Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- i() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- i_postinc() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- id() : yaze::zelda3::Sprite
- idx() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- idy() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- imm() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- Immediate() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::test::Cpu
- INC() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Cpu, yaze::test::Spc700
- Inc() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::test::Cpu
- INCW() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- ind() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- ind_ind() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- ind_p() : yaze::emu::Spc700, yaze::test::Spc700
- Init() : yaze::emu::Apu, yaze::emu::MockMemory, yaze::emu::Ppu, yaze::emu::Snes, yaze::gfx::Tilesheet, yaze::test::MockMemory
- init() : yaze::core::PlatformBackend< Derived >, yaze::core::Sdl2Backend
- init_audio() : yaze::core::PlatformBackend< Derived >, yaze::core::Sdl2Backend
- init_hdma_request() : yaze::emu::Memory, yaze::emu::MemoryImpl
- InitAccessTime() : yaze::emu::Snes
- Initialize() : yaze::core::Controller, yaze::editor::AssemblyEditor, yaze::editor::DungeonEditor, yaze::editor::Editor, yaze::editor::EditorManager, yaze::editor::GraphicsEditor, yaze::editor::MessageEditor, yaze::editor::MusicEditor, yaze::editor::OverworldEditor, yaze::editor::PaletteEditor, yaze::editor::ScreenEditor, yaze::editor::SettingsEditor, yaze::editor::SpriteEditor, yaze::editor::Tile16Editor, yaze::emu::MemoryImpl, yaze::emu::MockMemory, yaze::gfx::Bitmap, yaze::gui::Bitmap, yaze::gui::GfxSheetAssetBrowser, yaze::test::MockMemory
- InitializeExtensions() : yaze::editor::ExtensionManager
- InitSprite() : yaze::zelda3::Sprite
- InlineUpdate() : yaze::editor::AssemblyEditor
- InsertLine() : TextEditor
- InsertMemory() : yaze::emu::MockMemory, yaze::test::MockMemory
- InsertText() : TextEditor
- InsertTextAt() : TextEditor
- InstructionEntry() : yaze::emu::InstructionEntry
- int::main() : yaze::core::Controller
- Invalid() : TextEditor::Coordinates
- INX() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::test::Cpu
- INY() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::test::Cpu
- is_active() : yaze::gfx::Bitmap, yaze::gui::Bitmap
- is_initialized() : yaze::zelda3::OverworldMap
- is_large_map() : yaze::zelda3::OverworldMap
- is_loaded() : yaze::Rom, yaze::test::Rom, yaze::zelda3::Overworld
- is_modified() : yaze::gfx::SnesColor
- is_transparent() : yaze::gfx::SnesColor
- IsActive() : yaze::core::Controller
- IsBreakpoint() : yaze::emu::Cpu, yaze::test::Cpu
- IsColorizerEnabled() : TextEditor
- IsCursorPositionChanged() : TextEditor
- IsHandleKeyboardInputsEnabled() : TextEditor
- IsHandleMouseInputsEnabled() : TextEditor
- IsImGuiChildIgnored() : TextEditor
- IsMouseHovering() : yaze::gui::Canvas
- IsOnWordBoundary() : TextEditor
- IsOverwrite() : TextEditor
- IsReadOnly() : TextEditor
- IsShowingWhitespaces() : TextEditor
- IsTextChanged() : TextEditor