yaze 0.2.0
Link to the Past ROM Editor
No Matches

0.0.1 (06-08-2022)

  • Started project
  • Added ImGui
  • Added SDL2
  • Added yaze_test target with gtest

0.0.2 - 0.0.4

  • TODO: Track changes over this time

0.0.5 (11-21-2023)

  • DungeonEditor
  • DungeonObjectRenderer

0.0.6 (11-22-2023)

  • ScreenEditor DungeonMap
  • Tile16 Editor
  • Canvas updates

0.0.7 (01-27-2024)

  • OverworldEntities
    • Entrances
    • Exits
    • Items
    • Sprites

0.1.0 (05-11-2024)

  • TODO: Track changes over this time

0.2.0 (07-20-2024)

  • iOS app support
  • Graphics Sheet Browser
  • Project Files

0.2.1 (08-20-2024)

  • Improved MessageEditor parsing
  • Added integration test window
  • Bitmap bug fixes