21 uint8_t bAdr,
bool fromB);
Implementation of the Memory interface for emulating memory in a SNES system.
SNES Emulation and debugging tools.
void TransferByte(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory, uint16_t aAdr, uint8_t aBank, uint8_t bAdr, bool fromB)
void ResetDma(MemoryImpl *memory)
void WriteDma(MemoryImpl *memory, uint16_t adr, uint8_t val)
void HandleDma(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory, int cpu_cycles)
void WaitCycle(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory)
uint8_t ReadDma(MemoryImpl *memory, uint16_t adr)
void DoDma(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory, int cpuCycles)
void StartDma(MemoryImpl *memory, uint8_t val, bool hdma)
void InitHdma(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory, bool do_sync, int cpu_cycles)
void DoHdma(Snes *snes, MemoryImpl *memory, bool do_sync, int cycles)
Main namespace for the application.