\x87\xab"

Definition at line 667 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY_RECORDING   "\xee\xaf\xb4"

Definition at line 668 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMERGENCY_SHARE   "\xee\xaf\xb6"

Definition at line 669 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_EMOTIONS   "\xee\xa8\xa2"

Definition at line 670 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_EVENTS   "\xee\xa8\xa3"

Definition at line 671 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_FLAGS   "\xee\xa8\x9a"

Definition at line 672 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_FOOD_BEVERAGE   "\xee\xa8\x9b"

Definition at line 673 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_NATURE   "\xee\xa8\x9c"

Definition at line 674 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_OBJECTS   "\xee\xa8\xa4"

Definition at line 675 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_PEOPLE   "\xee\xa8\x9d"

Definition at line 676 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_SYMBOLS   "\xee\xa8\x9e"

Definition at line 677 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EMOJI_TRANSPORTATION   "\xee\xa8\x9f"

Definition at line 678 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ENERGY_SAVINGS_LEAF   "\xee\xb0\x9a"

Definition at line 679 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ENGINEERING   "\xee\xa8\xbd"

Definition at line 680 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ENHANCE_PHOTO_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa3\xbc"

Definition at line 681 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ENHANCED_ENCRYPTION   "\xee\x98\xbf"

Definition at line 682 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EQUALIZER   "\xee\x80\x9d"

Definition at line 683 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ERROR   "\xee\x80\x80"

Definition at line 684 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::DrawPopups().


#define ICON_MD_ERROR_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\x81"

Definition at line 685 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ESCALATOR   "\xef\x86\xa1"

Definition at line 686 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ESCALATOR_WARNING   "\xef\x86\xac"

Definition at line 687 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EURO   "\xee\xa8\x95"

Definition at line 688 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EURO_SYMBOL   "\xee\xa4\xa6"

Definition at line 689 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EV_STATION   "\xee\x95\xad"

Definition at line 690 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT   "\xee\xa1\xb8"

Definition at line 691 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT_AVAILABLE   "\xee\x98\x94"

Definition at line 692 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT_BUSY   "\xee\x98\x95"

Definition at line 693 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT_NOTE   "\xee\x98\x96"

Definition at line 694 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT_REPEAT   "\xee\xad\xbb"

Definition at line 695 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EVENT_SEAT   "\xee\xa4\x83"

Definition at line 696 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXIT_TO_APP   "\xee\xa1\xb9"

Definition at line 697 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_EXPAND   "\xee\xa5\x8f"

Definition at line 698 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_CIRCLE_DOWN   "\xee\x9f\x8d"

Definition at line 699 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_LESS   "\xee\x97\x8e"

Definition at line 700 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPAND_MORE   "\xee\x97\x8f"

Definition at line 701 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPLICIT   "\xee\x80\x9e"

Definition at line 702 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPLORE   "\xee\xa1\xba"

Definition at line 703 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPLORE_OFF   "\xee\xa6\xa8"

Definition at line 704 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE   "\xee\x8f\x8a"

Definition at line 705 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_MINUS_1   "\xee\x8f\x8b"

Definition at line 706 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_MINUS_2   "\xee\x8f\x8c"

Definition at line 707 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_NEG_1   "\xee\x8f\x8b"

Definition at line 708 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_NEG_2   "\xee\x8f\x8c"

Definition at line 709 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_PLUS_1   "\xee\x8f\x8d"

Definition at line 710 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_PLUS_2   "\xee\x8f\x8e"

Definition at line 711 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXPOSURE_ZERO   "\xee\x8f\x8f"

Definition at line 712 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXTENSION   "\xee\xa1\xbb"

Definition at line 713 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_EXTENSION_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb5"

Definition at line 714 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACE   "\xee\xa1\xbc"

Definition at line 715 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACE_RETOUCHING_NATURAL   "\xee\xbd\x8e"

Definition at line 716 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACE_RETOUCHING_OFF   "\xef\x80\x87"

Definition at line 717 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACEBOOK   "\xef\x88\xb4"

Definition at line 718 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACT_CHECK   "\xef\x83\x85"

Definition at line 719 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FACTORY   "\xee\xae\xbc"

Definition at line 720 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAMILY_RESTROOM   "\xef\x86\xa2"

Definition at line 721 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAST_FORWARD   "\xee\x80\x9f"

Definition at line 722 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::MusicEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FAST_REWIND   "\xee\x80\xa0"

Definition at line 723 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::MusicEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FASTFOOD   "\xee\x95\xba"

Definition at line 724 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE   "\xee\xa1\xbd"

Definition at line 725 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE_BORDER   "\xee\xa1\xbe"

Definition at line 726 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAVORITE_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa1\xbe"

Definition at line 727 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FAX   "\xee\xab\x98"

Definition at line 728 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FEATURED_PLAY_LIST   "\xee\x81\xad"

Definition at line 729 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FEATURED_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xae"

Definition at line 730 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FEED   "\xef\x80\x89"

Definition at line 731 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FEEDBACK   "\xee\xa1\xbf"

Definition at line 732 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FEMALE   "\xee\x96\x90"

Definition at line 733 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FENCE   "\xef\x87\xb6"

Definition at line 734 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FESTIVAL   "\xee\xa9\xa8"

Definition at line 735 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIBER_DVR   "\xee\x81\x9d"

Definition at line 736 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIBER_MANUAL_RECORD   "\xee\x81\xa1"

Definition at line 737 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIBER_NEW   "\xee\x81\x9e"

Definition at line 738 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIBER_PIN   "\xee\x81\xaa"

Definition at line 739 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIBER_SMART_RECORD   "\xee\x81\xa2"

Definition at line 740 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILE_COPY   "\xee\x85\xb3"

Definition at line 741 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x84"

Definition at line 742 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD_DONE   "\xee\xa6\xaa"

Definition at line 743 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILE_DOWNLOAD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xbe"

Definition at line 744 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILE_OPEN   "\xee\xab\xb3"

Definition at line 745 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_FILE_PRESENT   "\xee\xa8\x8e"

Definition at line 746 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILE_UPLOAD   "\xee\x8b\x86"

Definition at line 747 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER   "\xee\x8f\x93"

Definition at line 748 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_1   "\xee\x8f\x90"

Definition at line 749 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_2   "\xee\x8f\x91"

Definition at line 750 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_3   "\xee\x8f\x92"

Definition at line 751 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_4   "\xee\x8f\x94"

Definition at line 752 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_5   "\xee\x8f\x95"

Definition at line 753 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_6   "\xee\x8f\x96"

Definition at line 754 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_7   "\xee\x8f\x97"

Definition at line 755 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_8   "\xee\x8f\x98"

Definition at line 756 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_9   "\xee\x8f\x99"

Definition at line 757 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_9_PLUS   "\xee\x8f\x9a"

Definition at line 758 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x8f"

Definition at line 759 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_ALT_OFF   "\xee\xac\xb2"

Definition at line 760 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_B_AND_W   "\xee\x8f\x9b"

Definition at line 761 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_CENTER_FOCUS   "\xee\x8f\x9c"

Definition at line 762 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_DRAMA   "\xee\x8f\x9d"

Definition at line 763 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_FRAMES   "\xee\x8f\x9e"

Definition at line 764 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_HDR   "\xee\x8f\x9f"

Definition at line 765 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST   "\xee\x85\x92"

Definition at line 766 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST_ALT   "\xee\xa5\x8e"

Definition at line 767 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_LIST_OFF   "\xee\xad\x97"

Definition at line 768 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_NONE   "\xee\x8f\xa0"

Definition at line 769 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_TILT_SHIFT   "\xee\x8f\xa2"

Definition at line 770 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FILTER_VINTAGE   "\xee\x8f\xa3"

Definition at line 771 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIND_IN_PAGE   "\xee\xa2\x80"

Definition at line 772 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIND_REPLACE   "\xee\xa2\x81"

Definition at line 773 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FINGERPRINT   "\xee\xa4\x8d"

Definition at line 774 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER   "\xef\x87\x98"

Definition at line 775 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIRE_HYDRANT   "\xef\x86\xa3"

Definition at line 776 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIREPLACE   "\xee\xa9\x83"

Definition at line 777 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIRST_PAGE   "\xee\x97\x9c"

Definition at line 778 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FIT_SCREEN   "\xee\xa8\x90"

Definition at line 779 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FITBIT   "\xee\xa0\xab"

Definition at line 780 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FITNESS_CENTER   "\xee\xad\x83"

Definition at line 781 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLAG   "\xee\x85\x93"

Definition at line 782 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLAG_CIRCLE   "\xee\xab\xb8"

Definition at line 783 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLAKY   "\xee\xbd\x90"

Definition at line 784 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLARE   "\xee\x8f\xa4"

Definition at line 785 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLASH_AUTO   "\xee\x8f\xa5"

Definition at line 786 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLASH_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xa6"

Definition at line 787 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLASH_ON   "\xee\x8f\xa7"

Definition at line 788 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLASHLIGHT_OFF   "\xef\x80\x8a"

Definition at line 789 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLASHLIGHT_ON   "\xef\x80\x8b"

Definition at line 790 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLATWARE   "\xef\x80\x8c"

Definition at line 791 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT   "\xee\x94\xb9"

Definition at line 792 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_CLASS   "\xee\x9f\x8b"

Definition at line 793 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_LAND   "\xee\xa4\x84"

Definition at line 794 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIGHT_TAKEOFF   "\xee\xa4\x85"

Definition at line 795 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIP   "\xee\x8f\xa8"

Definition at line 796 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIP_CAMERA_ANDROID   "\xee\xa8\xb7"

Definition at line 797 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIP_CAMERA_IOS   "\xee\xa8\xb8"

Definition at line 798 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIP_TO_BACK   "\xee\xa2\x82"

Definition at line 799 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLIP_TO_FRONT   "\xee\xa2\x83"

Definition at line 800 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLOOD   "\xee\xaf\xa6"

Definition at line 801 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLOURESCENT   "\xef\x80\x8d"

Definition at line 802 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FLUTTER_DASH   "\xee\x80\x8b"

Definition at line 803 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FMD_BAD   "\xef\x80\x8e"

Definition at line 804 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FMD_GOOD   "\xef\x80\x8f"

Definition at line 805 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOGGY   "\xee\xa0\x98"

Definition at line 806 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER   "\xee\x8b\x87"

Definition at line 807 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_COPY   "\xee\xae\xbd"

Definition at line 808 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_DELETE   "\xee\xac\xb4"

Definition at line 809 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_OFF   "\xee\xae\x83"

Definition at line 810 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_OPEN   "\xee\x8b\x88"

Definition at line 811 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_SHARED   "\xee\x8b\x89"

Definition at line 812 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_SPECIAL   "\xee\x98\x97"

Definition at line 813 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLDER_ZIP   "\xee\xac\xac"

Definition at line 814 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOLLOW_THE_SIGNS   "\xef\x88\xa2"

Definition at line 815 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FONT_DOWNLOAD   "\xee\x85\xa7"

Definition at line 816 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FONT_DOWNLOAD_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb9"

Definition at line 817 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOOD_BANK   "\xef\x87\xb2"

Definition at line 818 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOREST   "\xee\xaa\x99"

Definition at line 819 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORK_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa0"

Definition at line 820 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORK_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xac"

Definition at line 821 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_CENTER   "\xee\x88\xb4"

Definition at line 822 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY   "\xee\x88\xb5"

Definition at line 823 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_LEFT   "\xee\x88\xb6"

Definition at line 824 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ALIGN_RIGHT   "\xee\x88\xb7"

Definition at line 825 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_BOLD   "\xee\x88\xb8"

Definition at line 826 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_CLEAR   "\xee\x88\xb9"

Definition at line 827 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_FILL   "\xee\x88\xba"

Definition at line 828 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::GraphicsEditor::DrawGfxEditToolset().


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_RESET   "\xee\x88\xbb"

Definition at line 829 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_COLOR_TEXT   "\xee\x88\xbc"

Definition at line 830 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_INDENT_DECREASE   "\xee\x88\xbd"

Definition at line 831 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_INDENT_INCREASE   "\xee\x88\xbe"

Definition at line 832 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_ITALIC   "\xee\x88\xbf"

Definition at line 833 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LINE_SPACING   "\xee\x89\x80"

Definition at line 834 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_BULLETED   "\xee\x89\x81"

Definition at line 835 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_NUMBERED   "\xee\x89\x82"

Definition at line 836 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_LIST_NUMBERED_RTL   "\xee\x89\xa7"

Definition at line 837 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_OVERLINE   "\xee\xad\xa5"

Definition at line 838 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_PAINT   "\xee\x89\x83"

Definition at line 839 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_QUOTE   "\xee\x89\x84"

Definition at line 840 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_SHAPES   "\xee\x89\x9e"

Definition at line 841 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_SIZE   "\xee\x89\x85"

Definition at line 842 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_STRIKETHROUGH   "\xee\x89\x86"

Definition at line 843 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_TEXTDIRECTION_L_TO_R   "\xee\x89\x87"

Definition at line 844 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_TEXTDIRECTION_R_TO_L   "\xee\x89\x88"

Definition at line 845 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_UNDERLINE   "\xee\x89\x89"

Definition at line 846 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORMAT_UNDERLINED   "\xee\x89\x89"

Definition at line 847 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORT   "\xee\xaa\xad"

Definition at line 848 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORUM   "\xee\x82\xbf"

Definition at line 849 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORWARD   "\xee\x85\x94"

Definition at line 850 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_10   "\xee\x81\x96"

Definition at line 851 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_30   "\xee\x81\x97"

Definition at line 852 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_5   "\xee\x81\x98"

Definition at line 853 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FORWARD_TO_INBOX   "\xef\x86\x87"

Definition at line 854 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FOUNDATION   "\xef\x88\x80"

Definition at line 855 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FREE_BREAKFAST   "\xee\xad\x84"

Definition at line 856 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FREE_CANCELLATION   "\xee\x9d\x88"

Definition at line 857 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FRONT_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa9"

Definition at line 858 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FULLSCREEN   "\xee\x97\x90"

Definition at line 859 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FULLSCREEN_EXIT   "\xee\x97\x91"

Definition at line 860 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_FUNCTIONS   "\xee\x89\x8a"

Definition at line 861 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_G_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x90"

Definition at line 862 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_G_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa4\xa7"

Definition at line 863 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GAMEPAD   "\xee\x8c\x8f"

Definition at line 864 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_GAMES   "\xee\x80\xa1"

Definition at line 865 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GARAGE   "\xef\x80\x91"

Definition at line 866 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GAS_METER   "\xee\xb0\x99"

Definition at line 867 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GAVEL   "\xee\xa4\x8e"

Definition at line 868 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GENERATING_TOKENS   "\xee\x9d\x89"

Definition at line 869 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GESTURE   "\xee\x85\x95"

Definition at line 870 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GET_APP   "\xee\xa2\x84"

Definition at line 871 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GIF   "\xee\xa4\x88"

Definition at line 872 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GIF_BOX   "\xee\x9e\xa3"

Definition at line 873 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GIRL   "\xee\xad\xa8"

Definition at line 874 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GITE   "\xee\x96\x8b"

Definition at line 875 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GOLF_COURSE   "\xee\xad\x85"

Definition at line 877 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPP_BAD   "\xef\x80\x92"

Definition at line 878 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPP_GOOD   "\xef\x80\x93"

Definition at line 879 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPP_MAYBE   "\xef\x80\x94"

Definition at line 880 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPS_FIXED   "\xee\x86\xb3"

Definition at line 881 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPS_NOT_FIXED   "\xee\x86\xb4"

Definition at line 882 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GPS_OFF   "\xee\x86\xb5"

Definition at line 883 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRADE   "\xee\xa2\x85"

Definition at line 884 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRADIENT   "\xee\x8f\xa9"

Definition at line 885 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRADING   "\xee\xa9\x8f"

Definition at line 886 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRAIN   "\xee\x8f\xaa"

Definition at line 887 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRAPHIC_EQ   "\xee\x86\xb8"

Definition at line 888 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRASS   "\xef\x88\x85"


#define ICON_MD_GRID_3X3   "\xef\x80\x95"

Definition at line 890 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRID_4X4   "\xef\x80\x96"

Definition at line 891 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRID_GOLDENRATIO   "\xef\x80\x97"

Definition at line 892 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRID_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xab"

Definition at line 893 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRID_ON   "\xee\x8f\xac"

Definition at line 894 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GRID_VIEW   "\xee\xa6\xb0"

Definition at line 895 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_GROUP   "\xee\x9f\xaf"

Definition at line 896 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GROUP_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xb0"

Definition at line 897 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GROUP_OFF   "\xee\x9d\x87"

Definition at line 898 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GROUP_REMOVE   "\xee\x9e\xad"

Definition at line 899 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GROUP_WORK   "\xee\xa2\x86"

Definition at line 900 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_GROUPS   "\xef\x88\xb3"

Definition at line 901 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_H_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x98"

Definition at line 902 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_H_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\x99"

Definition at line 903 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HAIL   "\xee\xa6\xb1"

Definition at line 904 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HANDSHAKE   "\xee\xaf\x8b"

Definition at line 905 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HANDYMAN   "\xef\x84\x8b"

Definition at line 906 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HARDWARE   "\xee\xa9\x99"

Definition at line 907 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HD   "\xee\x81\x92"

Definition at line 908 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_AUTO   "\xef\x80\x9a"

Definition at line 909 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_AUTO_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9b"

Definition at line 910 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_ENHANCED_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\x91"

Definition at line 911 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_OFF   "\xee\x8f\xad"

Definition at line 912 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_OFF_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9c"

Definition at line 913 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_ON   "\xee\x8f\xae"

Definition at line 914 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_ON_SELECT   "\xef\x80\x9d"

Definition at line 915 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_PLUS   "\xef\x80\x9e"

Definition at line 916 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_STRONG   "\xee\x8f\xb1"

Definition at line 917 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HDR_WEAK   "\xee\x8f\xb2"

Definition at line 918 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEADPHONES   "\xef\x80\x9f"

Definition at line 919 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEADPHONES_BATTERY   "\xef\x80\xa0"

Definition at line 920 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEADSET   "\xee\x8c\x90"

Definition at line 921 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEADSET_MIC   "\xee\x8c\x91"

Definition at line 922 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEADSET_OFF   "\xee\x8c\xba"

Definition at line 923 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEALING   "\xee\x8f\xb3"

Definition at line 924 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY   "\xee\x87\x95"

Definition at line 925 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEARING   "\xee\x80\xa3"

Definition at line 926 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEARING_DISABLED   "\xef\x84\x84"

Definition at line 927 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEART_BROKEN   "\xee\xab\x82"

Definition at line 928 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEAT_PUMP   "\xee\xb0\x98"

Definition at line 929 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEIGHT   "\xee\xa8\x96"

Definition at line 930 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HELP   "\xee\xa2\x87"

Definition at line 931 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_HELP_CENTER   "\xef\x87\x80"

Definition at line 932 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HELP_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa3\xbd"

Definition at line 933 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEVC   "\xef\x80\xa1"

Definition at line 934 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HEXAGON   "\xee\xac\xb9"

Definition at line 935 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIDE_IMAGE   "\xef\x80\xa2"

Definition at line 936 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIDE_SOURCE   "\xef\x80\xa3"

Definition at line 937 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIGH_QUALITY   "\xee\x80\xa4"

Definition at line 938 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT   "\xee\x89\x9f"

Definition at line 939 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xbd\x92"

Definition at line 940 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_OFF   "\xee\xa2\x88"

Definition at line 941 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIGHLIGHT_REMOVE   "\xee\xa2\x88"

Definition at line 942 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIKING   "\xee\x94\x8a"

Definition at line 943 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HISTORY   "\xee\xa2\x89"

Definition at line 944 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HISTORY_EDU   "\xee\xa8\xbe"

Definition at line 945 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HISTORY_TOGGLE_OFF   "\xef\x85\xbd"

Definition at line 946 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HIVE   "\xee\xaa\xa6"

Definition at line 947 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HLS   "\xee\xae\x8a"

Definition at line 948 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HLS_OFF   "\xee\xae\x8c"

Definition at line 949 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOLIDAY_VILLAGE   "\xee\x96\x8a"

Definition at line 950 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME   "\xee\xa2\x8a"

Definition at line 951 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME_FILLED   "\xee\xa6\xb2"

Definition at line 952 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME_MAX   "\xef\x80\xa4"

Definition at line 953 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME_MINI   "\xef\x80\xa5"

Definition at line 954 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME_REPAIR_SERVICE   "\xef\x84\x80"

Definition at line 955 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOME_WORK   "\xee\xa8\x89"

Definition at line 956 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_DISTRIBUTE   "\xee\x80\x94"

Definition at line 957 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_RULE   "\xef\x84\x88"

Definition at line 958 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT   "\xee\xa5\x87"

Definition at line 959 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOT_TUB   "\xee\xad\x86"

Definition at line 960 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOTEL   "\xee\x94\xba"

Definition at line 961 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOTEL_CLASS   "\xee\x9d\x83"

Definition at line 962 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_BOTTOM   "\xee\xa9\x9c"

Definition at line 963 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_DISABLED   "\xee\xbd\x93"

Definition at line 964 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_EMPTY   "\xee\xa2\x8b"

Definition at line 965 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_FULL   "\xee\xa2\x8c"

Definition at line 966 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOURGLASS_TOP   "\xee\xa9\x9b"

Definition at line 967 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOUSE   "\xee\xa9\x84"

Definition at line 968 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOUSE_SIDING   "\xef\x88\x82"

Definition at line 969 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOUSEBOAT   "\xee\x96\x84"

Definition at line 970 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOW_TO_REG   "\xee\x85\xb4"

Definition at line 971 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HOW_TO_VOTE   "\xee\x85\xb5"

Definition at line 972 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HTML   "\xee\xad\xbe"

Definition at line 973 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HTTP   "\xee\xa4\x82"

Definition at line 974 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HTTPS   "\xee\xa2\x8d"

Definition at line 975 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HUB   "\xee\xa7\xb4"

Definition at line 976 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_HVAC   "\xef\x84\x8e"

Definition at line 977 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ICE_SKATING   "\xee\x94\x8b"

Definition at line 978 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ICECREAM   "\xee\xa9\xa9"

Definition at line 979 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMAGE   "\xee\x8f\xb4"

Definition at line 980 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO   "\xee\x8f\xb5"

Definition at line 981 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED   "\xef\x84\x96"

Definition at line 982 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMAGE_SEARCH   "\xee\x90\xbf"

Definition at line 983 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMAGESEARCH_ROLLER   "\xee\xa6\xb4"

Definition at line 984 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMPORT_CONTACTS   "\xee\x83\xa0"

Definition at line 985 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMPORT_EXPORT   "\xee\x83\x83"

Definition at line 986 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IMPORTANT_DEVICES   "\xee\xa4\x92"

Definition at line 987 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INBOX   "\xee\x85\x96"

Definition at line 988 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INCOMPLETE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9e\x9b"

Definition at line 989 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INDETERMINATE_CHECK_BOX   "\xee\xa4\x89"

Definition at line 990 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INFO   "\xee\xa2\x8e"

Definition at line 991 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_INFO_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x8f"

Definition at line 992 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INPUT   "\xee\xa2\x90"

Definition at line 993 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_CHART   "\xee\x89\x8b"

Definition at line 994 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_CHART_OUTLINED   "\xee\x89\xaa"

Definition at line 995 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\x8c"

Definition at line 996 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_DRIVE_FILE   "\xee\x89\x8d"

Definition at line 997 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_EMOTICON   "\xee\x89\x8e"

Definition at line 998 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_INVITATION   "\xee\x89\x8f"

Definition at line 999 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_LINK   "\xee\x89\x90"

Definition at line 1000 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_PAGE_BREAK   "\xee\xab\x8a"

Definition at line 1001 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSERT_PHOTO   "\xee\x89\x91"

Definition at line 1002 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSIGHTS   "\xef\x82\x92"

Definition at line 1003 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSTALL_DESKTOP   "\xee\xad\xb1"

Definition at line 1004 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INSTALL_MOBILE   "\xee\xad\xb2"

Definition at line 1005 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1006 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INTERESTS   "\xee\x9f\x88"

Definition at line 1007 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INTERPRETER_MODE   "\xee\xa0\xbb"

Definition at line 1008 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INVENTORY   "\xee\x85\xb9"

Definition at line 1009 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INVENTORY_2   "\xee\x86\xa1"

Definition at line 1010 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS   "\xee\xa2\x91"

Definition at line 1011 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS_OFF   "\xee\x83\x84"

Definition at line 1012 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_INVERT_COLORS_ON   "\xee\xa2\x91"

Definition at line 1013 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IOS_SHARE   "\xee\x9a\xb8"

Definition at line 1014 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_IRON   "\xee\x96\x83"

Definition at line 1015 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ISO   "\xee\x8f\xb6"

Definition at line 1016 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_JAVASCRIPT   "\xee\xad\xbc"

Definition at line 1017 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_JOIN_FULL   "\xee\xab\xab"

Definition at line 1018 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_JOIN_INNER   "\xee\xab\xb4"

Definition at line 1019 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_JOIN_LEFT   "\xee\xab\xb2"

Definition at line 1020 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_JOIN_RIGHT   "\xee\xab\xaa"

Definition at line 1021 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KAYAKING   "\xee\x94\x8c"

Definition at line 1022 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEBAB_DINING   "\xee\xa1\x82"

Definition at line 1023 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEY   "\xee\x9c\xbc"

Definition at line 1024 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEY_OFF   "\xee\xae\x84"

Definition at line 1025 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD   "\xee\x8c\x92"

Definition at line 1026 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ALT   "\xef\x80\xa8"

Definition at line 1027 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_DOWN   "\xee\x8c\x93"

Definition at line 1028 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x8c\x94"

Definition at line 1029 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x8c\x95"

Definition at line 1030 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_ARROW_UP   "\xee\x8c\x96"

Definition at line 1031 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_BACKSPACE   "\xee\x8c\x97"

Definition at line 1032 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CAPSLOCK   "\xee\x8c\x98"

Definition at line 1033 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_COMMAND   "\xee\xab\xa0"

Definition at line 1034 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_COMMAND_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa7"

Definition at line 1035 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CONTROL   "\xee\x97\x93"

Definition at line 1036 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_CONTROL_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa6"

Definition at line 1037 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_DOWN   "\xee\xab\x90"

Definition at line 1038 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\xab\x83"

Definition at line 1039 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\xab\x89"

Definition at line 1040 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_UP   "\xee\xab\x8f"

Definition at line 1041 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_HIDE   "\xee\x8c\x9a"

Definition at line 1042 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_OPTION   "\xee\xab\x9f"

Definition at line 1043 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_OPTION_KEY   "\xee\xab\xa8"

Definition at line 1044 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_RETURN   "\xee\x8c\x9b"

Definition at line 1045 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_TAB   "\xee\x8c\x9c"

Definition at line 1046 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KEYBOARD_VOICE   "\xee\x8c\x9d"

Definition at line 1047 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KING_BED   "\xee\xa9\x85"

Definition at line 1048 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KITCHEN   "\xee\xad\x87"

Definition at line 1049 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_KITESURFING   "\xee\x94\x8d"

Definition at line 1050 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LABEL   "\xee\xa2\x92"

Definition at line 1051 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LABEL_IMPORTANT   "\xee\xa4\xb7"

Definition at line 1052 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LABEL_IMPORTANT_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa5\x88"

Definition at line 1053 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LABEL_OFF   "\xee\xa6\xb6"

Definition at line 1054 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LABEL_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x93"

Definition at line 1055 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAN   "\xee\xac\xaf"

Definition at line 1056 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x8f\xb7"

Definition at line 1057 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LANDSLIDE   "\xee\xaf\x97"

Definition at line 1058 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LANGUAGE   "\xee\xa2\x94"

Definition at line 1059 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP   "\xee\x8c\x9e"

Definition at line 1060 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_CHROMEBOOK   "\xee\x8c\x9f"

Definition at line 1061 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_MAC   "\xee\x8c\xa0"

Definition at line 1062 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAPTOP_WINDOWS   "\xee\x8c\xa1"

Definition at line 1063 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAST_PAGE   "\xee\x97\x9d"

Definition at line 1064 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAUNCH   "\xee\xa2\x95"

Definition at line 1065 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LAYERS   "\xee\x94\xbb"

Definition at line 1066 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_LAYERS_CLEAR   "\xee\x94\xbc"

Definition at line 1067 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LEADERBOARD   "\xef\x88\x8c"

Definition at line 1068 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LEAK_ADD   "\xee\x8f\xb8"

Definition at line 1069 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LEAK_REMOVE   "\xee\x8f\xb9"

Definition at line 1070 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LEAVE_BAGS_AT_HOME   "\xef\x88\x9b"

Definition at line 1071 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LEGEND_TOGGLE   "\xef\x84\x9b"

Definition at line 1072 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LENS   "\xee\x8f\xba"

Definition at line 1073 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LENS_BLUR   "\xef\x80\xa9"

Definition at line 1074 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_ADD   "\xee\x80\xae"

Definition at line 1075 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_ADD_CHECK   "\xee\xa6\xb7"

Definition at line 1076 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_BOOKS   "\xee\x80\xaf"

Definition at line 1077 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIBRARY_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xb0"

Definition at line 1078 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIGHT   "\xef\x80\xaa"

Definition at line 1079 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIGHT_MODE   "\xee\x94\x98"

Definition at line 1080 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB   "\xee\x83\xb0"

Definition at line 1081 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB_CIRCLE   "\xee\xaf\xbe"

Definition at line 1082 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIGHTBULB_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa4\x8f"

Definition at line 1083 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINE_AXIS   "\xee\xaa\x9a"

Definition at line 1084 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINE_STYLE   "\xee\xa4\x99"

Definition at line 1085 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINE_WEIGHT   "\xee\xa4\x9a"

Definition at line 1086 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINEAR_SCALE   "\xee\x89\xa0"

Definition at line 1087 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINK   "\xee\x85\x97"

Definition at line 1088 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINK_OFF   "\xee\x85\xaf"

Definition at line 1089 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LINKED_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\xb8"

Definition at line 1090 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIQUOR   "\xee\xa9\xa0"

Definition at line 1091 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIST   "\xee\xa2\x96"

Definition at line 1092 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIST_ALT   "\xee\x83\xae"

Definition at line 1093 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIVE_HELP   "\xee\x83\x86"

Definition at line 1094 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIVE_TV   "\xee\x98\xb9"

Definition at line 1095 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LIVING   "\xef\x80\xab"

Definition at line 1096 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ACTIVITY   "\xee\x94\xbf"

Definition at line 1097 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_AIRPORT   "\xee\x94\xbd"

Definition at line 1098 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ATM   "\xee\x94\xbe"

Definition at line 1099 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_ATTRACTION   "\xee\x94\xbf"

Definition at line 1100 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_BAR   "\xee\x95\x80"

Definition at line 1101 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CAFE   "\xee\x95\x81"

Definition at line 1102 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CAR_WASH   "\xee\x95\x82"

Definition at line 1103 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_CONVENIENCE_STORE   "\xee\x95\x83"

Definition at line 1104 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_DINING   "\xee\x95\x96"

Definition at line 1105 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_DRINK   "\xee\x95\x84"

Definition at line 1106 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_FIRE_DEPARTMENT   "\xee\xbd\x95"

Definition at line 1107 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_FLORIST   "\xee\x95\x85"

Definition at line 1108 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_GAS_STATION   "\xee\x95\x86"

Definition at line 1109 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_GROCERY_STORE   "\xee\x95\x87"

Definition at line 1110 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_HOSPITAL   "\xee\x95\x88"

Definition at line 1111 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_HOTEL   "\xee\x95\x89"

Definition at line 1112 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_LAUNDRY_SERVICE   "\xee\x95\x8a"

Definition at line 1113 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_LIBRARY   "\xee\x95\x8b"

Definition at line 1114 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_MALL   "\xee\x95\x8c"

Definition at line 1115 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_MOVIES   "\xee\x95\x8d"

Definition at line 1116 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_OFFER   "\xee\x95\x8e"

Definition at line 1117 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PARKING   "\xee\x95\x8f"

Definition at line 1118 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PHARMACY   "\xee\x95\x90"

Definition at line 1119 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PHONE   "\xee\x95\x91"

Definition at line 1120 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PIZZA   "\xee\x95\x92"

Definition at line 1121 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PLAY   "\xee\x95\x93"

Definition at line 1122 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_POLICE   "\xee\xbd\x96"

Definition at line 1123 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_POST_OFFICE   "\xee\x95\x94"

Definition at line 1124 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PRINT_SHOP   "\xee\x95\x95"

Definition at line 1125 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_PRINTSHOP   "\xee\x95\x95"

Definition at line 1126 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_RESTAURANT   "\xee\x95\x96"

Definition at line 1127 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_SEE   "\xee\x95\x97"

Definition at line 1128 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_SHIPPING   "\xee\x95\x98"

Definition at line 1129 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCAL_TAXI   "\xee\x95\x99"

Definition at line 1130 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_CITY   "\xee\x9f\xb1"

Definition at line 1131 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_DISABLED   "\xee\x86\xb6"

Definition at line 1132 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_HISTORY   "\xee\x95\x9a"

Definition at line 1133 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_OFF   "\xee\x83\x87"

Definition at line 1134 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_ON   "\xee\x83\x88"

Definition at line 1135 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_PIN   "\xef\x87\x9b"

Definition at line 1136 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCATION_SEARCHING   "\xee\x86\xb7"

Definition at line 1137 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK   "\xee\xa2\x97"

Definition at line 1138 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK_CLOCK   "\xee\xbd\x97"

Definition at line 1139 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK_OPEN   "\xee\xa2\x98"

Definition at line 1140 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa2\x99"

Definition at line 1141 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK_PERSON   "\xef\xa3\xb3"

Definition at line 1142 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOCK_RESET   "\xee\xab\x9e"

Definition at line 1143 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOGIN   "\xee\xa9\xb7"

Definition at line 1144 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOGO_DEV   "\xee\xab\x96"

Definition at line 1145 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOGOUT   "\xee\xa6\xba"

Definition at line 1146 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS   "\xee\x8f\xbc"

Definition at line 1147 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_3   "\xee\x8f\xbb"

Definition at line 1148 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_4   "\xee\x8f\xbd"

Definition at line 1149 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_5   "\xee\x8f\xbe"

Definition at line 1150 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_6   "\xee\x8f\xbf"

Definition at line 1151 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_ONE   "\xee\x90\x80"

Definition at line 1152 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOKS_TWO   "\xee\x90\x81"

Definition at line 1153 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOOP   "\xee\x80\xa8"

Definition at line 1154 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOUPE   "\xee\x90\x82"

Definition at line 1155 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOW_PRIORITY   "\xee\x85\xad"

Definition at line 1156 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LOYALTY   "\xee\xa2\x9a"

Definition at line 1157 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LTE_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\xac"

Definition at line 1158 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LTE_PLUS_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x80\xad"

Definition at line 1159 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LUGGAGE   "\xef\x88\xb5"

Definition at line 1160 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LUNCH_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xa1"

Definition at line 1161 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_LYRICS   "\xee\xb0\x8b"

Definition at line 1162 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAIL   "\xee\x85\x98"

Definition at line 1163 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAIL_LOCK   "\xee\xb0\x8a"

Definition at line 1164 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAIL_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\xa1"

Definition at line 1165 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MALE   "\xee\x96\x8e"

Definition at line 1166 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAN   "\xee\x93\xab"

Definition at line 1167 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_ACCOUNTS   "\xef\x80\xae"

Definition at line 1168 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_HISTORY   "\xee\xaf\xa7"

Definition at line 1169 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MANAGE_SEARCH   "\xef\x80\xaf"

Definition at line 1170 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAP   "\xee\x95\x9b"

Definition at line 1171 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAPS_HOME_WORK   "\xef\x80\xb0"

Definition at line 1172 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAPS_UGC   "\xee\xbd\x98"

Definition at line 1173 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARGIN   "\xee\xa6\xbb"

Definition at line 1174 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_AS_UNREAD   "\xee\xa6\xbc"

Definition at line 1175 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_CHAT_READ   "\xef\x86\x8b"

Definition at line 1176 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_CHAT_UNREAD   "\xef\x86\x89"

Definition at line 1177 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_EMAIL_READ   "\xef\x86\x8c"

Definition at line 1178 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_EMAIL_UNREAD   "\xef\x86\x8a"

Definition at line 1179 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARK_UNREAD_CHAT_ALT   "\xee\xae\x9d"

Definition at line 1180 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARKUNREAD   "\xee\x85\x99"

Definition at line 1181 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MARKUNREAD_MAILBOX   "\xee\xa2\x9b"

Definition at line 1182 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MASKS   "\xef\x88\x98"

Definition at line 1183 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MAXIMIZE   "\xee\xa4\xb0"

Definition at line 1184 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDIA_BLUETOOTH_OFF   "\xef\x80\xb1"

Definition at line 1185 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDIA_BLUETOOTH_ON   "\xef\x80\xb2"

Definition at line 1186 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDIATION   "\xee\xbe\xa7"

Definition at line 1187 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDICAL_INFORMATION   "\xee\xaf\xad"

Definition at line 1188 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDICAL_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x89"

Definition at line 1189 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDICATION   "\xef\x80\xb3"

Definition at line 1190 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEDICATION_LIQUID   "\xee\xaa\x87"

Definition at line 1191 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEETING_ROOM   "\xee\xad\x8f"

Definition at line 1192 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MEMORY   "\xee\x8c\xa2"


#define ICON_MD_MENU   "\xee\x97\x92"

Definition at line 1194 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MENU_BOOK   "\xee\xa8\x99"

Definition at line 1195 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MENU_OPEN   "\xee\xa6\xbd"

Definition at line 1196 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MERGE   "\xee\xae\x98"

Definition at line 1197 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MERGE_TYPE   "\xee\x89\x92"

Definition at line 1198 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MESSAGE   "\xee\x83\x89"

Definition at line 1199 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_MESSENGER   "\xee\x83\x8a"

Definition at line 1200 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MESSENGER_OUTLINE   "\xee\x83\x8b"

Definition at line 1201 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MIC   "\xee\x80\xa9"

Definition at line 1202 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MIC_EXTERNAL_OFF   "\xee\xbd\x99"

Definition at line 1203 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MIC_EXTERNAL_ON   "\xee\xbd\x9a"

Definition at line 1204 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MIC_NONE   "\xee\x80\xaa"

Definition at line 1205 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MIC_OFF   "\xee\x80\xab"

Definition at line 1206 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MICROWAVE   "\xef\x88\x84"

Definition at line 1207 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MILITARY_TECH   "\xee\xa8\xbf"

Definition at line 1208 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MINIMIZE   "\xee\xa4\xb1"

Definition at line 1209 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MINOR_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb1"

Definition at line 1210 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MISCELLANEOUS_SERVICES   "\xef\x84\x8c"

Definition at line 1211 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_MISSED_VIDEO_CALL   "\xee\x81\xb3"

Definition at line 1212 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MMS   "\xee\x98\x98"

Definition at line 1213 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_FRIENDLY   "\xee\x88\x80"

Definition at line 1214 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_OFF   "\xee\x88\x81"

Definition at line 1215 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOBILE_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa7"

Definition at line 1216 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOBILEDATA_OFF   "\xef\x80\xb4"

Definition at line 1217 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE   "\xef\x82\x97"

Definition at line 1218 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_COMMENT   "\xee\x89\x93"

Definition at line 1219 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_EDIT   "\xee\x89\x94"

Definition at line 1220 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_EDIT_OUTLINE   "\xef\x80\xb5"

Definition at line 1221 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_FAN_OFF   "\xee\xb0\x97"

Definition at line 1222 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_NIGHT   "\xef\x80\xb6"

Definition at line 1223 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_OF_TRAVEL   "\xee\x9f\x8e"

Definition at line 1224 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODE_STANDBY   "\xef\x80\xb7"

Definition at line 1225 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MODEL_TRAINING   "\xef\x83\x8f"

Definition at line 1226 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONETIZATION_ON   "\xee\x89\xa3"

Definition at line 1227 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONEY   "\xee\x95\xbd"

Definition at line 1228 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONEY_OFF   "\xee\x89\x9c"

Definition at line 1229 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONEY_OFF_CSRED   "\xef\x80\xb8"

Definition at line 1230 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONITOR   "\xee\xbd\x9b"

Definition at line 1231 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONITOR_HEART   "\xee\xaa\xa2"

Definition at line 1232 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONITOR_WEIGHT   "\xef\x80\xb9"

Definition at line 1233 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MONOCHROME_PHOTOS   "\xee\x90\x83"

Definition at line 1234 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOOD   "\xee\x9f\xb2"

Definition at line 1235 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOOD_BAD   "\xee\x9f\xb3"

Definition at line 1236 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOPED   "\xee\xac\xa8"

Definition at line 1237 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MORE   "\xee\x98\x99"

Definition at line 1238 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MORE_HORIZ   "\xee\x97\x93"

Definition at line 1239 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MORE_TIME   "\xee\xa9\x9d"

Definition at line 1240 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MORE_VERT   "\xee\x97\x94"


#define ICON_MD_MOSQUE   "\xee\xaa\xb2"

Definition at line 1242 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_AUTO   "\xef\x80\xba"

Definition at line 1243 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_OFF   "\xee\xa7\x80"

Definition at line 1244 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_ON   "\xee\xa7\x81"

Definition at line 1245 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_PAUSE   "\xef\x88\xa7"

Definition at line 1246 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTION_PHOTOS_PAUSED   "\xee\xa7\x82"

Definition at line 1247 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOTORCYCLE   "\xee\xa4\x9b"

Definition at line 1248 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOUSE   "\xee\x8c\xa3"

Definition at line 1249 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVE_DOWN   "\xee\xad\xa1"

Definition at line 1250 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVE_TO_INBOX   "\xee\x85\xa8"

Definition at line 1251 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVE_UP   "\xee\xad\xa4"

Definition at line 1252 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVIE   "\xee\x80\xac"

Definition at line 1253 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVIE_CREATION   "\xee\x90\x84"

Definition at line 1254 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVIE_FILTER   "\xee\x90\xba"

Definition at line 1255 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MOVING   "\xee\x94\x81"

Definition at line 1256 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MP   "\xee\xa7\x83"

Definition at line 1257 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MULTILINE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x9f"

Definition at line 1258 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MULTIPLE_STOP   "\xef\x86\xb9"

Definition at line 1259 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MULTITRACK_AUDIO   "\xee\x86\xb8"

Definition at line 1260 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MUSEUM   "\xee\xa8\xb6"

Definition at line 1261 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_NOTE   "\xee\x90\x85"


#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_OFF   "\xee\x91\x80"

Definition at line 1263 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MUSIC_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xa3"

Definition at line 1264 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_ADD   "\xee\x80\xae"

Definition at line 1265 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_BOOKS   "\xee\x80\xaf"

Definition at line 1266 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MY_LIBRARY_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xb0"

Definition at line 1267 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_MY_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\x9c"

Definition at line 1268 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NAT   "\xee\xbd\x9c"

Definition at line 1269 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NATURE   "\xee\x90\x86"

Definition at line 1270 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NATURE_PEOPLE   "\xee\x90\x87"

Definition at line 1271 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATE_BEFORE   "\xee\x90\x88"

Definition at line 1272 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATE_NEXT   "\xee\x90\x89"

Definition at line 1273 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NAVIGATION   "\xee\x95\x9d"

Definition at line 1274 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEAR_ME   "\xee\x95\xa9"

Definition at line 1275 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEAR_ME_DISABLED   "\xef\x87\xaf"

Definition at line 1276 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEARBY_ERROR   "\xef\x80\xbb"

Definition at line 1277 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEARBY_OFF   "\xef\x80\xbc"

Definition at line 1278 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEST_CAM_WIRED_STAND   "\xee\xb0\x96"

Definition at line 1279 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_CELL   "\xee\x86\xb9"

Definition at line 1280 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_CHECK   "\xee\x99\x80"

Definition at line 1281 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_LOCKED   "\xee\x98\x9a"

Definition at line 1282 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_PING   "\xee\xaf\x8a"

Definition at line 1283 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI   "\xee\x86\xba"

Definition at line 1284 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa4"

Definition at line 1285 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x96"

Definition at line 1286 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NETWORK_WIFI_3_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa1"

Definition at line 1287 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEW_LABEL   "\xee\x98\x89"

Definition at line 1288 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEW_RELEASES   "\xee\x80\xb1"

Definition at line 1289 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEWSPAPER   "\xee\xae\x81"

Definition at line 1290 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEXT_PLAN   "\xee\xbd\x9d"

Definition at line 1291 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NEXT_WEEK   "\xee\x85\xaa"

Definition at line 1292 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NFC   "\xee\x86\xbb"

Definition at line 1293 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NIGHT_SHELTER   "\xef\x87\xb1"

Definition at line 1294 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIFE   "\xee\xa9\xa2"

Definition at line 1295 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIGHT   "\xef\x80\xbd"

Definition at line 1296 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NIGHTLIGHT_ROUND   "\xee\xbd\x9e"

Definition at line 1297 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NIGHTS_STAY   "\xee\xa9\x86"

Definition at line 1298 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_ACCOUNTS   "\xef\x80\xbe"

Definition at line 1299 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_ADULT_CONTENT   "\xef\xa3\xbe"

Definition at line 1300 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_BACKPACK   "\xef\x88\xb7"

Definition at line 1301 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_CELL   "\xef\x86\xa4"

Definition at line 1302 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_CRASH   "\xee\xaf\xb0"

Definition at line 1303 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_DRINKS   "\xef\x86\xa5"

Definition at line 1304 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_ENCRYPTION   "\xee\x99\x81"

Definition at line 1305 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1306 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_FLASH   "\xef\x86\xa6"

Definition at line 1307 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_FOOD   "\xef\x86\xa7"

Definition at line 1308 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_LUGGAGE   "\xef\x88\xbb"

Definition at line 1309 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_MEALS   "\xef\x87\x96"

Definition at line 1310 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_MEALS_OULINE   "\xef\x88\xa9"

Definition at line 1311 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_MEETING_ROOM   "\xee\xad\x8e"

Definition at line 1312 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_PHOTOGRAPHY   "\xef\x86\xa8"

Definition at line 1313 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_SIM   "\xee\x83\x8c"

Definition at line 1314 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_STROLLER   "\xef\x86\xaf"

Definition at line 1315 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NO_TRANSFER   "\xef\x87\x95"

Definition at line 1316 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOISE_AWARE   "\xee\xaf\xac"

Definition at line 1317 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOISE_CONTROL_OFF   "\xee\xaf\xb3"

Definition at line 1318 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NORDIC_WALKING   "\xee\x94\x8e"

Definition at line 1319 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NORTH   "\xef\x87\xa0"

Definition at line 1320 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NORTH_EAST   "\xef\x87\xa1"

Definition at line 1321 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NORTH_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa2"

Definition at line 1322 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE   "\xef\x83\xbe"

Definition at line 1323 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOT_INTERESTED   "\xee\x80\xb3"

Definition at line 1324 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOT_LISTED_LOCATION   "\xee\x95\xb5"

Definition at line 1325 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOT_STARTED   "\xef\x83\x91"

Definition at line 1326 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTE   "\xee\x81\xaf"

Definition at line 1327 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTE_ADD   "\xee\xa2\x9c"

Definition at line 1328 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTE_ALT   "\xef\x81\x80"

Definition at line 1329 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTES   "\xee\x89\xac"

Definition at line 1330 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATION_ADD   "\xee\x8e\x99"

Definition at line 1331 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATION_IMPORTANT   "\xee\x80\x84"

Definition at line 1332 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS   "\xee\x9f\xb4"

Definition at line 1333 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVE   "\xee\x9f\xb7"

Definition at line 1334 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_NONE   "\xee\x9f\xb5"

Definition at line 1335 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF   "\xee\x9f\xb6"

Definition at line 1336 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_ON   "\xee\x9f\xb7"

Definition at line 1337 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOTIFICATIONS_PAUSED   "\xee\x9f\xb8"

Definition at line 1338 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOW_WALLPAPER   "\xee\x86\xbc"

Definition at line 1339 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NOW_WIDGETS   "\xee\x86\xbd"

Definition at line 1340 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_NUMBERS   "\xee\xab\x87"

Definition at line 1341 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_BOLT   "\xee\xa4\xb2"

Definition at line 1342 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_PIN   "\xee\xa4\x8a"

Definition at line 1343 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OFFLINE_SHARE   "\xee\xa7\x85"

Definition at line 1344 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OIL_BARREL   "\xee\xb0\x95"

Definition at line 1345 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ON_DEVICE_TRAINING   "\xee\xaf\xbd"

Definition at line 1346 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ONDEMAND_VIDEO   "\xee\x98\xba"

Definition at line 1347 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ONLINE_PREDICTION   "\xef\x83\xab"

Definition at line 1348 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OPACITY   "\xee\xa4\x9c"

Definition at line 1349 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_BROWSER   "\xee\xa2\x9d"

Definition at line 1350 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_FULL   "\xef\x87\x8e"

Definition at line 1351 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_NEW   "\xee\xa2\x9e"

Definition at line 1352 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OPEN_IN_NEW_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb6"

Definition at line 1353 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OPEN_WITH   "\xee\xa2\x9f"

Definition at line 1354 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OTHER_HOUSES   "\xee\x96\x8c"

Definition at line 1355 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTBOND   "\xef\x88\xa8"

Definition at line 1356 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTBOUND   "\xee\x87\x8a"

Definition at line 1357 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTBOX   "\xee\xbd\x9f"

Definition at line 1358 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTDOOR_GRILL   "\xee\xa9\x87"

Definition at line 1359 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTGOING_MAIL   "\xef\x83\x92"

Definition at line 1360 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTLET   "\xef\x87\x94"

Definition at line 1361 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTLINED_FLAG   "\xee\x85\xae"

Definition at line 1362 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_OUTPUT   "\xee\xae\xbe"

Definition at line 1363 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PADDING   "\xee\xa7\x88"

Definition at line 1364 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAGES   "\xee\x9f\xb9"

Definition at line 1365 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAGEVIEW   "\xee\xa2\xa0"

Definition at line 1366 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAID   "\xef\x81\x81"

Definition at line 1367 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PALETTE   "\xee\x90\x8a"


#define ICON_MD_PAN_TOOL   "\xee\xa4\xa5"

Definition at line 1369 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAN_TOOL_ALT   "\xee\xae\xb9"

Definition at line 1370 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA   "\xee\x90\x8b"

Definition at line 1371 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_FISH_EYE   "\xee\x90\x8c"

Definition at line 1372 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_FISHEYE   "\xee\x90\x8c"

Definition at line 1373 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_HORIZONTAL   "\xee\x90\x8d"

Definition at line 1374 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1375 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_PHOTOSPHERE   "\xee\xa7\x89"

Definition at line 1376 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1377 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_VERTICAL   "\xee\x90\x8e"

Definition at line 1378 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_VERTICAL_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\xa1"

Definition at line 1379 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_WIDE_ANGLE   "\xee\x90\x8f"

Definition at line 1380 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PANORAMA_WIDE_ANGLE_SELECT   "\xee\xbd\xa2"

Definition at line 1381 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PARAGLIDING   "\xee\x94\x8f"

Definition at line 1382 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PARK   "\xee\xa9\xa3"

Definition at line 1383 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PARTY_MODE   "\xee\x9f\xba"

Definition at line 1384 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PASSWORD   "\xef\x81\x82"

Definition at line 1385 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PATTERN   "\xef\x81\x83"

Definition at line 1386 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAUSE   "\xee\x80\xb4"

Definition at line 1387 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x86\xa2"

Definition at line 1388 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\x80\xb5"

Definition at line 1389 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\xb6"

Definition at line 1390 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAUSE_PRESENTATION   "\xee\x83\xaa"

Definition at line 1391 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAYMENT   "\xee\xa2\xa1"

Definition at line 1392 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAYMENTS   "\xee\xbd\xa3"

Definition at line 1393 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PAYPAL   "\xee\xaa\x8d"

Definition at line 1394 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PEDAL_BIKE   "\xee\xac\xa9"

Definition at line 1395 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PENDING   "\xee\xbd\xa4"

Definition at line 1396 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PENDING_ACTIONS   "\xef\x86\xbb"

Definition at line 1397 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PENTAGON   "\xee\xad\x90"

Definition at line 1398 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE   "\xee\x9f\xbb"

Definition at line 1399 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE_ALT   "\xee\xa8\xa1"

Definition at line 1400 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PEOPLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x9f\xbc"

Definition at line 1401 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERCENT   "\xee\xad\x98"

Definition at line 1402 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_CAMERA_MIC   "\xee\xa2\xa2"

Definition at line 1403 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_CONTACT_CAL   "\xee\xa2\xa3"

Definition at line 1404 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_CONTACT_CALENDAR   "\xee\xa2\xa3"

Definition at line 1405 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_DATA_SETTING   "\xee\xa2\xa4"

Definition at line 1406 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_DEVICE_INFO   "\xee\xa2\xa5"

Definition at line 1407 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_DEVICE_INFORMATION   "\xee\xa2\xa5"

Definition at line 1408 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_IDENTITY   "\xee\xa2\xa6"

Definition at line 1409 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_MEDIA   "\xee\xa2\xa7"

Definition at line 1410 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_PHONE_MSG   "\xee\xa2\xa8"

Definition at line 1411 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERM_SCAN_WIFI   "\xee\xa2\xa9"

Definition at line 1412 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON   "\xee\x9f\xbd"

Definition at line 1413 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xbe"

Definition at line 1414 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_ALT   "\xee\xa9\x8d"

Definition at line 1415 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_ALT_1   "\xee\xbd\xa5"

Definition at line 1416 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_ADD_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8b"

Definition at line 1417 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_OFF   "\xee\x94\x90"

Definition at line 1418 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_OUTLINE   "\xee\x9f\xbf"

Definition at line 1419 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_PIN   "\xee\x95\x9a"

Definition at line 1420 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_PIN_CIRCLE   "\xee\x95\xaa"

Definition at line 1421 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_REMOVE   "\xee\xbd\xa6"

Definition at line 1422 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_REMOVE_ALT_1   "\xee\xbd\xa7"

Definition at line 1423 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSON_SEARCH   "\xef\x84\x86"

Definition at line 1424 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSONAL_INJURY   "\xee\x9b\x9a"

Definition at line 1425 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PERSONAL_VIDEO   "\xee\x98\xbb"

Definition at line 1426 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PEST_CONTROL   "\xef\x83\xba"

Definition at line 1427 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_PEST_CONTROL_RODENT   "\xef\x83\xbd"

Definition at line 1428 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_PETS   "\xee\xa4\x9d"

Definition at line 1429 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHISHING   "\xee\xab\x97"

Definition at line 1430 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x8d"

Definition at line 1431 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_ANDROID   "\xee\x8c\xa4"

Definition at line 1432 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_BLUETOOTH_SPEAKER   "\xee\x98\x9b"

Definition at line 1433 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_CALLBACK   "\xee\x99\x89"

Definition at line 1434 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8c"

Definition at line 1435 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_ENABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8d"

Definition at line 1436 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_FORWARDED   "\xee\x98\x9c"

Definition at line 1437 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_IN_TALK   "\xee\x98\x9d"

Definition at line 1438 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_IPHONE   "\xee\x8c\xa5"

Definition at line 1439 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_LOCKED   "\xee\x98\x9e"

Definition at line 1440 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_MISSED   "\xee\x98\x9f"

Definition at line 1441 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONE_PAUSED   "\xee\x98\xa0"

Definition at line 1442 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK   "\xee\x8c\xa6"

Definition at line 1443 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_ERASE   "\xee\x83\x9b"

Definition at line 1444 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_LOCK   "\xee\x83\x9c"

Definition at line 1445 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_OFF   "\xee\x8c\xa7"

Definition at line 1446 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_RING   "\xee\x83\x9d"

Definition at line 1447 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHONELINK_SETUP   "\xee\x83\x9e"

Definition at line 1448 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO   "\xee\x90\x90"

Definition at line 1449 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_ALBUM   "\xee\x90\x91"

Definition at line 1450 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\x92"

Definition at line 1451 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA_BACK   "\xee\xbd\xa8"

Definition at line 1452 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xee\xbd\xa9"

Definition at line 1453 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_FILTER   "\xee\x90\xbb"

Definition at line 1454 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_LIBRARY   "\xee\x90\x93"

Definition at line 1455 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_ACTUAL   "\xee\x90\xb2"

Definition at line 1456 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_LARGE   "\xee\x90\xb3"

Definition at line 1457 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHOTO_SIZE_SELECT_SMALL   "\xee\x90\xb4"

Definition at line 1458 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PHP   "\xee\xae\x8f"

Definition at line 1459 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIANO   "\xee\x94\xa1"

Definition at line 1460 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIANO_OFF   "\xee\x94\xa0"

Definition at line 1461 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_AS_PDF   "\xee\x90\x95"

Definition at line 1462 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE   "\xee\xa2\xaa"

Definition at line 1463 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_ALT   "\xee\xa4\x91"

Definition at line 1464 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART   "\xee\x9b\x84"

Definition at line 1465 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART_OUTLINE   "\xef\x81\x84"

Definition at line 1466 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIE_CHART_OUTLINED   "\xee\x9b\x85"

Definition at line 1467 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIN   "\xef\x81\x85"

Definition at line 1468 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIN_DROP   "\xee\x95\x9e"

Definition at line 1469 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIN_END   "\xee\x9d\xa7"

Definition at line 1470 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIN_INVOKE   "\xee\x9d\xa3"

Definition at line 1471 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PINCH   "\xee\xac\xb8"

Definition at line 1472 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIVOT_TABLE_CHART   "\xee\xa7\x8e"

Definition at line 1473 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PIX   "\xee\xaa\xa3"

Definition at line 1474 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLACE   "\xee\x95\x9f"

Definition at line 1475 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAGIARISM   "\xee\xa9\x9a"

Definition at line 1476 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_ARROW   "\xee\x80\xb7"


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE   "\xee\x87\x84"

Definition at line 1478 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_FILL   "\xee\x80\xb8"

Definition at line 1479 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\x80\xb8"

Definition at line 1480 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x80\xb9"

Definition at line 1481 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_DISABLED   "\xee\xbd\xaa"

Definition at line 1482 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_FOR_WORK   "\xee\xa4\x86"

Definition at line 1483 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAY_LESSON   "\xef\x81\x87"

Definition at line 1484 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD   "\xee\x80\xbb"

Definition at line 1485 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CHECK   "\xee\x81\xa5"

Definition at line 1486 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CHECK_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9f\xa6"

Definition at line 1487 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_ADD_CIRCLE   "\xee\x9f\xa5"

Definition at line 1488 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_PLAY   "\xee\x81\x9f"

Definition at line 1489 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLAYLIST_REMOVE   "\xee\xae\x80"

Definition at line 1490 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLUMBING   "\xef\x84\x87"

Definition at line 1491 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PLUS_ONE   "\xee\xa0\x80"

Definition at line 1492 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PODCASTS   "\xef\x81\x88"

Definition at line 1493 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POINT_OF_SALE   "\xef\x85\xbe"

Definition at line 1494 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POLICY   "\xee\xa8\x97"

Definition at line 1495 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POLL   "\xee\xa0\x81"

Definition at line 1496 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POLYLINE   "\xee\xae\xbb"

Definition at line 1497 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POLYMER   "\xee\xa2\xab"

Definition at line 1498 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POOL   "\xee\xad\x88"

Definition at line 1499 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PORTABLE_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x83\x8e"

Definition at line 1500 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x90\x96"

Definition at line 1501 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POST_ADD   "\xee\xa8\xa0"

Definition at line 1502 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POWER   "\xee\x98\xbc"

Definition at line 1503 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POWER_INPUT   "\xee\x8c\xb6"

Definition at line 1504 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POWER_OFF   "\xee\x99\x86"

Definition at line 1505 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_POWER_SETTINGS_NEW   "\xee\xa2\xac"

Definition at line 1506 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRECISION_MANUFACTURING   "\xef\x81\x89"

Definition at line 1507 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PREGNANT_WOMAN   "\xee\xa4\x9e"

Definition at line 1508 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRESENT_TO_ALL   "\xee\x83\x9f"

Definition at line 1509 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PREVIEW   "\xef\x87\x85"

Definition at line 1510 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRICE_CHANGE   "\xef\x81\x8a"

Definition at line 1511 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRICE_CHECK   "\xef\x81\x8b"

Definition at line 1512 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRINT   "\xee\xa2\xad"

Definition at line 1513 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRINT_DISABLED   "\xee\xa7\x8f"

Definition at line 1514 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRIORITY_HIGH   "\xee\x99\x85"

Definition at line 1515 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRIVACY_TIP   "\xef\x83\x9c"

Definition at line 1516 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PRIVATE_CONNECTIVITY   "\xee\x9d\x84"

Definition at line 1517 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1518 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PROPANE   "\xee\xb0\x94"

Definition at line 1519 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PROPANE_TANK   "\xee\xb0\x93"

Definition at line 1520 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PSYCHOLOGY   "\xee\xa9\x8a"

Definition at line 1521 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUBLIC   "\xee\xa0\x8b"

Definition at line 1522 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUBLIC_OFF   "\xef\x87\x8a"

Definition at line 1523 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUBLISH   "\xee\x89\x95"

Definition at line 1524 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUBLISHED_WITH_CHANGES   "\xef\x88\xb2"

Definition at line 1525 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUNCH_CLOCK   "\xee\xaa\xa8"

Definition at line 1526 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_PUSH_PIN   "\xef\x84\x8d"

Definition at line 1527 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE   "\xee\xbd\xab"

Definition at line 1528 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE_2   "\xee\x80\x8a"

Definition at line 1529 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QR_CODE_SCANNER   "\xef\x88\x86"

Definition at line 1530 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUERY_BUILDER   "\xee\xa2\xae"

Definition at line 1531 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUERY_STATS   "\xee\x93\xbc"

Definition at line 1532 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUESTION_ANSWER   "\xee\xa2\xaf"

Definition at line 1533 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUESTION_MARK   "\xee\xae\x8b"

Definition at line 1534 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUEUE   "\xee\x80\xbc"

Definition at line 1535 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUEUE_MUSIC   "\xee\x80\xbd"

Definition at line 1536 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUEUE_PLAY_NEXT   "\xee\x81\xa6"

Definition at line 1537 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUICK_CONTACTS_DIALER   "\xee\x83\x8f"

Definition at line 1538 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUICK_CONTACTS_MAIL   "\xee\x83\x90"

Definition at line 1539 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUICKREPLY   "\xee\xbd\xac"

Definition at line 1540 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUIZ   "\xef\x81\x8c"

Definition at line 1541 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_QUORA   "\xee\xaa\x98"

Definition at line 1542 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_R_MOBILEDATA   "\xef\x81\x8d"

Definition at line 1543 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADAR   "\xef\x81\x8e"

Definition at line 1544 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADIO   "\xee\x80\xbe"

Definition at line 1545 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_CHECKED   "\xee\xa0\xb7"

Definition at line 1546 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_OFF   "\xee\xa0\xb6"

Definition at line 1547 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_ON   "\xee\xa0\xb7"

Definition at line 1548 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RADIO_BUTTON_UNCHECKED   "\xee\xa0\xb6"

Definition at line 1549 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAILWAY_ALERT   "\xee\xa7\x91"

Definition at line 1550 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAMEN_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xa4"

Definition at line 1551 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAMP_LEFT   "\xee\xae\x9c"

Definition at line 1552 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAMP_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\x96"

Definition at line 1553 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RATE_REVIEW   "\xee\x95\xa0"

Definition at line 1554 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAW_OFF   "\xef\x81\x8f"

Definition at line 1555 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RAW_ON   "\xef\x81\x90"

Definition at line 1556 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_READ_MORE   "\xee\xbd\xad"

Definition at line 1557 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REAL_ESTATE_AGENT   "\xee\x9c\xba"

Definition at line 1558 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECEIPT   "\xee\xa2\xb0"

Definition at line 1559 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECEIPT_LONG   "\xee\xbd\xae"

Definition at line 1560 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECENT_ACTORS   "\xee\x80\xbf"

Definition at line 1561 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECOMMEND   "\xee\xa7\x92"

Definition at line 1562 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECORD_VOICE_OVER   "\xee\xa4\x9f"

Definition at line 1563 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECTANGLE   "\xee\xad\x94"

Definition at line 1564 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RECYCLING   "\xee\x9d\xa0"

Definition at line 1565 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REDDIT   "\xee\xaa\xa0"

Definition at line 1566 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REDEEM   "\xee\xa2\xb1"

Definition at line 1567 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_REDUCE_CAPACITY   "\xef\x88\x9c"

Definition at line 1569 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REFRESH   "\xee\x97\x95"

Definition at line 1570 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_REMEMBER_ME   "\xef\x81\x91"

Definition at line 1571 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE   "\xee\x85\x9b"

Definition at line 1572 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_CIRCLE   "\xee\x85\x9c"

Definition at line 1573 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_CIRCLE_OUTLINE   "\xee\x85\x9d"

Definition at line 1574 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_DONE   "\xee\xa7\x93"

Definition at line 1575 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE   "\xee\x81\xa7"

Definition at line 1576 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_MODERATOR   "\xee\xa7\x94"

Definition at line 1577 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_RED_EYE   "\xee\x90\x97"

Definition at line 1578 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_ROAD   "\xee\xaf\xbc"

Definition at line 1579 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REMOVE_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa4\xa8"

Definition at line 1580 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REORDER   "\xee\xa3\xbe"

Definition at line 1581 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPEAT   "\xee\x81\x80"

Definition at line 1582 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ON   "\xee\xa7\x96"

Definition at line 1583 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ONE   "\xee\x81\x81"

Definition at line 1584 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPEAT_ONE_ON   "\xee\xa7\x97"

Definition at line 1585 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLAY   "\xee\x81\x82"

Definition at line 1586 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_10   "\xee\x81\x99"

Definition at line 1587 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_30   "\xee\x81\x9a"

Definition at line 1588 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_5   "\xee\x81\x9b"

Definition at line 1589 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLAY_CIRCLE_FILLED   "\xee\xa7\x98"

Definition at line 1590 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLY   "\xee\x85\x9e"

Definition at line 1591 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPLY_ALL   "\xee\x85\x9f"

Definition at line 1592 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPORT   "\xee\x85\xa0"

Definition at line 1593 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPORT_GMAILERRORRED   "\xef\x81\x92"

Definition at line 1594 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPORT_OFF   "\xee\x85\xb0"

Definition at line 1595 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REPORT_PROBLEM   "\xee\xa2\xb2"

Definition at line 1596 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REQUEST_PAGE   "\xef\x88\xac"

Definition at line 1597 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REQUEST_QUOTE   "\xef\x86\xb6"

Definition at line 1598 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESET_TV   "\xee\xa7\x99"

Definition at line 1599 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTART_ALT   "\xef\x81\x93"

Definition at line 1600 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTAURANT   "\xee\x95\xac"

Definition at line 1601 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTAURANT_MENU   "\xee\x95\xa1"

Definition at line 1602 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTORE   "\xee\xa2\xb3"

Definition at line 1603 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTORE_FROM_TRASH   "\xee\xa4\xb8"

Definition at line 1604 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RESTORE_PAGE   "\xee\xa4\xa9"

Definition at line 1605 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_REVIEWS   "\xef\x81\x94"

Definition at line 1606 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RICE_BOWL   "\xef\x87\xb5"

Definition at line 1607 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RING_VOLUME   "\xee\x83\x91"

Definition at line 1608 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROCKET   "\xee\xae\xa5"

Definition at line 1609 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROCKET_LAUNCH   "\xee\xae\x9b"

Definition at line 1610 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SHADES   "\xee\xb0\x92"

Definition at line 1611 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SHADES_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x91"

Definition at line 1612 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROLLER_SKATING   "\xee\xaf\x8d"

Definition at line 1613 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROOFING   "\xef\x88\x81"

Definition at line 1614 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROOM   "\xee\xa2\xb4"

Definition at line 1615 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROOM_PREFERENCES   "\xef\x86\xb8"

Definition at line 1616 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROOM_SERVICE   "\xee\xad\x89"

Definition at line 1617 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_90_DEGREES_CCW   "\xee\x90\x98"

Definition at line 1618 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_90_DEGREES_CW   "\xee\xaa\xab"

Definition at line 1619 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_LEFT   "\xee\x90\x99"

Definition at line 1620 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROTATE_RIGHT   "\xee\x90\x9a"

Definition at line 1621 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROUNDABOUT_LEFT   "\xee\xae\x99"

Definition at line 1622 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROUNDABOUT_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xa3"

Definition at line 1623 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROUNDED_CORNER   "\xee\xa4\xa0"

Definition at line 1624 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROUTE   "\xee\xab\x8d"

Definition at line 1625 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROUTER   "\xee\x8c\xa8"

Definition at line 1626 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_ROWING   "\xee\xa4\xa1"

Definition at line 1627 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RSS_FEED   "\xee\x83\xa5"

Definition at line 1628 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RSVP   "\xef\x81\x95"

Definition at line 1629 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RTT   "\xee\xa6\xad"

Definition at line 1630 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RULE   "\xef\x87\x82"

Definition at line 1631 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RULE_FOLDER   "\xef\x87\x89"

Definition at line 1632 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RUN_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\xaf"

Definition at line 1633 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RUNNING_WITH_ERRORS   "\xee\x94\x9d"

Definition at line 1634 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_RV_HOOKUP   "\xee\x99\x82"

Definition at line 1635 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAFETY_CHECK   "\xee\xaf\xaf"

Definition at line 1636 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAFETY_DIVIDER   "\xee\x87\x8c"

Definition at line 1637 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAILING   "\xee\x94\x82"

Definition at line 1638 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SANITIZER   "\xef\x88\x9d"

Definition at line 1639 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SATELLITE   "\xee\x95\xa2"

Definition at line 1640 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SATELLITE_ALT   "\xee\xac\xba"

Definition at line 1641 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAVE   "\xee\x85\xa1"

Definition at line 1642 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_SAVE_ALT   "\xee\x85\xb1"

Definition at line 1643 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAVE_AS   "\xee\xad\xa0"

Definition at line 1644 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SAVED_SEARCH   "\xee\xa8\x91"

Definition at line 1645 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SAVINGS   "\xee\x8b\xab"

Definition at line 1646 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCALE   "\xee\xad\x9f"

Definition at line 1647 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCANNER   "\xee\x8c\xa9"

Definition at line 1648 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCATTER_PLOT   "\xee\x89\xa8"

Definition at line 1649 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCHEDULE   "\xee\xa2\xb5"

Definition at line 1650 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCHEDULE_SEND   "\xee\xa8\x8a"

Definition at line 1651 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCHEMA   "\xee\x93\xbd"

Definition at line 1652 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCHOOL   "\xee\xa0\x8c"

Definition at line 1653 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCIENCE   "\xee\xa9\x8b"

Definition at line 1654 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCORE   "\xee\x89\xa9"

Definition at line 1655 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCOREBOARD   "\xee\xaf\x90"

Definition at line 1656 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x86\xbe"

Definition at line 1657 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x86\xbf"

Definition at line 1658 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_LOCK_ROTATION   "\xee\x87\x80"

Definition at line 1659 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_ROTATION   "\xee\x87\x81"

Definition at line 1660 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_ROTATION_ALT   "\xee\xaf\xae"

Definition at line 1661 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_SEARCH_DESKTOP   "\xee\xbd\xb0"

Definition at line 1662 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa2"

Definition at line 1663 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCREENSHOT   "\xef\x81\x96"

Definition at line 1664 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SCREENSHOT_MONITOR   "\xee\xb0\x88"

Definition at line 1665 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SCUBA_DIVING   "\xee\xaf\x8e"

Definition at line 1666 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SD   "\xee\xa7\x9d"

Definition at line 1667 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SD_CARD   "\xee\x98\xa3"

Definition at line 1668 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SD_CARD_ALERT   "\xef\x81\x97"

Definition at line 1669 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SD_STORAGE   "\xee\x87\x82"

Definition at line 1670 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEARCH   "\xee\xa2\xb6"

Definition at line 1671 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SEARCH_OFF   "\xee\xa9\xb6"

Definition at line 1672 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SECURITY   "\xee\x8c\xaa"

Definition at line 1673 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE   "\xef\x81\x98"

Definition at line 1674 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE_GOOD   "\xef\x81\x99"

Definition at line 1675 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SECURITY_UPDATE_WARNING   "\xef\x81\x9a"

Definition at line 1676 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEGMENT   "\xee\xa5\x8b"

Definition at line 1677 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SELECT_ALL   "\xee\x85\xa2"

Definition at line 1678 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::GraphicsEditor::DrawGfxEditToolset().


#define ICON_MD_SELF_IMPROVEMENT   "\xee\xa9\xb8"

Definition at line 1679 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SELL   "\xef\x81\x9b"

Definition at line 1680 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEND   "\xee\x85\xa3"

Definition at line 1681 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEND_AND_ARCHIVE   "\xee\xa8\x8c"

Definition at line 1682 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEND_TIME_EXTENSION   "\xee\xab\x9b"

Definition at line 1683 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEND_TO_MOBILE   "\xef\x81\x9c"

Definition at line 1684 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_DOOR   "\xef\x86\xb5"

Definition at line 1685 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_OCCUPIED   "\xee\xb0\x90"

Definition at line 1686 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENSOR_WINDOW   "\xef\x86\xb4"

Definition at line 1687 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENSORS   "\xee\x94\x9e"

Definition at line 1688 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENSORS_OFF   "\xee\x94\x9f"

Definition at line 1689 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_DISSATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x91"

Definition at line 1690 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_NEUTRAL   "\xee\xa0\x92"

Definition at line 1691 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_SATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x93"

Definition at line 1692 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_SATISFIED_ALT   "\xee\x83\xad"

Definition at line 1693 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1694 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SENTIMENT_VERY_SATISFIED   "\xee\xa0\x95"

Definition at line 1695 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SET_MEAL   "\xef\x87\xaa"

Definition at line 1696 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS   "\xee\xa2\xb8"


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY   "\xef\x81\x9d"

Definition at line 1698 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_APPLICATIONS   "\xee\xa2\xb9"

Definition at line 1699 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BACKUP_RESTORE   "\xee\xa2\xba"

Definition at line 1700 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH   "\xee\xa2\xbb"

Definition at line 1701 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS   "\xee\xa2\xbd"

Definition at line 1702 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_CELL   "\xee\xa2\xbc"

Definition at line 1703 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_DISPLAY   "\xee\xa2\xbd"

Definition at line 1704 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_ETHERNET   "\xee\xa2\xbe"

Definition at line 1705 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_ANTENNA   "\xee\xa2\xbf"

Definition at line 1706 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_COMPONENT   "\xee\xa3\x80"

Definition at line 1707 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_COMPOSITE   "\xee\xa3\x81"

Definition at line 1708 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_HDMI   "\xee\xa3\x82"

Definition at line 1709 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_INPUT_SVIDEO   "\xee\xa3\x83"

Definition at line 1710 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_OVERSCAN   "\xee\xa3\x84"

Definition at line 1711 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_PHONE   "\xee\xa3\x85"

Definition at line 1712 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_POWER   "\xee\xa3\x86"

Definition at line 1713 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_REMOTE   "\xee\xa3\x87"

Definition at line 1714 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_SUGGEST   "\xef\x81\x9e"

Definition at line 1715 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_SYSTEM_DAYDREAM   "\xee\x87\x83"

Definition at line 1716 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SETTINGS_VOICE   "\xee\xa3\x88"

Definition at line 1717 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SEVERE_COLD   "\xee\xaf\x93"

Definition at line 1718 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHARE   "\xee\xa0\x8d"

Definition at line 1719 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHARE_ARRIVAL_TIME   "\xee\x94\xa4"

Definition at line 1720 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHARE_LOCATION   "\xef\x81\x9f"

Definition at line 1721 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHIELD   "\xee\xa7\xa0"

Definition at line 1722 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHIELD_MOON   "\xee\xaa\xa9"

Definition at line 1723 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOP   "\xee\xa3\x89"

Definition at line 1724 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOP_2   "\xee\x86\x9e"

Definition at line 1725 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOP_TWO   "\xee\xa3\x8a"

Definition at line 1726 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOPIFY   "\xee\xaa\x9d"

Definition at line 1727 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_BAG   "\xef\x87\x8c"

Definition at line 1728 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_BASKET   "\xee\xa3\x8b"

Definition at line 1729 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_CART   "\xee\xa3\x8c"

Definition at line 1730 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOPPING_CART_CHECKOUT   "\xee\xae\x88"

Definition at line 1731 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHORT_TEXT   "\xee\x89\xa1"

Definition at line 1732 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHORTCUT   "\xef\x81\xa0"

Definition at line 1733 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOW_CHART   "\xee\x9b\xa1"

Definition at line 1734 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHOWER   "\xef\x81\xa1"

Definition at line 1735 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHUFFLE   "\xee\x81\x83"

Definition at line 1736 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHUFFLE_ON   "\xee\xa7\xa1"

Definition at line 1737 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SHUTTER_SPEED   "\xee\x90\xbd"

Definition at line 1738 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SICK   "\xef\x88\xa0"

Definition at line 1739 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGN_LANGUAGE   "\xee\xaf\xa5"

Definition at line 1740 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_0_BAR   "\xef\x82\xa8"

Definition at line 1741 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_4_BAR   "\xee\x87\x88"

Definition at line 1742 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT   "\xee\x88\x82"

Definition at line 1743 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT_1_BAR   "\xee\xaf\x9f"

Definition at line 1744 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT_2_BAR   "\xee\xaf\xa3"

Definition at line 1745 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1746 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1747 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NO_SIM   "\xee\x87\x8e"

Definition at line 1748 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NODATA   "\xef\x81\xa2"

Definition at line 1749 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_NULL   "\xee\x87\x8f"

Definition at line 1750 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_OFF   "\xee\x87\x90"

Definition at line 1751 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_0_BAR   "\xef\x82\xb0"

Definition at line 1752 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_4_BAR   "\xee\x87\x98"

Definition at line 1753 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_4_BAR_LOCK   "\xee\x87\x99"

Definition at line 1754 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_BAD   "\xef\x81\xa3"

Definition at line 1755 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1756 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x87\x9a"

Definition at line 1757 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_STATUSBAR_4_BAR   "\xef\x81\xa5"

Definition at line 1758 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1759 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNAL_WIFI_STATUSBAR_NULL   "\xef\x81\xa7"

Definition at line 1760 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIGNPOST   "\xee\xae\x91"

Definition at line 1761 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD   "\xee\x8c\xab"

Definition at line 1762 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD_ALERT   "\xee\x98\xa4"

Definition at line 1763 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIM_CARD_DOWNLOAD   "\xef\x81\xa8"

Definition at line 1764 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SINGLE_BED   "\xee\xa9\x88"

Definition at line 1765 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SIP   "\xef\x81\xa9"

Definition at line 1766 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SKATEBOARDING   "\xee\x94\x91"

Definition at line 1767 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SKIP_NEXT   "\xee\x81\x84"

Definition at line 1768 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_SKIP_PREVIOUS   "\xee\x81\x85"

Definition at line 1769 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SLEDDING   "\xee\x94\x92"

Definition at line 1770 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SLIDESHOW   "\xee\x90\x9b"

Definition at line 1771 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SLOW_MOTION_VIDEO   "\xee\x81\xa8"

Definition at line 1772 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMART_BUTTON   "\xef\x87\x81"

Definition at line 1773 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMART_DISPLAY   "\xef\x81\xaa"

Definition at line 1774 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMART_SCREEN   "\xef\x81\xab"

Definition at line 1775 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMART_TOY   "\xef\x81\xac"

Definition at line 1776 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SMARTPHONE   "\xee\x8c\xac"

Definition at line 1777 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMOKE_FREE   "\xee\xad\x8a"

Definition at line 1778 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMOKING_ROOMS   "\xee\xad\x8b"

Definition at line 1779 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMS   "\xee\x98\xa5"

Definition at line 1780 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SMS_FAILED   "\xee\x98\xa6"

Definition at line 1781 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNAPCHAT   "\xee\xa9\xae"

Definition at line 1782 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNIPPET_FOLDER   "\xef\x87\x87"

Definition at line 1783 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNOOZE   "\xee\x81\x86"

Definition at line 1784 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNOWBOARDING   "\xee\x94\x93"

Definition at line 1785 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x8f"

Definition at line 1786 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNOWMOBILE   "\xee\x94\x83"

Definition at line 1787 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SNOWSHOEING   "\xee\x94\x94"

Definition at line 1788 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOAP   "\xef\x86\xb2"

Definition at line 1789 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOCIAL_DISTANCE   "\xee\x87\x8b"

Definition at line 1790 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOLAR_POWER   "\xee\xb0\x8f"

Definition at line 1791 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SORT   "\xee\x85\xa4"

Definition at line 1792 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SORT_BY_ALPHA   "\xee\x81\x93"

Definition at line 1793 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOS   "\xee\xaf\xb7"

Definition at line 1794 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOUP_KITCHEN   "\xee\x9f\x93"

Definition at line 1795 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOURCE   "\xef\x87\x84"

Definition at line 1796 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOUTH   "\xef\x87\xa3"

Definition at line 1797 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_AMERICA   "\xee\x9f\xa4"

Definition at line 1798 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_EAST   "\xef\x87\xa4"

Definition at line 1799 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SOUTH_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa5"

Definition at line 1800 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPA   "\xee\xad\x8c"

Definition at line 1801 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPACE_BAR   "\xee\x89\x96"

Definition at line 1802 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPACE_DASHBOARD   "\xee\x99\xab"

Definition at line 1803 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::EditorManager::Initialize().


#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_AUDIO   "\xee\xaf\xab"

Definition at line 1804 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_AUDIO_OFF   "\xee\xaf\xa8"

Definition at line 1805 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPATIAL_TRACKING   "\xee\xaf\xaa"

Definition at line 1806 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER   "\xee\x8c\xad"

Definition at line 1807 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_GROUP   "\xee\x8c\xae"

Definition at line 1808 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_NOTES   "\xee\xa3\x8d"

Definition at line 1809 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_NOTES_OFF   "\xee\xa4\xaa"

Definition at line 1810 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEAKER_PHONE   "\xee\x83\x92"

Definition at line 1811 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPEED   "\xee\xa7\xa4"

Definition at line 1812 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPELLCHECK   "\xee\xa3\x8e"

Definition at line 1813 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPLITSCREEN   "\xef\x81\xad"

Definition at line 1814 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPOKE   "\xee\xa6\xa7"

Definition at line 1815 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xb0"

Definition at line 1816 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BAR   "\xef\x87\xb3"

Definition at line 1817 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BASEBALL   "\xee\xa9\x91"

Definition at line 1818 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_BASKETBALL   "\xee\xa8\xa6"

Definition at line 1819 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_CRICKET   "\xee\xa8\xa7"

Definition at line 1820 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_ESPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xa8"

Definition at line 1821 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_FOOTBALL   "\xee\xa8\xa9"

Definition at line 1822 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_GOLF   "\xee\xa8\xaa"

Definition at line 1823 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_GYMNASTICS   "\xee\xaf\x84"

Definition at line 1824 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_HANDBALL   "\xee\xa8\xb3"

Definition at line 1825 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_HOCKEY   "\xee\xa8\xab"

Definition at line 1826 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_KABADDI   "\xee\xa8\xb4"

Definition at line 1827 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MARTIAL_ARTS   "\xee\xab\xa9"

Definition at line 1828 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MMA   "\xee\xa8\xac"

Definition at line 1829 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_MOTORSPORTS   "\xee\xa8\xad"

Definition at line 1830 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_RUGBY   "\xee\xa8\xae"

Definition at line 1831 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_SCORE   "\xef\x81\xae"

Definition at line 1832 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_SOCCER   "\xee\xa8\xaf"

Definition at line 1833 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_TENNIS   "\xee\xa8\xb2"

Definition at line 1834 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SPORTS_VOLLEYBALL   "\xee\xa8\xb1"

Definition at line 1835 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SQUARE   "\xee\xac\xb6"

Definition at line 1836 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::DungeonEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_SQUARE_FOOT   "\xee\xa9\x89"

Definition at line 1837 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SSID_CHART   "\xee\xad\xa6"

Definition at line 1838 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STACKED_BAR_CHART   "\xee\xa7\xa6"

Definition at line 1839 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STACKED_LINE_CHART   "\xef\x88\xab"

Definition at line 1840 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STADIUM   "\xee\xae\x90"

Definition at line 1841 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAIRS   "\xef\x86\xa9"

Definition at line 1842 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR   "\xee\xa0\xb8"

Definition at line 1843 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderMemoryViewer().


#define ICON_MD_STAR_BORDER   "\xee\xa0\xba"

Definition at line 1844 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR_BORDER_PURPLE500   "\xef\x82\x99"

Definition at line 1845 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR_HALF   "\xee\xa0\xb9"

Definition at line 1846 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR_OUTLINE   "\xef\x81\xaf"

Definition at line 1847 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR_PURPLE500   "\xef\x82\x9a"

Definition at line 1848 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAR_RATE   "\xef\x83\xac"

Definition at line 1849 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STARS   "\xee\xa3\x90"

Definition at line 1850 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_START   "\xee\x82\x89"

Definition at line 1851 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAY_CURRENT_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x83\x93"

Definition at line 1852 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAY_CURRENT_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x83\x94"

Definition at line 1853 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAY_PRIMARY_LANDSCAPE   "\xee\x83\x95"

Definition at line 1854 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STAY_PRIMARY_PORTRAIT   "\xee\x83\x96"

Definition at line 1855 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STICKY_NOTE_2   "\xef\x87\xbc"

Definition at line 1856 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STOP   "\xee\x81\x87"


#define ICON_MD_STOP_CIRCLE   "\xee\xbd\xb1"

Definition at line 1858 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STOP_SCREEN_SHARE   "\xee\x83\xa3"

Definition at line 1859 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STORAGE   "\xee\x87\x9b"

Definition at line 1860 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STORE   "\xee\xa3\x91"

Definition at line 1861 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STORE_MALL_DIRECTORY   "\xee\x95\xa3"

Definition at line 1862 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STOREFRONT   "\xee\xa8\x92"

Definition at line 1863 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STORM   "\xef\x81\xb0"

Definition at line 1864 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STRAIGHT   "\xee\xae\x95"

Definition at line 1865 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STRAIGHTEN   "\xee\x90\x9c"

Definition at line 1866 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STREAM   "\xee\xa7\xa9"

Definition at line 1867 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STREETVIEW   "\xee\x95\xae"

Definition at line 1868 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STRIKETHROUGH_S   "\xee\x89\x97"

Definition at line 1869 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STROLLER   "\xef\x86\xae"

Definition at line 1870 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_STYLE   "\xee\x90\x9d"

Definition at line 1871 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBDIRECTORY_ARROW_LEFT   "\xee\x97\x99"

Definition at line 1872 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBDIRECTORY_ARROW_RIGHT   "\xee\x97\x9a"

Definition at line 1873 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBJECT   "\xee\xa3\x92"

Definition at line 1874 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBSCRIPT   "\xef\x84\x91"

Definition at line 1875 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBSCRIPTIONS   "\xee\x81\xa4"

Definition at line 1876 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBTITLES   "\xee\x81\x88"

Definition at line 1877 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBTITLES_OFF   "\xee\xbd\xb2"

Definition at line 1878 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUBWAY   "\xee\x95\xaf"

Definition at line 1879 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUMMARIZE   "\xef\x81\xb1"

Definition at line 1880 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUNNY   "\xee\xa0\x9a"

Definition at line 1881 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUNNY_SNOWING   "\xee\xa0\x99"

Definition at line 1882 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUPERSCRIPT   "\xef\x84\x92"

Definition at line 1883 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUPERVISED_USER_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa4\xb9"

Definition at line 1884 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUPERVISOR_ACCOUNT   "\xee\xa3\x93"

Definition at line 1885 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUPPORT   "\xee\xbd\xb3"

Definition at line 1886 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SUPPORT_AGENT   "\xef\x83\xa2"

Definition at line 1887 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SURFING   "\xee\x94\x95"

Definition at line 1888 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SURROUND_SOUND   "\xee\x81\x89"

Definition at line 1889 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_CALLS   "\xee\x83\x97"

Definition at line 1890 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_HORIZ   "\xee\xa3\x94"

Definition at line 1891 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_HORIZONTAL_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa4\xb3"

Definition at line 1892 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERT   "\xee\xa3\x95"

Definition at line 1893 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERT_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa3\x96"

Definition at line 1894 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWAP_VERTICAL_CIRCLE   "\xee\xa3\x96"

Definition at line 1895 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE   "\xee\xa7\xac"

Definition at line 1896 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_DOWN   "\xee\xad\x93"

Definition at line 1897 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb0"

Definition at line 1898 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_LEFT   "\xee\xad\x99"

Definition at line 1899 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_LEFT_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb3"

Definition at line 1900 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_RIGHT   "\xee\xad\x92"

Definition at line 1901 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_RIGHT_ALT   "\xee\xad\x96"

Definition at line 1902 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_UP   "\xee\xac\xae"

Definition at line 1903 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_UP_ALT   "\xee\xac\xb5"

Definition at line 1904 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWIPE_VERTICAL   "\xee\xad\x91"

Definition at line 1905 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCESS_SHORTCUT   "\xee\x9f\xa1"

Definition at line 1906 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCESS_SHORTCUT_ADD   "\xee\x9f\xa2"

Definition at line 1907 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_ACCOUNT   "\xee\xa7\xad"

Definition at line 1908 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_CAMERA   "\xee\x90\x9e"

Definition at line 1909 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_LEFT   "\xef\x87\x91"

Definition at line 1910 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_RIGHT   "\xef\x87\x92"

Definition at line 1911 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SWITCH_VIDEO   "\xee\x90\x9f"

Definition at line 1912 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNAGOGUE   "\xee\xaa\xb0"

Definition at line 1913 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNC   "\xee\x98\xa7"

Definition at line 1914 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNC_ALT   "\xee\xa8\x98"

Definition at line 1915 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNC_DISABLED   "\xee\x98\xa8"

Definition at line 1916 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNC_LOCK   "\xee\xab\xae"

Definition at line 1917 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYNC_PROBLEM   "\xee\x98\xa9"

Definition at line 1918 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_SECURITY_UPDATE   "\xef\x81\xb2"

Definition at line 1919 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_SECURITY_UPDATE_GOOD   "\xef\x81\xb3"

Definition at line 1920 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 1921 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE   "\xee\x98\xaa"

Definition at line 1922 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE_ALT   "\xee\xa3\x97"

Definition at line 1923 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::emu::Emulator::RenderNavBar().


#define ICON_MD_SYSTEM_UPDATE_TV   "\xee\xa3\x97"

Definition at line 1924 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAB   "\xee\xa3\x98"

Definition at line 1925 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAB_UNSELECTED   "\xee\xa3\x99"

Definition at line 1926 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLE_BAR   "\xee\xab\x92"

Definition at line 1927 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLE_CHART   "\xee\x89\xa5"

Definition at line 1928 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::OverworldEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_TABLE_RESTAURANT   "\xee\xab\x86"

Definition at line 1929 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLE_ROWS   "\xef\x84\x81"

Definition at line 1930 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLE_VIEW   "\xef\x86\xbe"

Definition at line 1931 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLET   "\xee\x8c\xaf"

Definition at line 1932 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLET_ANDROID   "\xee\x8c\xb0"

Definition at line 1933 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TABLET_MAC   "\xee\x8c\xb1"

Definition at line 1934 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAG   "\xee\xa7\xaf"

Definition at line 1935 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAG_FACES   "\xee\x90\xa0"

Definition at line 1936 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAKEOUT_DINING   "\xee\xa9\xb4"

Definition at line 1937 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAP_AND_PLAY   "\xee\x98\xab"

Definition at line 1938 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAPAS   "\xef\x87\xa9"

Definition at line 1939 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TASK   "\xef\x81\xb5"

Definition at line 1940 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TASK_ALT   "\xee\x8b\xa6"

Definition at line 1941 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TAXI_ALERT   "\xee\xbd\xb4"

Definition at line 1942 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TELEGRAM   "\xee\xa9\xab"

Definition at line 1943 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEMPLE_BUDDHIST   "\xee\xaa\xb3"

Definition at line 1944 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEMPLE_HINDU   "\xee\xaa\xaf"

Definition at line 1945 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TERMINAL   "\xee\xae\x8e"

Definition at line 1946 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TERRAIN   "\xee\x95\xa4"

Definition at line 1947 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_DECREASE   "\xee\xab\x9d"

Definition at line 1948 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_FIELDS   "\xee\x89\xa2"

Definition at line 1949 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_FORMAT   "\xee\x85\xa5"

Definition at line 1950 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_INCREASE   "\xee\xab\xa2"

Definition at line 1951 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATE_UP   "\xee\xa4\xba"

Definition at line 1952 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATE_VERTICAL   "\xee\xa4\xbb"

Definition at line 1953 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_ANGLEDOWN   "\xee\xa4\xbc"

Definition at line 1954 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_ANGLEUP   "\xee\xa4\xbd"

Definition at line 1955 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_DOWN   "\xee\xa4\xbe"

Definition at line 1956 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_ROTATION_NONE   "\xee\xa4\xbf"

Definition at line 1957 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXT_SNIPPET   "\xef\x87\x86"

Definition at line 1958 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXTSMS   "\xee\x83\x98"

Definition at line 1959 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TEXTURE   "\xee\x90\xa1"

Definition at line 1960 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THEATER_COMEDY   "\xee\xa9\xa6"

Definition at line 1961 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THEATERS   "\xee\xa3\x9a"

Definition at line 1962 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THERMOSTAT   "\xef\x81\xb6"

Definition at line 1963 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THERMOSTAT_AUTO   "\xef\x81\xb7"

Definition at line 1964 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\x9b"

Definition at line 1965 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\xa0\x96"

Definition at line 1966 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_DOWN_OFF_ALT   "\xee\xa7\xb2"

Definition at line 1967 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP   "\xee\xa3\x9c"

Definition at line 1968 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP_ALT   "\xee\xa0\x97"

Definition at line 1969 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMB_UP_OFF_ALT   "\xee\xa7\xb3"

Definition at line 1970 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUMBS_UP_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\x9d"

Definition at line 1971 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_THUNDERSTORM   "\xee\xaf\x9b"

Definition at line 1972 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIKTOK   "\xee\xa9\xbe"

Definition at line 1973 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIME_TO_LEAVE   "\xee\x98\xac"

Definition at line 1974 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMELAPSE   "\xee\x90\xa2"

Definition at line 1975 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMELINE   "\xee\xa4\xa2"

Definition at line 1976 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER   "\xee\x90\xa5"

Definition at line 1977 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER_10   "\xee\x90\xa3"

Definition at line 1978 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER_10_SELECT   "\xef\x81\xba"

Definition at line 1979 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER_3   "\xee\x90\xa4"

Definition at line 1980 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER_3_SELECT   "\xef\x81\xbb"

Definition at line 1981 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIMER_OFF   "\xee\x90\xa6"

Definition at line 1982 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIPS_AND_UPDATES   "\xee\x9e\x9a"

Definition at line 1983 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TIRE_REPAIR   "\xee\xaf\x88"

Definition at line 1984 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TITLE   "\xee\x89\xa4"

Definition at line 1985 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOC   "\xee\xa3\x9e"

Definition at line 1986 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TODAY   "\xee\xa3\x9f"

Definition at line 1987 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOGGLE_OFF   "\xee\xa7\xb5"

Definition at line 1988 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOGGLE_ON   "\xee\xa7\xb6"

Definition at line 1989 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOKEN   "\xee\xa8\xa5"

Definition at line 1990 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOLL   "\xee\xa3\xa0"

Definition at line 1991 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TONALITY   "\xee\x90\xa7"

Definition at line 1992 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOPIC   "\xef\x87\x88"

Definition at line 1993 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TORNADO   "\xee\x86\x99"

Definition at line 1994 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOUCH_APP   "\xee\xa4\x93"

Definition at line 1995 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOUR   "\xee\xbd\xb5"

Definition at line 1996 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TOYS   "\xee\x8c\xb2"

Definition at line 1997 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRACK_CHANGES   "\xee\xa3\xa1"

Definition at line 1998 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRAFFIC   "\xee\x95\xa5"

Definition at line 1999 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRAIN   "\xee\x95\xb0"

Definition at line 2000 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRAM   "\xee\x95\xb1"

Definition at line 2001 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRANSFER_WITHIN_A_STATION   "\xee\x95\xb2"

Definition at line 2002 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRANSFORM   "\xee\x90\xa8"

Definition at line 2003 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRANSGENDER   "\xee\x96\x8d"

Definition at line 2004 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRANSIT_ENTEREXIT   "\xee\x95\xb9"

Definition at line 2005 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRANSLATE   "\xee\xa3\xa2"

Definition at line 2006 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRAVEL_EXPLORE   "\xee\x8b\x9b"

Definition at line 2007 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_DOWN   "\xee\xa3\xa3"

Definition at line 2008 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_FLAT   "\xee\xa3\xa4"

Definition at line 2009 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_NEUTRAL   "\xee\xa3\xa4"

Definition at line 2010 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRENDING_UP   "\xee\xa3\xa5"

Definition at line 2011 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRIP_ORIGIN   "\xee\x95\xbb"

Definition at line 2012 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TROUBLESHOOT   "\xee\x87\x92"

Definition at line 2013 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TRY   "\xef\x81\xbc"

Definition at line 2014 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TSUNAMI   "\xee\xaf\x98"

Definition at line 2015 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TTY   "\xef\x86\xaa"

Definition at line 2016 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TUNE   "\xee\x90\xa9"

Definition at line 2017 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TUNGSTEN   "\xef\x81\xbd"

Definition at line 2018 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa6"

Definition at line 2019 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xab"

Definition at line 2020 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_SHARP_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa7"

Definition at line 2021 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_SHARP_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xaa"

Definition at line 2022 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_SLIGHT_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa4"

Definition at line 2023 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURN_SLIGHT_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\x9a"

Definition at line 2024 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURNED_IN   "\xee\xa3\xa6"

Definition at line 2025 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TURNED_IN_NOT   "\xee\xa3\xa7"

Definition at line 2026 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TV   "\xee\x8c\xb3"

Definition at line 2027 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TV_OFF   "\xee\x99\x87"

Definition at line 2028 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_TWO_WHEELER   "\xee\xa7\xb9"

Definition at line 2029 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_U_TURN_LEFT   "\xee\xae\xa1"

Definition at line 2030 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_U_TURN_RIGHT   "\xee\xae\xa2"

Definition at line 2031 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UMBRELLA   "\xef\x86\xad"

Definition at line 2032 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UNARCHIVE   "\xee\x85\xa9"

Definition at line 2033 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_UNFOLD_LESS   "\xee\x97\x96"

Definition at line 2035 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UNFOLD_MORE   "\xee\x97\x97"

Definition at line 2036 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UNPUBLISHED   "\xef\x88\xb6"

Definition at line 2037 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UNSUBSCRIBE   "\xee\x83\xab"

Definition at line 2038 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPCOMING   "\xef\x81\xbe"

Definition at line 2039 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPDATE   "\xee\xa4\xa3"

Definition at line 2040 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPDATE_DISABLED   "\xee\x81\xb5"

Definition at line 2041 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPGRADE   "\xef\x83\xbb"

Definition at line 2042 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPLOAD   "\xef\x82\x9b"

Definition at line 2043 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_UPLOAD_FILE   "\xee\xa7\xbc"

Definition at line 2044 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_USB   "\xee\x87\xa0"

Definition at line 2045 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_USB_OFF   "\xee\x93\xba"

Definition at line 2046 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VACCINES   "\xee\x84\xb8"

Definition at line 2047 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VAPE_FREE   "\xee\xaf\x86"

Definition at line 2048 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VAPING_ROOMS   "\xee\xaf\x8f"

Definition at line 2049 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERIFIED   "\xee\xbd\xb6"

Definition at line 2050 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERIFIED_USER   "\xee\xa3\xa8"

Definition at line 2051 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM   "\xee\x89\x98"

Definition at line 2052 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER   "\xee\x89\x99"

Definition at line 2053 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP   "\xee\x89\x9a"

Definition at line 2054 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_DISTRIBUTE   "\xee\x81\xb6"

Definition at line 2055 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SHADES   "\xee\xb0\x8e"

Definition at line 2056 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SHADES_CLOSED   "\xee\xb0\x8d"

Definition at line 2057 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VERTICAL_SPLIT   "\xee\xa5\x89"

Definition at line 2058 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIBRATION   "\xee\x98\xad"

Definition at line 2059 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CALL   "\xee\x81\xb0"

Definition at line 2060 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CAMERA_BACK   "\xef\x81\xbf"

Definition at line 2061 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_CAMERA_FRONT   "\xef\x82\x80"

Definition at line 2062 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_COLLECTION   "\xee\x81\x8a"

Definition at line 2063 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_FILE   "\xee\xae\x87"

Definition at line 2064 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_LABEL   "\xee\x81\xb1"

Definition at line 2065 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_LIBRARY   "\xee\x81\x8a"

Definition at line 2066 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_SETTINGS   "\xee\xa9\xb5"

Definition at line 2067 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEO_STABLE   "\xef\x82\x81"

Definition at line 2068 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM   "\xee\x81\x8b"

Definition at line 2069 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM_OFF   "\xee\x81\x8c"

Definition at line 2070 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET   "\xee\x8c\xb8"

Definition at line 2071 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET_OFF   "\xee\x94\x80"

Definition at line 2072 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_AGENDA   "\xee\xa3\xa9"

Definition at line 2073 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_ARRAY   "\xee\xa3\xaa"

Definition at line 2074 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_CAROUSEL   "\xee\xa3\xab"

Definition at line 2075 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COLUMN   "\xee\xa3\xac"

Definition at line 2076 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFORTABLE   "\xee\x90\xaa"

Definition at line 2077 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFY   "\xee\x90\xaa"

Definition at line 2078 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMFY_ALT   "\xee\xad\xb3"

Definition at line 2079 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMPACT   "\xee\x90\xab"

Definition at line 2080 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COMPACT_ALT   "\xee\xad\xb4"

Definition at line 2081 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_COZY   "\xee\xad\xb5"

Definition at line 2082 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_DAY   "\xee\xa3\xad"

Definition at line 2083 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_HEADLINE   "\xee\xa3\xae"

Definition at line 2084 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_IN_AR   "\xee\xa7\xbe"

Definition at line 2085 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_KANBAN   "\xee\xad\xbf"

Definition at line 2086 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_LIST   "\xee\xa3\xaf"

Definition at line 2087 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_MODULE   "\xee\xa3\xb0"

Definition at line 2088 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_QUILT   "\xee\xa3\xb1"

Definition at line 2089 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_SIDEBAR   "\xef\x84\x94"

Definition at line 2090 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_STREAM   "\xee\xa3\xb2"

Definition at line 2091 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_TIMELINE   "\xee\xae\x85"

Definition at line 2092 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIEW_WEEK   "\xee\xa3\xb3"

Definition at line 2093 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VIGNETTE   "\xee\x90\xb5"

Definition at line 2094 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VILLA   "\xee\x96\x86"

Definition at line 2095 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VISIBILITY   "\xee\xa3\xb4"

Definition at line 2096 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VISIBILITY_OFF   "\xee\xa3\xb5"

Definition at line 2097 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOICE_CHAT   "\xee\x98\xae"

Definition at line 2098 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOICE_OVER_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x8a"

Definition at line 2099 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOICEMAIL   "\xee\x83\x99"

Definition at line 2100 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLCANO   "\xee\xaf\x9a"

Definition at line 2101 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_DOWN   "\xee\x81\x8d"

Definition at line 2102 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_DOWN_ALT   "\xee\x9e\x9c"

Definition at line 2103 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_MUTE   "\xee\x81\x8e"

Definition at line 2104 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_OFF   "\xee\x81\x8f"

Definition at line 2105 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VOLUME_UP   "\xee\x81\x90"

Definition at line 2106 of file icons.h.

Referenced by yaze::editor::MusicEditor::DrawToolset().


#define ICON_MD_VOLUNTEER_ACTIVISM   "\xee\xa9\xb0"

Definition at line 2107 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VPN_KEY   "\xee\x83\x9a"

Definition at line 2108 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VPN_KEY_OFF   "\xee\xad\xba"

Definition at line 2109 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VPN_LOCK   "\xee\x98\xaf"

Definition at line 2110 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_VRPANO   "\xef\x82\x82"

Definition at line 2111 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WALLET   "\xef\xa3\xbf"

Definition at line 2112 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WALLET_GIFTCARD   "\xee\xa3\xb6"

Definition at line 2113 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WALLET_MEMBERSHIP   "\xee\xa3\xb7"

Definition at line 2114 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WALLET_TRAVEL   "\xee\xa3\xb8"

Definition at line 2115 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WALLPAPER   "\xee\x86\xbc"

Definition at line 2116 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WAREHOUSE   "\xee\xae\xb8"

Definition at line 2117 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WARNING   "\xee\x80\x82"

Definition at line 2118 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WARNING_AMBER   "\xef\x82\x83"

Definition at line 2119 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WASH   "\xef\x86\xb1"

Definition at line 2120 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATCH   "\xee\x8c\xb4"

Definition at line 2121 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATCH_LATER   "\xee\xa4\xa4"

Definition at line 2122 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATCH_OFF   "\xee\xab\xa3"

Definition at line 2123 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATER   "\xef\x82\x84"

Definition at line 2124 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATER_DAMAGE   "\xef\x88\x83"

Definition at line 2125 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATER_DROP   "\xee\x9e\x98"

Definition at line 2126 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WATERFALL_CHART   "\xee\xa8\x80"

Definition at line 2127 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WAVES   "\xee\x85\xb6"

Definition at line 2128 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WAVING_HAND   "\xee\x9d\xa6"

Definition at line 2129 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_AUTO   "\xee\x90\xac"

Definition at line 2130 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_CLOUDY   "\xee\x90\xad"

Definition at line 2131 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_INCANDESCENT   "\xee\x90\xae"

Definition at line 2132 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_IRIDESCENT   "\xee\x90\xb6"

Definition at line 2133 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_SHADE   "\xee\xa8\x81"

Definition at line 2134 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_SUNNY   "\xee\x90\xb0"

Definition at line 2135 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_TWIGHLIGHT   "\xee\xa8\x82"

Definition at line 2136 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WB_TWILIGHT   "\xee\x87\x86"

Definition at line 2137 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WC   "\xee\x98\xbd"

Definition at line 2138 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEB   "\xee\x81\x91"

Definition at line 2139 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEB_ASSET   "\xee\x81\xa9"

Definition at line 2140 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEB_ASSET_OFF   "\xee\x93\xb7"

Definition at line 2141 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEB_STORIES   "\xee\x96\x95"

Definition at line 2142 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEBHOOK   "\xee\xae\x92"

Definition at line 2143 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WECHAT   "\xee\xaa\x81"

Definition at line 2144 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEEKEND   "\xee\x85\xab"

Definition at line 2145 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WEST   "\xef\x87\xa6"

Definition at line 2146 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WHATSAPP   "\xee\xaa\x9c"

Definition at line 2147 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WHATSHOT   "\xee\xa0\x8e"

Definition at line 2148 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WHEELCHAIR_PICKUP   "\xef\x86\xab"

Definition at line 2149 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WHERE_TO_VOTE   "\xee\x85\xb7"

Definition at line 2150 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIDGETS   "\xee\x86\xbd"

Definition at line 2151 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_FULL   "\xef\xa3\xb5"

Definition at line 2152 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_NORMAL   "\xef\xa3\xb6"

Definition at line 2153 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIDTH_WIDE   "\xef\xa3\xb7"

Definition at line 2154 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI   "\xee\x98\xbe"

Definition at line 2155 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_1_BAR   "\xee\x93\x8a"

Definition at line 2156 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_2_BAR   "\xee\x93\x99"

Definition at line 2157 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CALLING   "\xee\xbd\xb7"

Definition at line 2158 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CALLING_3   "\xef\x82\x85"

Definition at line 2159 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_CHANNEL   "\xee\xad\xaa"

Definition at line 2160 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_FIND   "\xee\xac\xb1"

Definition at line 2161 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_LOCK   "\xee\x87\xa1"

Definition at line 2162 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_OFF   "\xee\x99\x88"

Definition at line 2163 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_PASSWORD   "\xee\xad\xab"

Definition at line 2164 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_PROTECTED_SETUP   "\xef\x83\xbc"

Definition at line 2165 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING   "\xee\x87\xa2"

Definition at line 2166 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING_ERROR   "\xee\xab\x99"

Definition at line 2167 of file icons.h.



Definition at line 2168 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIFI_TETHERING_OFF   "\xef\x82\x87"

Definition at line 2169 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WIND_POWER   "\xee\xb0\x8c"

Definition at line 2170 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WINDOW   "\xef\x82\x88"

Definition at line 2171 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WINE_BAR   "\xef\x87\xa8"

Definition at line 2172 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WOMAN   "\xee\x84\xbe"

Definition at line 2173 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WOO_COMMERCE   "\xee\xa9\xad"

Definition at line 2174 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORDPRESS   "\xee\xaa\x9f"

Definition at line 2175 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORK   "\xee\xa3\xb9"

Definition at line 2176 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORK_HISTORY   "\xee\xb0\x89"

Definition at line 2177 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORK_OFF   "\xee\xa5\x82"

Definition at line 2178 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORK_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa5\x83"

Definition at line 2179 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACE_PREMIUM   "\xee\x9e\xaf"

Definition at line 2180 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES   "\xee\x86\xa0"

Definition at line 2181 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES_FILLED   "\xee\xa8\x8d"

Definition at line 2182 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WORKSPACES_OUTLINE   "\xee\xa8\x8f"

Definition at line 2183 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WRAP_TEXT   "\xee\x89\x9b"

Definition at line 2184 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WRONG_LOCATION   "\xee\xbd\xb8"

Definition at line 2185 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_WYSIWYG   "\xef\x87\x83"

Definition at line 2186 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_YARD   "\xef\x82\x89"

Definition at line 2187 of file icons.h.


#define ICON_MD_YOUTUBE_SEARCHED_FOR   "\xee\xa3\xba"

Definition at line 2188 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_IN_MAP   "\xee\xac\xad"

Definition at line 2190 of file icons.h.



#define ICON_MD_ZOOM_OUT_MAP   "\xee\x95\xab"

Definition at line 2192 of file icons.h.